Monday, January 3, 2011


Once again, Mike and I got completely suckered into being part of our ward's project for the Stake Roadshow. The theme of the roadshow was, "What a difference a day makes." Our show was about a couple who was scheduled to set sail on the Titanic, but then gave their money to help someone and got tickets for a ship that was leaving the next day. :) It was fun, even though it was completely silly to be apart of it. I need to remind myself, "just say no!"


Denise said...

You guys are amazing & you look great in your costumes! How fun! I would never dare! :)

Denise Christiansen said...

holy toledo! what secrets you have been holding out on us! lol this is incredible to me! im soooo impressed you did this together. great fun and experience. would love to hear more about it.

Kalli and Derek said...

Looks like lots of fun, you look hillarious, I mean great in your constumes. :)