This blog is about my private venture into having Mr. John (Poshgoblin) Pickford doing me a small range of 28mm dwarf miniatures that will fulfill my personal need for more dark, sinister and vicious dwarfs.
Showing posts with label Musician. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Musician. Show all posts

Saturday, 21 January 2017

Boar Knights greens - the command group

To finish of the Boar Knights John has build 2 command figures. A beautiful Musician and an impressive army standard bearer with the magnificent Raven banner.

And here they are:

EDK10 Boar Knight Musician

The axe hand is a seperate piece and will be interchangable with the two left hands from the main knights set.

EDK-10 - Boar Knight Musician

EDK10 Army Standard Bearer

The banner has been a rather challenging piece but I believe John nailed it. I'm so proud of the Raven Banner - will look spectacular on the battle field.

The standard bearer will also come with a smaller teamed Boar banner.

But also with an opportunity for fielding him as an army champion by giving him an impressive demon faced shield.

EDK-10 Boar Knight Army Standard Bearer

Friday, 26 June 2015

They are finally here

Finally, casts from the new moulds has arrive:

Newly added to the Ewal Dvergar Infantry-section:
- all done by John Pickford
EDC-04 Core warriors with Guns
EDC-11 Drummer #2
EDB-01 Helmets #1 (Sallet-styled helmets suitable for warriors with Crossbows and with Guns)
And the 3 pieces by Sjoerd Trouwee has been added to the new section: "Son's of Siegward"

SOS-01 Grinner Dragarm

SOS-02 Sanqis Bigleap

SOS-03 Branding Hyld

And finally, my own little attempt at sculpting has been added to the Ewal Dvergar Character's section:

EDX-01 Bird Shaman

Details about ordering, postage etc. can be found here.

Sunday, 15 March 2015

Ewal Dvergar with guns and an alternative drummer

This week, the next batch of miniatures were sent out for master moulding in the UK.

This batch includes the previously shown Son's of Siegward by Sjoerd Trouwee and then the new warriors with guns but also an alternative musician by John Pickford.

First, is the new drummer. This piece is a re-mastered version of the first one, but the overall appearance is much changed and only the basic armour is still the same.
I Think, John did a magnificent job on the conversion and I'm really looking forward getting a metal version of this on here.

The next 4 miniatures are replacements for the current Grenadiers. The Grenadiers have served their time and will be replaced by proper Pickford ones.

The set is a rework of the three existing Crossbowmen - but also a completely new fourth sculpt. The gunners will re-use the swappable Sallet/helmet system found on the Crossbowmen. Here's the 3 new headless gunner-poses:

Headless gunners #1-3

As said, the will re-use the swappable helmet system, but for adding more variety no more that 12 new helmets have been made.

Helmet/Sallet #1-6

Helmet/Sallet #7-12

And with the 6 already made for the Crossbowmen I now have 18 helmets to choose from.

Non of the existing Crossbowmen were really suited for an aiming pose, so we decided a dedicated sculpt was needed. Due to his pose its a single piece sculpt.

New gunner in an aiming pose

To make of for the lack of swappable helmet he'll come with a few visors.

Visor options

Actually, these visors will also work rather well on the new drummer, I think.

Saturday, 14 March 2015

Painted Crossbowmen and Command Group

I've managed to actually do some painting, myself. I've been looking much forward working with the new figures, the Crossbow-men in particular, and I really, really enjoyed painting them. They have such a nice balance of smooth surfaces, crisp details and a bag full of character - and had much fun doing them. So pleased with them that, actually - that I've just undercoat another batch :)

Tuesday, 24 June 2014

Crossbowmen and Infantry Command Group has arrived

Took a bit more time than anticipated getting the moulds done but I glad to announce that the Crossbowmen and Infantry Command Group miniatures are finally here.

The Core Warriors with Crossbow comes in a set of 6 miniatures (2 of each pose). In this pack you'll also find 8 different Sallet type helmets and 2x4 different crossbows. Should give you an opportunity for nearly a hundred different builds.
Some of the helmets might not fit all 3 bodies equally well - so some adjustments (filling/gab filling) might might be neeeded.

The Infantry Command Group come in a set of 2 miniatures - a Musician (the Drummer) and a wolf-cloaked Standard Bearer. The Standard Bearer has three different pole-hands to choose from.

Keep in mind that the pole-hands will also fit quite well on some of the regular warriors from set #1 and (in particularly from) set #2.

You'll find all the details by clicking on the "How to get some"- blue button in the upper right-hand corner or by clicking this link

Friday, 25 April 2014

Master casts have arrived - soon going to "the next stage"

The master moulding of the Crossbowmen and Command miniatures are finally done. They will now need some cleaning and quality control and then they are sent back to UK for production moulding.

If all goes to plan,  most of the new toys will be ready for play, mid May-ish :-D

But before they all go back, I got a few pictures to share, so you all can see how nicely they turned out.

Ewal Dvergar with Crossbows

Body-blanks front
Body-blanks back

Assembled warriors with separate bows and Sallets 1-3

Assembled warriors with separate bows and Sallets 4-6

- and then the magnificent Command Group ..... :)

Ewal Dvergr Standard Bearer and Musician

Standard Bearer and Drummer

Standard Bearer and Drummer - back

As mentioned earlier, I have had alternative banners made. These will not only fit the new standard bearer but also some of the pole-armed posed Warrior's from Core set #1 and #2. Here , they are glue to the new standard bearer, though:

Alternative Banner #1 and #2
Alternative #1

Facial details

Alternative #2

Banner details - front

Banner details - back
All the above will now go back for production moulding - and will of course binge you an update when they get here.

Thursday, 6 February 2014

Ewal Dvergar Support Command

Also like to share another couple of miniatures John did for this 3th wave.

For a long time, I have been wanting John to do me some supports, so I can field a proper command groups for the infantry.
Long time ago I tried to do a standard bearer, myself. And not that I ain't pleased with it, and that I'm not proud of having him released by awesome Four A Miniatures - no, it's just that I have always felt, that John could have done so much better - and that I wouldn't ever succeed doing a musician, that would match my impressions of a such, Better leave that to those, that actually know what they are doing :)

So, in the brief for this 3th wave of miniatures, the job was clear: "do me a musician and a banner bearer, the Ewal Dvergar worthy". And I wasn't let down - no, not at all (not that I actually thought there would be a chance of failure). Cause, look what John did......

Ewal Dvergr Standard Bearer

Eval Dvergr Musician

I'm so impressed by their look and they exceeds my greatest expectations. And again, look at the level of details here - it's unbelievable ....

And that's not it, cause there have actually been two more standard poles made.

These two are not themed like the wolf plet one is. They are more generic and can actually be used with most pole-armed troopers from core set #1 and #2.