Many of us are drawn to
certain TV shows because of common ground we share with their settings or
characters. I have no doubt that doctors have greater insight into the
scenarios created in Dr. Kildare,
House and Marcus Welby, M.D., and may enjoy them (or dissect them) differently
than I would.
For three years, I taught English
101 at a community college. While I did not have the dedication to continue in
that pursuit, and have the greatest admiration for those that do, the
experience has inspired an affinity for shows about teachers. I don’t think
there’s been a school-set series from Our Miss Brooks to Glee
that I haven’t at least sampled.
These are my five favorite
TV teachers. I hope to hear about yours.
1. Pete Dixon (Lloyd
Haynes), Room 222
Some pointy-headed social
commentators enjoy pontificating about how bland television was back in the
1950s and 1960s, because it was unwilling or (due to tighter content standards)
unable to explore “the real world.” And that since the 1980s, TV shows have
become more “realistic,” and thus automatically better. This is largely
nonsense, but that’s another topic for another day. It is relevant here because
Room 222 (1969-1974) debuted in
the midst of that perceived paradigm shift – it tackled real-world issues, yet
still introduced in Pete Dixon a teacher as indisputably admirable as those
educators from a more innocent era.
As an American history
teacher, Dixon challenged his students to question conventional wisdom. He
encouraged classroom discussion, controversy and creativity; he fought the
school administration when it was warranted, and backed them up when it was
appropriate. And overworked as he was he wouldn’t let a kid fall through the
cracks, no matter how much of his after-school time was compromised.
Best of all, he guided his students through a chaotic time by leading from an example of compassionate common sense that, had it been shared by more folks in 1969, might have eased some of the tensions that nearly broke the country in two. “I better ask you straight out – do you prefer ‘colored,’ or ‘negro,’ or ‘black’?” inquires naïve young student-teacher Alice Johnson (Karen Valentine). Responds Dixon, “I always preferred ‘Pete.’”
2. Elizabeth Sherwood
(Carol Mayo Jenkins), Fame
Teaching has been called a
thankless job, certainly when judged by its financial rewards. But what could
be more thankless than teaching English in a school for the arts, where
the students could care less about writing essays because they all expected to be
in Hollywood or on Broadway in a few months? Such was the challenge met by Fame’s Elizabeth Sherwood. Sometimes she played their
game, using Bob Dylan lyrics to teach a lesson in poetry; other times she
force-fed them classic literature until they recognized its significance. And
in one episode she performed a traditional African dance. Really, really badly.
3. Charlie Moore (Howard
Hesseman), Head of the Class
The twist in this show was
that the students on Head of the Class
were the anti-Sweathogs, geniuses and super-achievers who were ostracized for
their intelligence. Into this classroom of high-maintenance kids ambled Charlie
Moore, the ultimate laid-back history professor who was not intimidated by the
fact that his students were already smarter than he was. While this series
doesn’t have A-list classic TV status, Howard Hesseman ranks on the short list
of actors that played two noteworthy television characters.
4. Professor Charles W.
Kingsfield Jr. (John Houseman), The Paper Chase
Unlike the other teachers
on this list, Professor Kingfield is one you’d love to watch on TV, but may
hate to have standing at the business end of the classroom. Sure, years later
you might look back with appreciation at how he turned your skull full of mush
into the thoughts of a lawyer, but it was going to be hell getting there. The
imperious John Houseman found a career-defining role after decades of
prestigious work. And then he made Smith Barney the most respected investment
firm on Wall Street.
5. Miss McGinnis (Marion
Ross), The Donna Reed Show
This is a one episode
appearance (“Flowers for the Teacher,” season two), but it stuck with me
because of how vividly it illustrates how terrified new teachers are when they
stand in front of a classroom for the first time. Sure, you’ve got the bigger
desk, but the power that comes with it is only an illusion. You’re outnumbered
up there, and strong-arm tactics alone aren’t going to win the day. Fifteen
years before Happy Days, Marion
Ross is wonderful as a teacher fresh out of training school and still trying to
figure out the job.
Honorable Mentions:
Jenny Calendar (Robia
LaMorte), Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Russell Lawrence (Don
Porter), Gidget
Albert Hague (Benjamin
Shorofsky), Fame
Carrie Bliss (Hayley
Mills), Good Morning Miss Bliss
Laura Jenkins (Peggy
Lipton), Wings