Showing posts with label PvP. Show all posts
Showing posts with label PvP. Show all posts

July 23, 2008

Servers + Fail = Chaos on Onyxia

Last night all the servers crapped out big time, so what is there do to when you get booted from your main? Find a server that still works and roll a n00b!

So that's what a helluva lot of people did. The only server Remmieh, Grumps, Brocy & myself could find working was Onyxia! I rolled a spunky little Priest called Hamsterdied, and set off looking for trouble!

...And we found it, in Goldshire in the form of a number of Lvl 70 and low-lvl Horde!

Grumps was clever enough to video the whole event, so hopefully he will have that up soon :D

June 28, 2008

Invasion Complete!

Today I captured the final 2 flames from Undercity and Silvermoon City, and recieved my Crown of the Fire Festival!

Also, I found a great guide to the Midsummer Fire Festival. It has every piece of information you might want about the Festival and then some!

June 27, 2008

CENTURION Invades Horde Capitals

Wednesday evening saw Brocy, Drawind and myself journey through Mulgore and scale the heights of Thunder Bluff to steal their flame away! And we succeeded! But forgot to take a screen shot. :(

Yesterday, Brocy and myself laid siege to Orgrimmar, and came away with their flame amid the thwarted attempts of a couple of would-be Horde assassins!

Fear us Horde scum! For we are determined and sneaky! Now, to journey to Silvermoon City and Undercity to complete our work...

- Helmaree

June 15, 2008

BG Fun

I thought I'd log my Pally (Llewellyn, 14) on yesterday for some prof levelling and a bit of BG. so I finally get her into WSG, look around me, and see a lvl 12 Priest, a few lvl 19 twinks, including a couple Rogues and a Hunter, and some other assorted-lvl players. Within a few seconds I get a tell from the twink Hunter: "leave". WTF?! So of course I pst back: "bite me".

The Battle has Begun. The gates open. I charge outside, and wonder where my comrades are. So I prance accross the divide, looking for something to kill. Luckily, the whole opposing team were valiantly fighting at the bottom of their tunnel, so I join in, throw a couple of heals, and take them down. Uh-oh, the Lock and Hunter rezzed, and they're pissed = me dead.

Anyway, long story short, I spent half the battle on offence, and half on defense. Last flag goes in, it's a win to us - Yay! Check the standings... Oh look! The three twinks take out 1, 2 and 3, and little old me comes fourth in kills with 18, 5 deaths - only two less kills than the smart-arse hunter that whispered me at the start! Damn. I didn't take a screenshot! Oh well, there's always next time ;)