Friday, December 5, 2008


We had a GREAT Thanksgiving this year! Good food, good company....what more could a person ask for! We went up north for the big day. We ate dinner at noon at Lori's. I tried not to eat to much because I knew we were going to Payson later to eat...but I couldn't help myself, just to many yummy things!! We were able to do our gingerbread houses before we headed to Payson...and Mac loved that. He ate more than he put on his little house, but oh well, it is the holidays!! My grandma even made Ella a little house, so we decorated it her!! We headed up to Payson later and had some more yummy food!! It was a really fun night. We played scrabble, ate food, talked, lounged, ate more was great! I didn't take one picture there though!! I hate when I do that!!

On the way to Payson, my husband did something so heroic....He saved a goat!!haha Okay, the goat wasn't dying or anything, but the goat's poor head was stuck in the fence!! Carl stopped the car, got out, and pushed the goat's head through the fence. I was kind of getting nervous because I thought the goat was going to bite him or something, but it didn't! It was quite the thing to see! Good job Carl!

While we were up north we got to go to a Jazz game with Phil, Jenny, Kieth and Hariella! We LOVE the Jazz, so Carl and I were so excited!! We took tracks from Sandy to the Energy Solutions Center, which made us a half an hour late to the game, but we still had a good time!Gotta love the Jazz!!

This year in Nephi there was a light parade and lights in the park so we took the kids down to it. It was a nice was cold, but it could have been A LOT colder! The kids had fun, and McKay was so excited to see SANTA! It was such a fun weekend!! I can't wait until Christmas!!!


Adrie said...

Geeze when you post you really post. Looks like you had a fun Thanksgiving weekend, it was really fun to see you! I love the picture of you and Kara, you guys are too cute!

Anonymous said...

Looks like you guys had a fabulous Thanksgiving! What fun things you did. Gotta love those Jazz and way to go Carl for saving the goat. What a hero!

Defa's said...

WOW! When you guys celebrate you go all out. All of those things sounded fun, and now Carl is a Super Hero. All the goats in the land will be safe.

Jenny C said...

Ella looks so mature! We have to let the kiddies play next time you are here. Miss you!!

Neubertclan said...

Hey Wrights-
This is the Neuberts-your old Payson Neighbors. I got your blog from sara's blog. It is great! I loved to see how you were doing! Hope all is well for you guys-Happy Holidays!-Angela Neubert

Marci Jolley said...

NICE POST!!! I love a lot of pics. I love it that Carl saved that goat, so funny. You look so cute, skinny mini.

Kevin and Kristi Cloward said...

Way to go on saving the Goat Carl! Merry Christmas you guys :-)

Mrs. Wright said...

I love how you wrote about Carl doing a 'brave' thing over Thanksgiving! What a funny story! It does sound like something Carl would do! =0) The pics of the kids making gingerbread houses are darling! What a great tradition! We just might have to adopt something like this (wink-wink!). We're so excited to see you all Christmas day!

Nuvia 3 said...

Who knew that we could add goat saver on to Carl's list of qualities. He's amazing.

Jenny C said...

I tagged you, sorry.

Brittany said...

So cute!!! I love the saving goat story, too funny! McKay looks so much like his dad. He is a little Carl...

Hall Family said...

Thats hilarious about the goat i love that you posted it. Also I cannot believe your baby girl is 6 months, that seems so weird cause it seems liek you were just pregnant with the first. Time flies