Showing posts with label ebook. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ebook. Show all posts

July's #JLBgivesawayanINDIE: 2 time travel books, + go back to Shakespearean time w/a Romeo & Juliet DVD!

July's #JLBgivesawayanINDIE is not one but two of Nicole Zoltack's time travel standalones!!! As a BONUS, we're also giving away a DVD of the The Most Dangerous Love Story Ever Told (US only)! More about the DVD soon, but first, here's a little about Love Before Honor and The Test of Time:

Love Before Honor

Love Before Honor: 
Honor. Truth. Loyalty. Love. All of these matter most to Sir Gerald. To avenge his love's death, he challenges her murderer to a duel. Her twin, however, feels that Alice never loved Gerald and gives him a tea. Alice had also given him teas, which enhanced his love for her, but this tea is different. This tea sends him to into the future, to the Regency era.

Lady Vanessa seeks a Christmas treat when she hears something outside the manor. Upon investigation, she sees a man dressed in armor. Unwilling to turn away a confused man with the approaching holiday, she convinces her parents to house Gerald until the new year.

Scandal has forced her parents to accept William as their daughter's best chance at marriage. Although rich, he does not understand her or her love of books and only sees her for her looks, whereas Gerald listens to her, confides in her and she him. With the approaching holiday, nothing is certain - not whether Gerald can discover a way back to his duel, whether he can move on from Alice, and not whether this Christmas will be a happy one for either Gerald or Vanessa.

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The Test of Time

The Test of Time: Katia jumps at the chance to go to England with her best friend after Rose ditches her deadbeat boyfriend. While walking through the market, she spies a large mansion and recognizes the guy out front as her high school friend Tony. Just as they start to reconnect, Katia passes through times and lands in the arms of Lord Landon, who looks like Tony but certainly doesn’t act like him.

Soon, Katia learns that this 1815 is different from the one in history books. Trapped in a parallel world, Katia struggles to not fall for Landon but his charm proves too much for her. Just when she is about to confess her love for him, Katia travels through time yet again.

The course of love never did run smooth and if Katia can’t figure out and master the test of time, she’ll never see or friends again, or worse, never be reunited with Landon.

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Romeo & Juliet dvd cover

As mentioned earlier, not only are we giving away two time travel romance e-books, but we're also giving away a DVD of the ULTIMATE romance: Romeo & Juliet! Woohoo!

This #JLBgivesawayanINDIE lasts for two weeks, and is US only. 

Here's the Rafflecopter! :D

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Get If I Speak True (Flora, 1) for only 99 cents!

Hi all,

Quick reminder post that If I Speak True is only 99 cents right now (link)! 

Remember, if you want to read what happens next (in Rowan's POV), the novella, By Sun & Candlelight (Flora 1.5) is always 99 cents also (or, you can buy the entire Flora bundle: If I Speak True, By Sun & Candlelight, and Open Thy Heart for only $3.99)! 

Be blessed,


Three ebooks for 99 cents = Christmas sale-abration! #flora #ebooks #Kindle #sale

 photo 3e33661f-df45-4b8b-a3ed-61db10c3e01e.jpg
OPEN THY HEART photo credit: Katie Smith (love the floral blanket!) 

Just a quick note in case you missed it... 

The Flora bundle is officially only 99 cents through Christmas!!! You can grab it, HERE.

Come back Friday for my 3rd annual DIY book-ish Christmas gifts post! :) Click HERE to check out 2012 and 2013's!

Have a blessed week!

This week's writerly news + @STbende's Book Birthday Bash

Hey, guys! (Like my new PIAO edit below?) It's the second to last week of school for my girls, which means chaos, so this'll be a quick post.

1) This month's Reader Interview was with @MattCrazy_ ... if you have a chance, head over HERE to his two-part interview, and leave some love on his posts!

2) Starting this evening, Pity Isn't An Option's e-book will be 99 cents and If I Speak True's e-book will be $1.99 on Amazon in celebration of summer break. (Click on the Amazon icon on my sidebar to go straight to them.) 

If you'd love to read e-books but don't have an e-reader, never fear... There are Kindle apps for pretty much every mobile device now (and even your PC) and they're free! Just click HERE!

**Side note: Both PIAO and IIST are also in the Kindle Matchbook program... meaning, if you purchase the paperback of either book, you receive the e-book of that same item, FREE! (Keep one, give one away! YAY!) Just scroll down a bit until you see the Kindle Matchbook option to learn more!

