Showing posts with label Irene. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Irene. Show all posts

Thursday, 24 January 2013

Irene's collaged postcards

Hi all

I'm blogging these postcards for Irene as blogger is giving her a hard time

Here are the bases Irene received from Pat:

and here they are in all their finished glory:

ooooh, saucy! ;)

Monday, 20 August 2012

Irene and Effies pages

Some more of the pages in my little book; it is getting quite chunky now with so much to look at.I love the elements that Effie puts in, then I have great fun adding to them.  It is all just right up my street and I have huge amounts of fun "looking"for little bits to stick in our books. I have an ever growing pile of stuff that might just come in useful!!!

This is on it's way to Effie and i'm really really looking forward to adding to her book.

And I must apologise(again!!)for my rubbish pics and post on this blog. If anyone is ever around my neck of the woods and would like to show me (or poke me in the eye) how I should be doing this, I'll ply them with G&T's!!!!!

Wednesday, 18 July 2012

Irene and Effies Books

I am having HUGE amounts of fun doing these, and the reason there has been very few pics of these books is (I feel) largely due to me! I am so thick when it comes to doing this blogging stuff! but I won't say fear not as I was going to, but, be afraid be very afraid as I attempt now (I have half a day to spare) to put some little pics of what we are doing.

I apologise in advance to Effie as these are going to be very mixed up

The first 4 pics are in my book all combined efforts, it's such fun as Effie puts little bits into my book to play with, as the ladies, love that stamp, and since that pic was taken the ladies now wear crowns atop their heads,courtesy of Effie.

The last pic is in Effies book,she coloured the page and i've added the owl and bits,this is now going to be posted to Effie,and there are other pages I've done but I don't want to spoil the surprise for her,and,I don't want to subject you lot to any more of my ramblings!!!!

I would have liked this post to look different,but hey-ho maybe practise will make perfect? Oh would just like to add that the Gordons page and the ladies were done as the Queens Jubilee was going on,seemed rather apt,and Effie has done some lovely royal themed pages this post!

Wednesday, 23 May 2012

Effie & Irene Pair Journal

These are a couple of pages that I have done in Effies book,she has them now and I would show you the rest but the penny has only just dropped with me on how to actually put a post here!!!!! so i'll go very slowly and see how I get on!


extra photos:

Friday, 13 April 2012


(I'm posting this blurb on Irene's behalf as she doesn't have a blogger account - Sarah)

have always loved to make things, fabric and embroidery were my first loves and things that I still enjoy but now I like to incorporate with mixed media at times;

I like the fun of a new challenge even if sometimes it’s not quite my style 

What is my style? Well a bit eclectic really, but I love bling, richness and all thing OTT - as an indication I went to Venice last year and was in pure heaven.

I have also discovered altering books which has become a bit of a passion.

I also love to be outdoors, walking/hiking or gardening, oh and I’m partial to the odd G&T and a glass or two of the vin-rouge! 

And I’m married to the long suffering Tony have two daughters, and the two most amazing Grandsons

(Sarah here again -  as Irene doesn't have photos handy of her work I've included a couple of pictures of gorgeous things she has done for me in past swaps, and also a lovely altered book that she made recently for fellow Collabor-ART member Shirley)

Sorry for rubbish phone pic - this is gorgeous in the flesh

From a recent street art themed CJ

Altered book - gorgeous

Welcome aboard Irene!!