Monday, November 10, 2008

Fun October Moments

October was a good month for us, full of fun activities and funny memories. Sometimes my life can be so fulfilling and other times I am surviving. But, I love being a mom. I have the sweetest and most mischievous little babies! I couldn't ask for anything more!

Phillip has always slept in the funniest positions. This is how I caught him sleeping one morning. Looks comfortable, Huh?

I went to my first BYU game, they won!! I over paid for a sweater but decided it was okay because supporting BYU is like fast offerings, right?? Just say yes :)

While in Salt Lake we went to Todd and Missy's reception. Congrats!
anyway, we took a much needed updated family pic. can you say CHEESE!

He is probably too old for his pa pa if he can fit the whole thing in his mouth but as everyone around here knows, I'm as attached as he is!

Dae being silly at Uncle Aaron and Aunt Heather's

We have been leaving our windows open at night. In the morning it is pretty cold in the living room. I caught William and Phillip snuggling and had to get a picture. I love when my kids get along. It is all too often not the case at our house.

My boys at the pumpkin patch. I adore them!

William and Phillip decided their Halloween costumes all on their own. William was Luke sky walker but he insisted on being the Luke that fought Darth Vader all in black. He even wore a glove half the Dave because Darth cut off his hand. That kid knows more about star wars that I knew possible. The other night he said "Mom, before General Grievous became a robot with a human heart was he a bad guy or a good guy" I had to shrug. I didn't even know who General Grievous was before he became a fanatic. Phillip always plays the roll of General Bevious (he calls him) when they fight. I think it is hilarious!
Phillip wanted to be Darth Vader. He always picks the bad guy. I hope that isn't an indicator of our future. We couldn't find anything by the time we got to the store so you might recognize the Darth Vader candy bucket transformed into a helmet. THEY LOVED IT!!!

I was a farm girl. I wasn't going to dress up but William wouldn't hear of it. I hadn't planned on remembering what I looked like for the night but Tim surprised me with the camera. My neighbors said that Tim needed overalls and a pitch fork and we would have passed for the real thing. (that is the Luke Sky Walker glove I am applying, gotta love it!) Doesn't David look almost adoring in that pic! It makes me feel loved!

Walker Craze

After watching this video I thought of 2 things

1. this craziness is all to normal in our home

2. I should clean before I make a video

Thanks for the silly songs Cd's grandma and grandpa walker

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Trip to AZ

Last weekend we went to AZ to see little Nathan get blessed. We had such a good time! These are just some of the pictures of our adventures to the park. They boys had a blast.

Daddy is so silly!

Uncle Jon and William, can you see a family resemblance?
Phillip with his Uncle Aaron, so much fun!
(Doesn't he have the happiest smile, it is so contagious!)
David swinging with Grandpa Walker. Can you say "Cheese"
David was obsessed with aunt Andrea
(that's Grandma with little Nathan)

Sunday mornings are usually pretty crazy! We don't usually have enough time to finish breakfast but sometimes miracles happen. We miss you grandma Leavitt.

Tim's business

Tim and I have owned a computer business for going on 6 years now and we finally decided that his website needed to represent more of what we are and do. After reading and studying all the different marketing stradegies we just decided to say who were are and what we do. Anyway, for all you web site specialist out there, I'd love some advise or even just an editor to correct all my grammar and other mishaps. anyway........
Let me know what you thing and what I should change, thanks for your help...
(and yes that is the most recent family picture I have but Grandma Leavitt will fix that soon enough)

Thursday, October 9, 2008

David's Addiction

This was David this morning. I usually have trouble finding one pacifier around the house but some how this morning he found 3. He is so determined and funny. I love him so much.

If you listen to the background it is William and Phillip playing Wii Star Wars.

And, he did it!

Monday, October 6, 2008

Tag, I'm It!

Six weird and random things about me:
The rules are:* Link to the person who tagged you (Camrin)
*Post the rules on your blog
* Write six random things/unspectacular quirks about yourself
* Tag six people at the end of your post and link to them
* Let each person you have tagged know by leaving a comment on their blog
* Let the tagger know when your entry is posted

Weird things about myself, in no particular order:
1) I had Family Home Evening at my house tonight. There were 32 people in my home. It was wonderful. I love having my family come over, I hope they all felt welcome.
2) I really enjoy gardening but am not a huge fan of a lot of veggies. I just give most of what I grow to my neighbors and family. this year I attempted tomatoes, peas, carrots, onions, corn, green beans, squash. My onions and peas turned out best.
3) I only buy bread a couple times a year. I make it every week and sometimes twice. I enjoyed it so much at first and now me and my family are spoiled by it. Store bought just isn't as good.
4) I know how to put a computer together and I can also name all the components necessary to create a functioning computer. Case, motherboard, memory, power supply, hard drive, processor and cpu fan, cd and or dvd drives, video and audio card if they aren't built into the motherboard, NIC card if you want Internet, (more that I ever wanted to know, thanks timmy)
5) One of the funniest things I have heard this week was Phillip saying to the enemy on Wii Star Wars "It would be my pleasure to kill you bad guy" over and over again. At least he has some manners.
6) I'm totally in love with a computer nerd and couldn't be happier. Thanks for making my life wonderful Tim. You are the best husband and friend ever! (as far as I know)

