Feeling like I needed to bring some springtime into my house, and not being a pastel kind of person, I decided to make some grungy, primitive Easter eggs.
First, I drew an egg shape on a piece of freezer paper.
I drew half the lengthwise shape, folded the paper, and cut through both layers to make it symmetrical.
I folded my fabric right sides in, and ironed the freezer paper onto the side facing up.
I cut out both layers at once and then repeated the process, leaving me with four shapes.
I sewed the right sides together with a 1/4" seam.
Then, I turned one piece right side out and inserted it into the other piece so that the right sides were together, and the tops and bottoms matched.
Starting about 1" from the top, I then sewed around the whole egg with a 1/4" seam, stopping about 1" from where I started, and reverse stitching at the beginning and the end.
This is what it looked like.
Then, I turned it right side out through the opening, stuffed it with polyfil, and hand-stitched the opening closed.
To make it extra primitive, I then melted some paraffin wax in a double boiler.
I added some essential oil to make the eggs smell yummy and stirred it in.
Then, I dropped the eggs one at a time into the scented wax and used two spoons to roll each egg in the wax until they were evenly coated.
I let them harden on some wax paper and then rubbed them with a bit of cinnamon.
Wishing you all a blessed Easter!