
Showing posts with label Mind your language. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mind your language. Show all posts

Sunday, December 13, 2009


Remember me when you're alone,
Remember me when you're sad,
Remember me when you want to hold my hand,
Only remember me, you understand;
Yet if you should forget me for a while,
And afterwards remember, do not grieve;
 Cause I will gone away,
Than that you should remember and be sad,
You will realize, I'm the one
that you should not forget....

"Remember me in your heart"

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Broken English

I just want to challenge myself and sharpened my English. So if I make any mistakes........thousand apologise.....and please correct me.
I am always concern what had happened to me yesterday, what will happen to me tomorrow. I keep thinking and thinking.......It make me be in a state of continuous depression, sadness and nervousness. Of course I tried to overcome it, to be more relaxed, peaceful in heart and mind.
"Worry does not empty tomorrow of its sorrow; it empties today of its strength" said by Corrie Ten Boom.
One day, I have bought a very great book, writer: Zabrina A. Bakar, Life is an Open Secret. Inspired me with her sweet story about life using simple English that I can understand it easily. I want to share a poem from this book entitled Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow, caused it help me a lot to let go something worrying and bothering me. A good thing is, it's teach me to become more realistic in life. Thanks Sis Zabrina.

Today is the tomorrow I worried about yesterday
And today was such a lovely day,
That I wondered why I worried about today yesterday
So today I am not going to worry about tomorrow
There may not be a tomorrow anyway

So today I am going to live as if there is no tomorrow
And I am going to forget about yesterday.
Today is the tomorrow I planned for yesterday
And nearly all my plans for today did not
plan out the way I thought they would yesterday

So today I am forgetting about tomorrow
and I will plan for today
But not too strenuously
Today I will stop to smell a rose
I will tell a loved one how much I love her
I will stop planning for tomorrow and
plan to make today the best day of my life.

Today is the tomorrow I was afraid of yesterday
And today was nothing to be afraid of
So today I will banish fear of the unknown
I will embrace the unknown as a learning
experience full of exciting opportunities

Today, unlike yesterday, I will not fear tomorrow.
Today is the tomorrow I dreamed about yesterday
And some of the dreams I dreamt about
yesterday came true today
So today I am going to continue dreming about tomorrow
And perhaps more of the dreams I dream today
will come true tomorrow.
Today is the tomorrow I set goals for yesterday
And I reached some of those goals today

So today I am going to set slightly
higher goals for today and tomorrow
And if tomorrow turns out to be like today
I will certainly reach all of my goals one day!
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Salam Ramadhan