Tuesday, 5 October 2021


 I just got back from a short stint of supply teaching and went out to the garden to dig some remaining potatoes for supper tonight. 

Can you tell these were growing close to the compost bin? Chicken manure and shavings also go in the compost! I apologize for not knowing how to turn this image. It’s the first time I’m posting from my phone. 

It was such a good growing summer. I had the best onions and carrots I’ve ever grown as well.


  1. Nice looking tatties!!
    As they say, you get out what you put in!!

  2. Great potatoes! Great growing location!

  3. They are exceptional! I am regretting not planting potatoes this year as I had tons for Thanksgiving dinner last year.

  4. It has been a very good year for growing...Those spuds are magnificent!

  5. Your compost is like gold. The potatoes are a testament to the wonders of having a great compost to feed the garden.

  6. Beautiful, beautiful potatoes. Bet they taste wonderful.

  7. Great size - and the flavour and texture was good too we hope???

  8. Enjoy your potatoes. They look terrific

  9. Have you tried growing potatoes under straw? It works.
    the Ol'Buzzard

  10. Grown close to the compost bin, you say? I can relate to that. Grass (sod?) surrounds a couple of our compost bins on three sides and when I mow I could use one of those mowers you see cutting grass alongside the highway. The grass is so heavy, thick, and lush. It took me a while to figure out why it was so different than that in the rest of the lawn. (I'm slow.) Those taters are monsters. Hope they tasted wonderful. I'm sure they did!

  11. Here in Connecticut we had an excellent growing season as well! And the purple potatoes were divine! We have two crates full in the basement. Glad to see all is well in your world -

  12. Wow those are great potatoes. Hope they are yummy. Have a great day today. xoxo Kris

  13. Those spuds are looking good!

  14. Those taters look awesome! Enjoy them. Hugs, Edna B.

  15. Oh my goodness! You grew baking potatoes! Those are really goodlooking potatoes. We had a good growing season here too.

  16. Those are some big taters you got, Mam! Have a great weekend!

  17. Nice potatoes!!! You've reminded me to go and check on mine!!

  18. do homegrown potatoes taste different/better than those bought in the store?

  19. Egads! Those are a meal all their own! I bet they are delicious.

  20. You DID have a good growing season! Those potatoes are huge!

  21. Whoa, that's some big taters! Are you enjoying being a sub teacher? I considered doing that but decided against it in the end. Feeling like Canada here this morning with the temp below 40.
