Saturday, August 30, 2008

Update on David

Well, David got worse Thurday night. He got a fever of 102.5 and his abscess on his side continued to spread. Thank goodness I have so many good people I trust. After talking to my mom and uncle james in the middle of the night (sorry about that) we dicided to watch him closely and on Friday morning we took David to Sunrise Pediatrics Er.

They immediatly diagnosed him with MRSA which is a infection like staph infection that is immune to most antibiotics so it turned out that the shot he had gotten on Thursday, the doc said, was as useful as not having had anything. So they gave the poor boy an IV then gave him a potent antibiotic via IV (which took over an hour) and we are following up with an oral antibiotic. They ran a full blood culture because he has had a fever now for 2 days but they never said anything about the results so I figured they came back normal.
They talked about lancing the abscess and draining it but decided that it wasn't quite big enough. She described it to me that with her expreience (which I was so glad she had had!) that it looked like a honey comb on the inside and that there were lots of little pockets of puss. She said draining the top wouldn't necessariely help it because of the bottom pockets would still be full of infection. We are all hoping that the antibiotic will fight it and it will either drain on it's own or it will disapate. If it gets any worse we have to take him back to get it drained.

Anyhow, after all the tramatic events at the hospital, David was so excited when we left. He kept pointing at the door the whole time we were there. We went to Costco where he devoured every sample of goodies they had out. I think the pain meds helped his little appetite come back. At Gram's he ate pizza and ran around like nothing was wrong unless something touched his side. Slowly it seemed like the red was receeding, I was so relieved!
Then......... in the middle of the night he woke up in so much pain his whole body was quivering. He also had a high fever again. It was aweful! His motrin had worn off, BAD IDEA! we decided we'd try not to let that happen again. He cuddled against me quivering until the medicine finally kicked in; it was all I could do not to rush himback to the hospital but when the medicine started to work he went back to sleep. But when he woke up this morning he was in agony again. The only problem was that he still had to wait 2 hours before more motrin. We gave him tylenol but it just doesn't help him much. We have learned that we can distract him some but it sure has been a strange experience! His side looks better because is isn't red but the doc actually told us it isn't the red that was the important thing. It is the swelling and how big the abscess is, so we keep watching it. Now he is getting sores on his tongue. POOR KID. Right now he is playing but I know it is because of the medicine in his system. He is so adorable and I can tell he is getting spoiled because we haven't let his brother near him and he hollars every time we thinks he needs something.
He is such a fun baby, we love him so much. Thank you all so much for your prayers and support! I am so thankful to have so many family and friends that take such good care of us! We love you all!


Crazy Little Chipmunk & 4 Sweethearts said...

How scary! I hope that he feels better, if you need someone to watch your other two boys please dont hesitate to call. We will keep you in our prayers.

Walker Family said...

He's a trooper Bonnie! I just know he'll be ok! Looks like you guys are keeping real close watch on him and making sure he's getting all the attention he needs! We are praying for him daily! I can't imagine how you're feeling, but we are praying for you and Tim too!!! If you need to talk, don't hesitate to call. We love you!!!

Annie Leavitt said...

ugh, the iv's are the worst part don't you think? i hope he's on the mend. by the way, what time was he born? our abigail was 1/11/07 at 2:06 am. crazy.

Crazy Little Chipmunk & 4 Sweethearts said...

Hey thanks for the congrats! Actually when you asked me i hadnt even found out i was pregnant yet so technically I am not a very good liar haha

Alane said...


Lara said...

Bonnie, it's Lara (DeMille) how are you? I didn't know you had a blog! And I am so sorry about your little David, believe me with Dallin's kidney problems we have had our share of scary nights and hospital visits. I will say numerous prayers for you. Nothing is scarier than not being able to help your child in pain. Anyway I am adding you to my list of friends and be sure to check out our blog! (