Showing posts with label pigs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pigs. Show all posts

Saturday, February 2, 2013

New Pattern--Barnyard Buddies

The flu hit our home this week--yuk.  Who knew there were so many places on one's body that could hurt?  Even my hair!  A good excuse to curl up on the couch with a good book and be waited on for a change!
On to happier topics.  I've actually had this quilt finished for a few weeks but when you live on the wet coast of Canada, it sometimes can take awhile for the sun to come out so I can hang the quilt on my washline and photograph it.  So the sun shone today and it's supposed to rain again tomorrow so I ran out and got the picture.
The quilt is called "Barnyard Buddies" and it will be going to the printer on Monday and will be available on my website right after that.
Like a lot of my projects, there's a mixture of patchwork and applique.
It measures 60" x 72".
I love the quirky animals!
Like the horse with his buck teeth.
The cow, not at all anatomically correct!
Mommy pig so proud of her little ones!
The fat sheep,
And Mother chicken with her brood.
Of course, I've got to stick a crow in there someplace!
Why not on the barn?
 Isn't it fun?
What do you think?