Friday, December 5, 2008

Six month update!!

It is hard to believe that Ella is almost SEVEN months old!! I can't believe how fast time goes by! I took her to her six month check up before Thanksgiving and she is growing like a weed! She weighed 15lbs 14oz!! She still seems so tiny though. I guess it is because at that age, McKay was 21LBS!!! She is starting to do so many things! She is starting to scoot!! She tries to get everything McKay has...and she LOVES her brother and her daddy! It is so cute when she sees Mac, she gets so excited and tries to jump to him! My little girl does NOT like baby food at all! She will eat sweet potatoes, but that is it. She gags, or spits out everything else! I really don't know what to do about that!! She is so cute, and has such a sweet personality. We love our little Ella Bella!


Anonymous said...

What a doll! She is so photogenic!!

deveney said...

She's so cute! I love all of her little outfits. She reminds me of Kellen's little girl that's the same age, except she's more like Mac...she weighed 20 lbs at her 6 month check-up! She even has that same black and white shirt :)

I don't have your email, but I'd like to invite you to my blog if you want, so send me an email at You have such a cute family, I love catching up on what fun things you guys are doing! Love you!

Marci Jolley said...

I can't believe that she is already 7 months! She is so cute. Your lucky taht Mac was big and she's not, I am always so worried that I will have a big tall girl and a short boy. I can't wait to see you all in UT!

MarjAnn said...

She sits! How fun is that!?! The Gingerbread houses looked fun!