Monday, September 29, 2008


Keith and Ashlie had a beautiful baby boy last week! I just thought I'd show off my new little nephew! I wish I could hold him!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Phillip's victory dance

Make sure you turn your volume up, his banter is as funny as he is! Earlier he was playing the wii while William was at school. After he had been playing for about an hour he came crying to me for help. I asked him what he needed help with and he said "Mom, my arms hurt" You can see why after an hour of this his arms would hurt. I laughed for quite a while! Phillip is always so entertaining

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

David and Tori

San Diego

We went to San Diego this weekend for our Annual Lewis Reunion. It wasn't the same as usual. Grandma and Grandpa Lewis couldn't make it and Bob and Viv are on their mission but we still had a great time! My mom and dad decided to bring back tradition. They had corn on the cob boiling half the time and we had BLT's on Friday morning. It brought back so many memories. So many of us have talked about staying somewhere else for our San Diego trips but the memories that come are so nostalgic and fun. I could see uncle Ron in the kitchen sweating over the bacon telling us to eat more. I love making new memories and remembering all those fun things of the past. I can remember spending so much time on the beach and in the ocean that I would get rashes from the sand rubbing my skin. It was worth it, I loved the ocean. I found out thanks to chantz this year that I still do love it but I have to say the funnest thing this year was watching my 3 little boys LOVE the sand and water. Even David couldn't get enough of the ocean. His lips were blue and he was shaking but he would point at the water and say "moa" how could I say no, I knew just how he felt! After this weekend I understood why my mom and dad took us back. The stressful and exhausting days and nights in San Diego are worth it because of the joy and the magic it creates for my babies. It will always be a special place to them and I am so glad!!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Here goes phillip

My Singers

William and Phillip were singing to me so I thought I'd share the pleasure. They are so entertaining. I love them!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

William's 5th Birthday!!!

William turned 5 this week. He was so excited. His favorite present so far would definitely have to be the star wars wii game his daddy got for him. He has played it as much as we'll let him since he opened it Thursday morning. He is so funny and smart and I feel blessed to be his mommy! I can't believe that my baby is 5.

This is William's 3 batman cake in a row. I ran out of ideas so Walmart helped me out with this cupcake cake. I thought it was pretty clever and even easier to serve! Gave the kids there cupcake and sent them outside. They loved it!!

William, mommy just wanted to tell you thank you for being such a good boy. You always make such a huge effort to make everyone in the house happy! Especially your mommy and daddy! The other day we were playing computer games and you went and whispered to your dad that he was the best at the game then came and whispered in my ear "mommy, really you are the best but don't tell daddy, okay." I call you my little politician. When ever I ask you what you like or what you want you always say which one do you like most mom. I have learned not to answer that question or I'll never know how you really feel. You are so kind but so silly! You are a social butterfly when it comes to your cousins but we go somewhere where you don't know people you hide behind my leg. You love school but have the hardest time talking in front of the class. There might only be 5 kids but they are all looking at you and that is almost more than you can handle. You are so much like your daddy and I love you more than you'll ever know!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

You would never know Tim was a computer guy if you came into our house until you listen to him talk for a little while or enter the computer room (office). Then welcome to the world of electronics. He is obsessed with all those little toys that happen to end up in our house. Like he was dying to have a GPS and then poof he had one. I was mad as a hatter until he explained that one of his computer clients just gave it to him. Before that he made the cheap XBOX I got on eBay a little pricy when he had to open it up and try to solder the motherboard. Or there is the Garmin that he got me for my birthday that goes on his bike. I'll admit I traded for a little while but it somehow became permanent. Or how about the homemade TIVO............ that showed up one day... I'll admit it is nice to have but man he is so sly! Anyhow, I was just explaining a picture and got carried away. All 3 of my boys are obsessed with computer games. When they aren't battling over whose turn it is the watch over each other’s shoulders. It kills me.
10 years ago I:
1. Turning 16
2. got my drivers license
3. thought my life was hard
4. got my 1st cell phone for christmas
5. hated going to high school!

5 things on today's "to do" list:
1. Make bread
2. Take William to school
3. try not to yell at my kids
4. clean my never clean kitchen :(
5. Beat Alane and Cinnamon at racquetball

5 snacks I enjoy:
1. Ice cream with natural peanut butter drizzled on top (TRY IT!!)
2.homemade bread with butter
3. peanut M&Ms
4. Lupe's strawberry cake
5. strawberries and blackberries with fresh whipped cream (yum, this is making me hungry!)

5 things I would do if I were a millionaire:
1. pay off all debt
2. build a custom made home of my own design
3. Save for the future
4. travel with my family
5. spoil my husband like he deserves!

