Showing posts with label promos. Show all posts
Showing posts with label promos. Show all posts

Join me in celebrating Read an Ebook Week! (Or better titled: FREE BOOKS!)

Today sparks off Read an Ebook Week, and as such, I thought I'd point everyone to the many freebies and promotions going on right now at Smashwords. For those of you who don't know a whole lot about Smashwords, it's a plaform authors use to make their ebooks available to readers. It's also a simple way for readers to preview, read and store ebooks. (Smashwords offers ebooks in simple formats so you can read them on pretty much any ereading device too, including Nook, Kindle, Kobo, Sony Reader and Palm Doc, and gives options for online viewing via plain text, RTF and PDF.) It's also my distributor--it distributes the ebook version of PITY ISN'T AN OPTION to Barnes and Noble, Apple's ibooks, and other ebook retailers.

From what I can tell, as this is the first time I've participated, many readers eagerly wait for Read An Ebook Week so they can stock up on insane amounts of free and/or discounted ebooks. (In the words of Smashwords founder, Mark Coker, "More than a couple times, it crashed the site as thousands of readers overloaded our servers by stocking up on ebooks like there was no tomorrow.")

To read Mark's article about Read An Ebook Week, click here.

If you would like to take advantage of PITY ISN'T AN OPTION's freebie status, click here.

Remember, when you get a warm, fuzzy feeling (or any other feeling, for that matter) because a book has affected you, letting the author (and fellow readers) know about it is an incredible gift. Readers have the power to pass their book love along to others--a simple "click" of the mouse (on a "like" button, or star rating system, for instance) can make a world of difference. (In fact, recently I posted some easy, no-brainer ways about how to share the book love.)

Now what are you waiting for? Go stock up on books! :)

Be blessed,
