Showing posts with label dead birds. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dead birds. Show all posts

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Hundreds Of Dead Birds In South Dakota Were Killed By U.S. Government


"Hey, you wanted the government to feed the homeless, didn't you?"

It was initially believed that cold weather may have caused the bird deaths, but then Yankton police received a call from the USDA, attesting that they had poisoned the birds at a feedlot 10 miles away, KTIV reports.

U.S. government commits avian holocaust with mass poisoning of millions of birds


"I wonder how many thousands of wolves, cayotes, foxes and other animals of prey have died from eating some of these millions of birds poisoned by our government?"

"I wonder how much of our drinking water has been poisoned by these birds poisoned by our government and dying in our streams and rivers and reservoirs?"

"Could this also be US human POPULATION CONTROL at work when the poisons enter our water and food chain?"


Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Evangelical Christian Fanatic Claims God Is Killing The Birds And Fish To Blame Gays


Evangelist Cindy Jacobs said on a video posted over the weekend that the strange phenomenon, that has now occurred in various places across the world, was an "answer" from God for violating his principles concerning homosexuality.

(Wouldn't it make more sense for God to kill the gays instead of the poor little innocent birds and fish???)


I knew some sensible person out there had the correct answer for the bird and fish death. Everyone else is blaming the chemicals the US government dumps daily from secret airplanes around the world or this giant magnetic field in Alaska that is owned by the Pentagon and was blamed for the Haiti earthquake a year ago. Pat Robertson knew the Haitians got hit with the earthquake because they made a pact with the devil. So, don't blame religion for causing all the problems in the world but also for solving some of them. Nudge, nudge, wink, wink. - Chimp