5 places I have lived:
1. Moapa, NV with fam
2. Las Vegas, NV with Bob and Julie Johnston
3. Henderson, NV my home with hubby
4. Moapa, NV with parents
5. Moapa, NV In my own home again

Five jobs I have had:
1. Babysitter (still am a PRO!)
2. College Note taker (they just made copies of my notes that I took any ways for other students that needed assistance, easiest job ever!)
3. scale shack weighing trucks (the worst!)
4. Secretary for LRM
5. wife, mom

I tag...1.Amy 2. Amy 3. Andrea 4. Andrea 5. Annie

All A Names and A people (love ya guys)

Rules:Each player answers the question themselves. At the end of the post the player then tags 5 people and posts their names, then goes to their blog and leaves them a comment letting them know that they've been tagged and asking them to read your blog. Let the person that tagged you know when you've answered the questions on your blog.

Back to Normal, Kinda

Oh, after the longest week ever I think things are finally starting to go back to normal. David is so much better! After the whole ER visit for the MRSA we had another scare on Sunday. I took him to church because I didn't want to miss my cousin BillyPaul's farewell. I stood in the back and paced with him through practically the whole sacrament meeting. After that was over I went to show my mom the sores in his mouth that were growing and making him more and more miserable. He just cried and cried everytime I took his pacifier away. Lisa, a friend I serve in Primary with, came over and told me to just take him home and that they could handle the primary just fine without me. That was all the coaxing I needed but after I got home I just couldn't make David happy. He sobbed and sobbed. Finally I called tim home from Church and left Grandma in charge of William and Phillip and we headed again for the ER. BAD IDEA on a sunday and with the huricane on it's way to New Orlean's again. There was only 1 doc there and we waiting in the waiting room for 4 hours! What made things worse was that David remembered the place and started screaming right when we walked in the door! We hadn't been able to get him to drink and that was the main concern.
When we finally got in to see the doc she diagnosed him with Hand Foot and Mouth disease or stomititus. The poor baby had a rough weekend. After they numbed his mouth he drank half my water bottle but wouldn't put the sippy cup of pedialite they gave him any where near his mouth.
But, i did get in trouble if I tried to take it from him. Anyhow, long story short, he's almost 100% and we only have a couple more days of forcing drugs down him. Sometimes it is so fun being a mom. THanks for all the prayers and calls and emails of concern! It means a lot to have so many people who care and are willing to help! Love you all!!!

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Update on David

Well, David got worse Thurday night. He got a fever of 102.5 and his abscess on his side continued to spread. Thank goodness I have so many good people I trust. After talking to my mom and uncle james in the middle of the night (sorry about that) we dicided to watch him closely and on Friday morning we took David to Sunrise Pediatrics Er.

They immediatly diagnosed him with MRSA which is a infection like staph infection that is immune to most antibiotics so it turned out that the shot he had gotten on Thursday, the doc said, was as useful as not having had anything. So they gave the poor boy an IV then gave him a potent antibiotic via IV (which took over an hour) and we are following up with an oral antibiotic. They ran a full blood culture because he has had a fever now for 2 days but they never said anything about the results so I figured they came back normal.
They talked about lancing the abscess and draining it but decided that it wasn't quite big enough. She described it to me that with her expreience (which I was so glad she had had!) that it looked like a honey comb on the inside and that there were lots of little pockets of puss. She said draining the top wouldn't necessariely help it because of the bottom pockets would still be full of infection. We are all hoping that the antibiotic will fight it and it will either drain on it's own or it will disapate. If it gets any worse we have to take him back to get it drained.

Anyhow, after all the tramatic events at the hospital, David was so excited when we left. He kept pointing at the door the whole time we were there. We went to Costco where he devoured every sample of goodies they had out. I think the pain meds helped his little appetite come back. At Gram's he ate pizza and ran around like nothing was wrong unless something touched his side. Slowly it seemed like the red was receeding, I was so relieved!
Then......... in the middle of the night he woke up in so much pain his whole body was quivering. He also had a high fever again. It was aweful! His motrin had worn off, BAD IDEA! we decided we'd try not to let that happen again. He cuddled against me quivering until the medicine finally kicked in; it was all I could do not to rush himback to the hospital but when the medicine started to work he went back to sleep. But when he woke up this morning he was in agony again. The only problem was that he still had to wait 2 hours before more motrin. We gave him tylenol but it just doesn't help him much. We have learned that we can distract him some but it sure has been a strange experience! His side looks better because is isn't red but the doc actually told us it isn't the red that was the important thing. It is the swelling and how big the abscess is, so we keep watching it. Now he is getting sores on his tongue. POOR KID. Right now he is playing but I know it is because of the medicine in his system. He is so adorable and I can tell he is getting spoiled because we haven't let his brother near him and he hollars every time we thinks he needs something.
He is such a fun baby, we love him so much. Thank you all so much for your prayers and support! I am so thankful to have so many family and friends that take such good care of us! We love you all!