Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Back to Normal, Kinda

Oh, after the longest week ever I think things are finally starting to go back to normal. David is so much better! After the whole ER visit for the MRSA we had another scare on Sunday. I took him to church because I didn't want to miss my cousin BillyPaul's farewell. I stood in the back and paced with him through practically the whole sacrament meeting. After that was over I went to show my mom the sores in his mouth that were growing and making him more and more miserable. He just cried and cried everytime I took his pacifier away. Lisa, a friend I serve in Primary with, came over and told me to just take him home and that they could handle the primary just fine without me. That was all the coaxing I needed but after I got home I just couldn't make David happy. He sobbed and sobbed. Finally I called tim home from Church and left Grandma in charge of William and Phillip and we headed again for the ER. BAD IDEA on a sunday and with the huricane on it's way to New Orlean's again. There was only 1 doc there and we waiting in the waiting room for 4 hours! What made things worse was that David remembered the place and started screaming right when we walked in the door! We hadn't been able to get him to drink and that was the main concern.
When we finally got in to see the doc she diagnosed him with Hand Foot and Mouth disease or stomititus. The poor baby had a rough weekend. After they numbed his mouth he drank half my water bottle but wouldn't put the sippy cup of pedialite they gave him any where near his mouth.
But, i did get in trouble if I tried to take it from him. Anyhow, long story short, he's almost 100% and we only have a couple more days of forcing drugs down him. Sometimes it is so fun being a mom. THanks for all the prayers and calls and emails of concern! It means a lot to have so many people who care and are willing to help! Love you all!!!

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