I thought I'd log my Pally (Llewellyn, 14) on yesterday for some prof levelling and a bit of BG. so I finally get her into WSG, look around me, and see a lvl 12 Priest, a few lvl 19 twinks, including a couple Rogues and a Hunter, and some other assorted-lvl players. Within a few seconds I get a tell from the twink Hunter: "leave". WTF?! So of course I pst back: "bite me".
The Battle has Begun. The gates open. I charge outside, and wonder where my comrades are. So I prance accross the divide, looking for something to kill. Luckily, the whole opposing team were valiantly fighting at the bottom of their tunnel, so I join in, throw a couple of heals, and take them down. Uh-oh, the Lock and Hunter rezzed, and they're pissed = me dead.
Anyway, long story short, I spent half the battle on offence, and half on defense. Last flag goes in, it's a win to us - Yay! Check the standings... Oh look! The three twinks take out 1, 2 and 3, and little old me comes fourth in kills with 18, 5 deaths - only two less kills than the smart-arse hunter that whispered me at the start! Damn. I didn't take a screenshot! Oh well, there's always next time ;)