To celebrate Ty's cousin Tay's birthday we all went down to Cedar for a weekend of camping, rock climbing and hiking. (Tay is quite the professional rock climber!) Since it was pouring rain on Friday night our camping trip turned into a giant sleepover in Tay's living room!

The next morning since we didn't get to camp we were ready for a day in the great outdoors! We started off rock climbing and everybody climbed! (Even Autumn who was hiding up in the trees for a while) We had quite the climbing crew!

After a warm-up climb Tay took us to this!! It is called the Adventure Climb and after I saw it I just knew I had to do it even though I was scared out of my head! It's probably the scariest thing I've ever done but it was so much fun!

After some climbing we decided to drive further up into the mountains to do some hiking. We did it in the pouring rain and the hugest thunderstorm ever, I swear the mountains were shaking! I felt like we were in a horror movie or something!

Me and Autumn

We hiked to Cascade Falls, a beautiful waterfall. Up behind the waterfall is a cave we went exploring in!

This is me and Autumn climbing into the cave. This was probably the hardest part because the water was rushing so fast and the ground was slippery!
You can see the opening to the waterfall behind us!
The water in the cave was freezing and at one point went all the way to our waists!
It was pitch black inside the cave which was kind of scary but it also let me and Ty get some kissing in!
We had such a fun weekend, I never realized how many fun things there are to do so close to Cedar City!