Showing posts with label my craft space. Show all posts
Showing posts with label my craft space. Show all posts

Sunday, October 10, 2010

craft room makeover

I've been working on reorganizing my craft room for awhile now & for now it's finished. There's still more I want to do with it, but for now this will have to do. I have to warn you that I am a perfectionist, so you may find that I am a little crazy when it comes to organizing. This is what works for me & I hope you can find some sort of inspiration from my OCD.

This is a section of drawers with a lot of my crafting supplies in them. Most of them have labels on them now, but some are not finished yet.


This is the top of those drawers, where I have all of my tools, paint brushes, punches, etc.


Some of my drawers are for sewing and some are for other crafting (scrapbooking, stamping, card making, cross-stitching, crocheting, knitting, etc.)



This is my adhesives drawer. I have tape runners (I have a lot for my customers to use at workshops & my Stamp Club-there's even more than what you see here), glue dots, sticky strip, photo corners, glue sticks, Stampin' Dimensionals, Mod Podge, e-6000, etc. I have a few other bottles of different kinds of glue that are too tall for this drawer.


My glue gun/stick drawer



Photo paper, jewel & paper CD cases


This is my alphabet chipboard drawer!


Alphabet chipboard drawer close up. I have a little divider for each letter & then between the dividers there is a folded piece of cardstock so the little pieces don't fall down underneath the dividers. I can just lift that little folded piece of cardstock out & find the pieces that I need. I warned you about the OCD, it's showing now.



My embossing drawer holds my heat tool, versamark ink pads, several different embossing powders & some shimmer paint. A good friend taught me years ago to put the powders in these containers & it's such a great idea. I have a plastic spoon in each container to scoop the powder with. This container system makes it so much easier to dump the excess powder back in.


For some reason I didn't take a picture of my huge white cabinet, but this is one of the shelves in it. It houses my packages of cardstock, current stamp sets, retired stamp sets, cross-stitch supplies, silk flowers, my large die cuts, and many other items that aren't really organized yet.

These are my current stamps...


My cardstock!

It's pretty depleted since SU! retired so many colors this summer, but I'm working on building it back up slowly.


Here's another drawer, with memorabilia in it. We have 2 drawers for "family memorabilia".


And then each child has their own drawer. These are for me to add to their scrapbooks as I create pages. Eventually I will replace each of these drawers with the nicer white ones shown above.


My ribbon spools. Some of you may have seen this here in an earlier post, about how I organize my ribbon.



And this is how I organize my cardstock scraps. I have a file drawer just for this purpose. Each SU! color has it's own file folder, so whenever I need a scrap of a certain color I just go to that folder and pull out what I need.

My thread.

I purchased an awesome new sewing machine eariler this year and with that came the purchase of a new brand of thread. I finally learned that when you buy a pretty pricey sewing machine it deserves only the best thread, so there's another thing I'm working on replacing. I gave my old machine & the many, many spools of thread I had to my friend Kristi. I do still have a few spools of the Coats & Clark brand (shown on the right) for hand stitching, but for all of my machine sewing I've switched over to the Guitermann brand.

This little spool organizer I bought at Walmart & I think it was about $10, but I don't remember for sure.

This beautiful bookshelf was a yard sale find several months ago.

And this is right above that bookshelf. More drawers...with sewing supplies. Divided shelves for my printed papers, SU! business binder, a binder for my bag patterns that I design, catalogs & a few other items. Above that I have my ribbon scraps {there's a close up of that below}, & my stamp pad organizer. This was an old cassette tape holder that my hubby got for Christmas back when we first got married. Yes, I'm dating myself. They don't even sell tapes or tape players anymore...thank goodness for new technology.

I purchased the 5 larger jars (one is hiding behind the brown/black jar) at Goodwill. If I remember right I paid about $10 for all 5 (it was half-price day!) . I originally bought them to use for my sisters bridal shower, but thought what a waste it would be to just store them away in a box after the shower & wanted to find a use for them in my craft room.

I must have had scraps of ribbon in 5 different places until I finally decided to combine them all together. I love how these jars look with the ribbons in them.

This is in the closet. I bought this bookshelf at Ikea & I LOVE it! I made the little circle tags cheap tags you can buy at any office supply store. I used ribbon & glue dots to attach them to the books, and stamped my kids initials on cardstock circles {I also wrote the number of that album on the tag to keep them in chronological order}. Each child has their own color {my 4 oldest are girls, so they have the amethyst, lt. blue, dk. pink & lt. pink & my boys have green & dk. blue-these were their favorite colors at the time I made them}. You can see an earlier post on how I made my fabric bolts here!

You can also see my ironing board tucked away on the left side of the picture. There's just enough space there for it there.


I just recently added these new drawers. Most of them are not filled yet (so no tags yet), but these ones will have mostly sewing supplies in them.


And these jars sit on top of the bookshelf in the closet. There's more jars for the other colors of buttons & another one of the short jars for little flowers & other pretties.

Like I said it's still a work in progress, but it's getting much closer to what I want for this room.

I'm linking up to these link parties:

A Little Knick KnackPhotobucketBoostMyBlogFridayPhotobucket Chic on a Shoestring Decorating


Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Rosette shirt

Here's a fun project I just made yesterday. I have been wanting to make one of these fun shirt redo's for a long time. I was going to make one with floppy flowers, but decided to do these rosette's instead.


I purchased 2 of the same shirts. They were only $3 each at Walmart. I wanted the V-neck shirts, but they didn't have any in a color that I wanted, so I went with the round neck. So for only $6 I have a new blouse, that doesn't look like anyone else's.


Sorry about all the wrinkles...I didn't have time to take pictures before I had to run off to my first day back to school, so I took them after, and you all know how things get wrinkled just simply by wearing them!


As requested I will do a tutorial on these rosettes soon & I will also have some available to purchase for those that are interested!


I'm linking up to the following linky parties. Please take a few minutes to visit their amazing sites & see what other fun projects are featured there.

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