.... that I have not written here in so long? I can blame it on many things: I am busy, the days are short and the evenings shorter, I work more in the shop now but really, the older I get, the more time just flies by. It must happen to all of us. I hear customers and friends alike repeat the same thing over and over to each other. I want to lasso the days and keep them here. I want them to slow down so that I can embrace the goodness and renewal that comes with each sunrise. I am hungering for connection with my days and in that connection I want to, no, need to find time to be creative.
Creativity is something that I can not turn on with a light switch. It happens when it happens, a frenzy of work and color and jewels and silver. It sneaks up on me in the ways I arrange a display case. It pops up its little fireworks show of " making things " in the early morning or late evening or after a multi hour bout of watching TV. You see, I am never just watching TV. In my mind, the wheels are spinning and I am using my mental hands to craft or paint incredible things that may or may not come to fruition in no time.
This one piece, now in its second incarnation as britanium or pewter, is the result of one afternoon of free time when absolutely nothing had to be created. The image could have been in my head from days ago when something I saw sparked a memory of the texture that would later appear on this piece. It is a journey in the studio, in the shop, from thought processes and memories in the head to creation by the hands. A blessing to be able to make something with one's hands and heart and soul.