Showing posts with label my family. Show all posts
Showing posts with label my family. Show all posts

Friday, September 24, 2010

A crafting vacation...

No, I'm not going on a crafting vacation {unfortunately, I need that in a bad way!}, but rather I have had no time to do any crafting this week. Life has been very bogged down with school & soccer this last week.

For those that don't know, I am in school, majoring in Web Design. This week, for my Web Development Class, I began writing xhtml code {so cool}, to design a website! At this stage it's nothing exciting to show you, because I just followed a tutorial to learn the whole process! But the fun part is that I'm already being able to insert code into the html here on my blog & change things to look the way that I want them to!

You can see the crazy & fun things I'm learning in my Computer Photographic Imaging class
here. The link is a blog specifically for the projects for that class! Let it be known that, in my opinion, Blogger is sooo much more user friendly than Wordpress. I'm sorry to all those out there that love Wordpress, but I am not one of them!

Three of my six children are playing soccer this season & we have practice 4 nights a week, plus games on Thursdays & Saturdays. So you can say soccer is taking up some time on our calendar these days! I just went to Miss C's game tonight {our 14 yr. old} and they lost, but she played the best I've ever seen her play. I love watching them play & I'm so proud of her! It just dawned on me that I still haven't even taken a picture at a game yet & we are 3 weeks into the season! That will change & I'll get one up here hopefully by next weekend!

Well, I hope to be back soon with some fun crafting/organizing projects! I have a big organization project in my craft room that I just finished, 3 cards that I made for events last week, and I did promise a tutorial on my rosette headbands, so watch for that as well!

Thursday, July 22, 2010


We just got home last night from my Pulsipher Family Reunion up in the White Mountains! We had so much fun & almost didn't want to leave! We got to see & visit with so many of my cousins that I haven't seen in a very long time. We have this reunion every summer, but some of my cousin's have moved out of state so they don't get to come as often.

This is a little tree frog that my nephew, Corbin found! Isn't he adorable?

And here's just a taste of how dirty all the boys got! This is my oldest boy, S-man! He is 8 & definately all boy! The boys (especially this one) were just in heaven being able to play outside all day & not sweat to death! S-man loves to play outside & still does even in our 110 degree heat so being up in the mountains where it was so much cooler was really nice!

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