大學時, 我跟我最要好的學姊之一不知怎麼的突然很熱衷星座占星學, 兩個人還會查天文曆幾何學一般手繪星座盤. 當時兩人還很自豪的自封星星公主. 不過術業有專攻, 我們這種業餘的就頂多分析一下個性而已, 算命預測當然是不可能. 現在學姊即將是兩個孩子的媽, 不像我這種高中以後就沒啥長進什麼都沒有的怪咖還會偶爾玩一下這些虛擬的東西. 以前買星座書還有附贈軟體算星座盤的(看我年代多久遠...), 現在網路上一堆.
基於以前自以為是星星公主, 我來推薦以下幾個我覺得最有用最實用還有最準(?)的網站好了. 我通常任何檢索中文英文網站都會查, 但是不知道為什麼, 我覺得好的占星星座網站(西方占星, 不包括中式卜卦抽籤紫微八卦等)都是英文的, 免費資源多, 講的也比較深入.
1. 算星座盤的好站(需加入會員,免費):
2. 綜合好站(需加入會員,免費):
3. 我覺得最準的星座預測: (不需加入會員, 免費):
Showing posts with label For your entertainment 有趣的. Show all posts
Showing posts with label For your entertainment 有趣的. Show all posts
Burger King has issued a ~ Perfume "Flame" !
This is probably the most creative and funny perfume ever existed -- can you imagine Burger King has issued a perfume ??? -- "with a hint of flame-broiled meat" ...
This is too funny ~ So this body spray users will smell like walking burgers ?
What will the rival McDonald's do ? Issue a new cosmetic line inspired by fries ? Then I guess KFC will need to do a handbag with chicken.
I can't stop laughing after knowing this, and I've checked the reviews -- yup, there are reviews, that means there are people who have already bought and tried this ! The reviews are not bad (imagine that !), and they are as funny as the product itself. The ad said that guys who use this BK body spray will become irresistible to plump girls, therefore there are reviewers thanking BK for food and possible sex.
What's next ? Who shall be the spokes model for this most American perfume ?
Calculating Time
Found an interesting website.
One can calculate the exact time duration in between two dates. So, one can know how long he or sho has been on this planet, or how long he or she has been wasting time on something (and/or someone ?).
Found this website on the 2771 days of my being here in US, that equals to 7 years, 7 months and 1 day. Interesting combination. I guess everything happens for a reason.
So, what now ? It's time for ~ ?
One can calculate the exact time duration in between two dates. So, one can know how long he or sho has been on this planet, or how long he or she has been wasting time on something (and/or someone ?).
Found this website on the 2771 days of my being here in US, that equals to 7 years, 7 months and 1 day. Interesting combination. I guess everything happens for a reason.
So, what now ? It's time for ~ ?
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