3) Tonight at 9:50 EST I will be celebrating my great pal ST's re-release of Elkser (think Thor, but of him as more romantical--it's a fun series) at an event she's throwing on Facebook and I'd love to see you guys over there! There will be lots of giveaways by lots of different authors (from YA to adult, I believe, so keep that in mind... not all time slots will be YA). Click HERE to see who else will be there, bookmark the event, or RSVP! I'm going to give away e-books, some book swag, and more! (My giveaway will be international.)

4) The month of July is very exciting for me, as By Sun and Candlelight will be out and Open Thy Heart (Flora, #2)'s cover will be revealed! Wahoo! PLUS, Hafsah is making some Flora bookmarks for me to give away soon! So stay tuned!

5) Last but not least, the #JLBgivesawayaDVD giveaway of Forever Strong ends tonight. Click here to enter. Here's next month's giveaway (starts Monday).


The Flora series and The Mossy Foot Project

So... I wasn't going to share this, but I'm feeling led to, so there must be a reason for it! (And honestly, I'd rather share about it now, anyway, if He's going to have me do it, so as not to appear as though I'm doing it for promo as the book release gets closer -- because that's not why I'm doing it at all.) Which means instead of my usual Friday writerly news and whatnot, this is going to be my post today.

Over the past month or so, I've really been feeling the Lord putting on my heart to donate a portion of the Flora series books to go to a foundation called The Mossy Foot Project. I could tell you a whole lot about The Mossy Foot Project, but really, it would be easier to give you the link and let you read about it if you want. So here's the link.
Mossy Foot Project

To summarize, the purpose of The Mossy Foot Project is basically to share His love with the people of Ethiopia while giving them the tools (socks and shoes) to keep from developing mossy foot, or the treatment and tools to stop the progression of mossy foot if one already has it. Mossy foot is a horrible, debilitating, and, sadly, culturally-shunning disease that is preventable by simply wearing socks and shoes. That's it. Shoes! If everyone had and was able to wear socks and shoes as they went about their business, there would be no mossy foot!!! For that reason, and because it's such a simple solution, and because for the past few years this foundation and the amazingly beautiful people of Ethiopia who need, deserve, and have the right to not have to deal with this (or receive treatment if they do) have been on my heart, a portion of each e-book sold in the Flora series (starting with If I Speak True) will go toward The Mossy Foot Project.

Now, I know that this might seem trivial to some. I mean, if the e-books are say, $3.99 tops, and I only make a portion of that, and then only a smaller portion from what I actually make comes from that, what's the point? Well, the point is, this is what has been placed on my heart. The point is, everyone deserves to be taken care of and shown His love, no matter who they are, or where they're from. The point is, every cent counts. It's not about how many e-books might sell and therefore, how much money will go toward this project; it's about the fact that more people will be helped by me doing this than if I didn't do anything at all.

And there you have it. I probably won't mention this again (though it will be in the back of the e-books so readers will be informed as to where a portion of their money has gone), and feel free to share this, but do not feel obligated at all. As I said, I was just feeling led to share what's been on my heart for a few weeks now. :)

Have a blessed weekend, everyone!

Join me in celebrating Read an Ebook Week! (Or better titled: FREE BOOKS!)

Today sparks off Read an Ebook Week, and as such, I thought I'd point everyone to the many freebies and promotions going on right now at Smashwords. For those of you who don't know a whole lot about Smashwords, it's a plaform authors use to make their ebooks available to readers. It's also a simple way for readers to preview, read and store ebooks. (Smashwords offers ebooks in simple formats so you can read them on pretty much any ereading device too, including Nook, Kindle, Kobo, Sony Reader and Palm Doc, and gives options for online viewing via plain text, RTF and PDF.) It's also my distributor--it distributes the ebook version of PITY ISN'T AN OPTION to Barnes and Noble, Apple's ibooks, and other ebook retailers.

From what I can tell, as this is the first time I've participated, many readers eagerly wait for Read An Ebook Week so they can stock up on insane amounts of free and/or discounted ebooks. (In the words of Smashwords founder, Mark Coker, "More than a couple times, it crashed the site as thousands of readers overloaded our servers by stocking up on ebooks like there was no tomorrow.")

To read Mark's article about Read An Ebook Week, click here.

If you would like to take advantage of PITY ISN'T AN OPTION's freebie status, click here.

Remember, when you get a warm, fuzzy feeling (or any other feeling, for that matter) because a book has affected you, letting the author (and fellow readers) know about it is an incredible gift. Readers have the power to pass their book love along to others--a simple "click" of the mouse (on a "like" button, or star rating system, for instance) can make a world of difference. (In fact, recently I posted some easy, no-brainer ways about how to share the book love.)

Now what are you waiting for? Go stock up on books! :)

Be blessed,
