Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Christmas Performances

Taylor did a fabulous job as a snowflake in her performance at school, she is really coming out of her shell and feeling confident when up on a stage. She never had a thick shell, but you get the point. She was thrilled to have such an important role as being a snowflake.

Carter was our handsome and distinguished innkeeper for his school performance this year. I stood in the back of his afternoon performance and was captivated by the wonderful spirit that felt the room as the children sang about Joseph and Mary. It was so sweet to me that not only was it allowed to have this in the school, it was the whole point of the play. I love that my children have this opportunity to pray and sing about our Savior while in school. Carter did a great job with his line, "so sorry, but there isn't room."


Denise said...

Your kids are so amazing! I wish you lived closer so we could let our kiddos play together. Miss you lots!

Denise Christiansen said...

wow! the wonders continue! this is so wonderful!!! what i wouldnt give to have been there!it would be so neat when the kids do these types of things to hear their experience on the phone!:)

Kalli and Derek said...

How cute, I can't wait until my kids get into things like this, he looks so proud to be up there.