May this year bring us all peace, love, prosperity and a better understanding of each other and compassion towards all our fellow women and men.
I am looking forward to the chnage in our leadership and viewing all of this change with optimisim and hope. Being alive and a citizen of this soon to be great country again is wonderful! We have a chance for actual leadership! I am praying for guidance for this country and its' politicians that we do not again get bogged down in politics as usual!
As for me, I ask for health and the opportunity to remain creative in all my endeavors, prosperity so that I may stay in business making and selling " stuff " and so that I can keep my wonderful staff employed and patience so that I do not get bogged down in the day to day litlle things that can make life irritate. I love my life!
On a happy note, at five o'clock lasr night at the fountain here in PT; I attended a friend's wedding - very impromptu - they are a long time couple. It was just 8 of us including the judge. A cold, clear night saying their vows in front of our community Christmas tree! Very special and romantic. Congratulations Marie and Mark!!!!
Again, Happy New Year! xo, Lois