Monday, December 29, 2014

{ Christmas Festivies... }


So where do I start so much happened and right now its bitterly cold feels like Christmas still and thinking about a new year already seriously where did this year go??
Well Over the past week

.....There was a big birthday to be celebrated 
my cute adorable little boy who was just a baby yesterday;)
turned 13!!
i became the mom of a teenager what the heck??
and then came the gifts.....
 who knew socks were so exciting when your 13 eh;) 
Elite/Nike crazy;)

......then there was the Sunday before Christmas pictures we simplified and used what we had except for L who got a new dress:

 Took some traditional pics
 some crazies
The busta move kid:)

 and then Christmas Morning.... it was so fun to see the kids' faces and the things they loved....

 some of the kids' favorite things were:


Had to go buy another one so they didn't kill each other fighting over it;)

The marker maker was for K2 but they all had fun doing it its like an experiment they loved it!
 They loved this D went shopping 2 days before Christmas and bought the kids a few things which happened to be maybe the few things they loved most;)


I got Chatbooks made 17 issues and love them so that was my favorite surprise to the family and I got a new iphone 6 because my contract was up on my old one but that turned into a disaster:( here's my FB status pretty much explains it:(
 Far TOOO much time wasted on things that don't matter :(( 
but somehow along the way they have become like a third arm:((

"I wanna cry I've spent 6 hours on the phone with apple..... reset my new iphone 6 ...6 times.....spent 12 hours in my office....... lost my nike app I've been working on for two years and my goal of 1000 miles of running before the end of the year!! i was so so close.... GONE! and logging on which I never actually synced with nike my own fault but it deleted then my phone got reset to aug 2013 lost a year worth of TEXTS {{{ SO PLEASE IF YOU TEXT ME SHOT ME A TEXT SO I CAN UPDATE MY CONTACTS:((( ALL 1st world problems but its funny how depended we become on them:((( i hate it. I lost pictures/ passwords/ apps /and music and most of all TIME!! redoing it all ....all because somehow my last iphone 4s update became encrypted with a password I have no idea what it is:((( ... I wanna cry:((

So in the end its worked out but seriously why? why do we waste so much time on the things? get physically ill thinking I wrecked something and lost so much:( 
but we had lots of fun in between over the past few days with family playing games ,late nights, sleeping in and so out of routine....
Some games we loved as a whole family were a few variations of:

 and apples to apples jr. Fun times:) 
I LOVE Christmas.
Hope everybody had a great Christmas we even had a white Christmas can't get better than that:)

 Ö̤н B̤̈σу-- are u ready?! @katienic0le  on We Heart It
<<<<<::::::My Goal is To::::::>>>>>
Keep Going #1 
and going .... Doing the things I'm doing. 
Setting new challenges and goals for myself. 
Pushing myself,  trying harder everyday and getting stronger at the things I am doing coasting along ......but pushing ahead........ harder in every area of my life.......
TO keep going and doing even if it doesn't feel like it makes any difference because someday we will see the rewards of 
our hard work, our habits 
our parenting 
whatever it is for each of us if we pick up 
keep going don't stop we'll get there:))
AND that is my goal is to 
Keep Going..
IN 2015 the last year of my thirties. 
Because I am going to rock my forties;)

Keep Going

coming soon....year end recap post {i hope} haha ....

What are your goals? or word for 2015? 
H A P P Y  N E W  Y E A R

 "The only person you should try to be better than, is the person you were yesterday."

1 comment:

Betsy Maddox said...

Uuugghhh!! I am so sorry about your phone!! I would be so sad, too! I know it is first world pains, but still. My goal for 2015 is also just to keep going. I know it is going to be a challenging year for me because my mom is so sick, but I know whatever happens, God will be right there with me. And I have lots of fun things to look forward to, also, so I am not going to let the hard times get me down. Love you and wish you a WONDERFUL 2015!! xoxo