Showing posts with label Bellor. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bellor. Show all posts

July 16, 2008

Patch 2.4.3 is LIVE!

So of course the first thing I did when I logged in this morning - and I got straight on too, having downloaded the patch last night during maintenance - was get Bellor her mount!

I just couldn't decide whether to stick with the lock mount, or get a racial mount.... so I got both!

I also took the liberty of getting the new patterns available from Steamwheedle Port in Tanaris for [Dress Shoes], [Haliscan Jacket] and [Haliscan Pantaloons]. Screenshot will be forthcoming :)
Edit: Here's Clothybanker in his new threads!

Now all I need to do is H Old Hillsbrad to get Helmaree [Don Carlos' Famous Hat] and I'm set! lol

July 14, 2008


Yes! It's finally happened! UK site will release the first talking plush Murloc toy at the end of September!

Unfortunately, they don't deliver all of their products outside of the UK - including, so it seems, the Murloc toy :(

So, looks like - as with all cool merchandise - we'll have to wait and pay stupid prices for it. Sigh.

I can't take all the credit for this find - in fact I didn't have a clue about it until I listened to The Instance #113 this morning. GJ guys ;)

In other news, after many changes to be made to the talent tree in the upcoming WotLK were discussed openly with participants of the Worldwide Invitational, our friends at wowhead finally released an updated Talent Calculator! While it's not yet complete, you can still take a gander at the changes and additions for most classes. I had a look, and I must say I am not impressed as yet.

Edit (22/07/08): Grumps recently let us know that the Talent Calculator is now available on the WoW website! "Check out the WotLK Talent Trees out on the WoW website now! Find them here.
Find the death knight talent tree on that page, or directly here."

And finally, before this starts to look too much like every other WoW blog on the internet this week, Bellor has capped out her Enchanting! It cost me a packet in Illusion Dust, but she finally got there!

July 7, 2008

W00T! Sewing and Killing

Bellor has finally made it to lvl 35, and after an epic attempt (and lots of gold!), she has sewn and sold her way to lvl 300 Tailoring!

I only went cloth farming with Helmaree 3 times, being for Mageweave, Runecloth and Felcloth.

Mageweave: I farmed the top two levels of the big troll temple in The Hinterlands, Jintha'Alor. The drop rate was very good, and I was able to get about 8 stacks in under an hour. Also a few greens, a bit of cash, and half a bag of vendor trash, not to mention some handy potions for my alts!

Runecloth: I just tooled around Eastern Plaguelands for this stuff... All the humanoids there have a pretty good drop rate, but my favorite was killing the Scarlet Elite's at Tyr's Hand. Not only were they a lot more fun to kill, but they also dropped a BoE World Epic for me! [Hurricane]

Felcloth: Everyone just LOVES farming this stuff... NOT! But I have a fairly painless system that will get you 10 - 12 pieces in just under an hour. I go to the Legashi Encampment in Azshara. There are three camps in the area, and even if you you drop each camp fast, the first one should have respawned by the time you get back. Drop rate is good, and I got a few greens and potions as well. Plus, you guessed it... I got another BoE. A Rare this time! [Blade of the Titans]

Oh, and just to show off... While I was flying around on Helmaree collecting patterns, I thought I'd go and kill some Winterfall furblogs behind Everlook, and aside from a few stacks of Runecloth, I also scored another Rare BoE! [Sapphiron's Scale Boots]

Well, enough bragging for now, I'm off to lvl Bellor's enchanting!

July 3, 2008

The End Draws Near

Tomorrow is the last day of the Midsummer Fire Festival - your last chance to purchase rewards with your Burning Blossoms, honor the flame of your favorite city, and desecrate the Horde bonfires one last time!

The day will be concluded with a spectacular display by the Goblins of Undermine, where the sky itself will be set alight! So get yourself dressed up in all your Festival gear, take up a mug, and raise a toast to the season as the sky above explodes into a wondrous display of multicolored fireworks!

I finally got a Captured Flame today, after making a final trek to some more bonfires, finishing my journey at Feathermoon Stronghold in Feralas.

And so one of my favorite in-game events for the year draws to a close. The next Annual event will be the Harvest Festival, to be held from Sept 8 to 13. My next favorite event will follow closely behind, beginning on Sept 20 and running until Oct 4. So get your liver ready for BREWFEST!!

July 2, 2008

Now I'm Getting Crabby!

Bellor as a Crab!
But seriously... I'm busting at the seams since reading the PTR Notes! Mounts at lvl 30! Finally, Blizzard have given me a good reason to play my alts. There's nothing that sucks more than walking everywhere, especially once you get used to Epic Flyer bliss.

In other news, Gangstarter and Bellor got to get some Gnomeregan quests completed yesterday (Thanks Rem!), and Bellor dinged to lvl 33! Which meant she could finally put on her Mantle of Doan and Robe of Doan. She looks rather spunky now, don't you think?!

June 30, 2008

I got my boots!

I logged Helm on this morning to do the Midsummer dailys, and hit 201 Burning Blossoms! I finally, finally have my Sandals of Summer! Unfortunately, with only 4 days of the Festival left, I won't be able to collect 99 more blossoms in time to get the Mantle of the Fire Festival :(
Here I am showing off my Midsummer goodies in IF.

Helmaree showing off! In other news Bellor (my warlock) started her tour of Azeroth to collect her own Burning Blossoms and some very sweet xp! She went from lvl 29 to lvl 31, so there's hope for her yet!
I'm hoping to get her to lvl 35 (with the help of some more bonfire visits) so that she can train Artisan Enchanting and Tailoring. She's been stuck at 225 for what seems to be forever! Here's a screenie of Bellor visiting the bonfire in Undercity.

Bellor at the Undercity bonfire