Tuesday, December 9, 2014

{10 on Tuesday}

the cinderella project: because every girl deserves a happily ever after: Happy December 

1. Holy. December. came in with a crazy, busy schedule....work parties, a two day seminar and then meetings, and decorating and getting ready for our stakes Festival of Nativities. I was on the committee for this and we had an awesome head of the committee and everything looked and came together beautifully but for all it was a lot of work getting there. 

2. Got some Christmas cards out earlier than usual this year and Christmas shopping done online mostly..... feels good to be mostly done except stocking and a few others and a couple bigger ones for L and M okay not all the way done ha ha.... 
We try to follow this concept but sometimes I wonder how I got a little of track in the end;)
Teaching Children Charity During the Holidays by utah-todaysmama: Give kids these tags to temper their expectations. #Parenting #Christmas

3. Funny how I thought when K2 went to Kindergarten this year ...what will I do with my time..... yet I find so much to do everyday between all the kids, my calling, house, different committees and hobbies my time gets filled and I am thankful everyday I have time to put into my kids and snacks on the counter when they get home.

4. I will have a teenager in a couple of weeks. Teenagers are grumpy ha ha happy one minute, bugging everybody the next.... add a touch of defiance the next.... but seriously overall he's a great kid and I look forward to it:) all of em:) We will survive.... I clearly remember being a teenager like it was yesterday pretty sure most of us do... Although it makes me feel old;) Seriously it was just yesterday wasn't it that he was placed in our arms had waited five years for him and now he's turning 13 and only has like 5 years left at home!! Where has the time gone! I so enjoy him and he's such a joy! Can't imagine life without him in it!

5. So for Christmas I thought some of these things were pretty cool. My K since he was young has always wanted to be an engineer and always been fascinated by structures, buildings and bridges  only to bad I didn't see some of these before I bought his Christmas:)
Gift guide: Top S.T.E.M. (Science, Technology, Engineering, & Math) Picks for all ages - engineering 

6. I keep adding new things or making things this year to add to our Christmas decor I used a lot of what I already had just in different spots I love it.....I did change the red and white bow to a bigger one fyi;)

7.A few other things I've had going on..... YW in excellence
8. ....we started our book countdown some of which I borrowed from the library because the kids are getting older and then I can see which ones we like before I buy them its working out great! I look forward to it every night and so do the kids:)

....AND a few catastrophes along the way like an orange crayon going through the wash with a whole big load of WHITES and all of D's white church shirts!! Talk about sickening:(( But a whole box of baking soda took a lot of the thinner material-ed crayon out but unfortunately ruined all his shirts and a few others:(  o what a year but we'll save that for year end live and learn :)

9. Loving this quote:
Dieter F. Uchtdorf said...
"Try and keep on trying until that which seems difficult becomes possible-- and that which seems only possible becomes habit and a real part of you."
AND that is what we are doing around here building real parts of ourselves some days its so hard to keep on keeping on .....until you see in each other the little glimmers of hope, learning and habit.... all apart of the process we are learning together.

10. This print reminds me of growing up:)
Have a great week:)
Love these older Santa pictures. Reminds me of old Christmas books and decorations from when I was a kid. 
 Take a few minutes to watch it and make time for the true reason for the season:)
I love Christmas:)


Just Rhonda said...

Did you get some of those snap circuits??? Alden is getting an add on to his for Christmas .

Tyler and Kristin Smith said...

Doesn't it feel like you were just posting about back to school? Because that's how I feel - slow down time! I'm loving this December too. Love everything about Christmas :)

Katelyn said...

I love your new décor! It is so fun to just change things around that you already have-so satisfying. The nativity display looks beautiful from the pictures. Love you!

Lynn said...

i agree with Katelyn. Love your new decor. I am still trying to decide whether to downsize all together or change it up as well. :)
Wished I could of seen your Nativity display. I bet it was awesome.