Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Little Buddies.....Sometimes

So far McKay and Ella have been pretty good little buddies! They give each other big hugs,

They take bubble baths together....

BUT..... recently McKay has started to push his little sister over when she is sitting on the floor!! I don't know what to do about it. He has been so cute with her up until now... I don't know if he is getting jealous or what! She did recieve her first battle wound from him (it was kind of an accident, but it is her first REAL battle wound)! He was throwing his books out from the entertainment center, and one of the books smacked her in the eye! OUCH!!!(If you look REAL close, you can see the two little cuts under her right eye)

Friday, December 12, 2008

Family Pictures 2008

This year Sunni took family pictures for us!! She did such a great job!! Mckay was being SUCH A STINKER the whole time, but she still managed to get some good ones!! Sorry I posted so many, but I just couldn't decide what ones I liked the best!! I love them all!! Thanks Sunni so much!!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

McKay's First Trip to the Dentist!

I decided that it was time to take Mac to the dentist!! He was such a good little boy until the dentist actually started to clean his teeth!! He was crying and screaming, but the dentist just held his head and was able to get the job done! I didn't get any pictures of the actual cleaning, but I did get pictures of Mckay cleaning the dinosaurs teeth!! The good news is that the dentist said his teeth looked "fabulous"!!

Monday, December 8, 2008

Picture tag

Tagged by Jenny.... 4th Folder 4th picture
This was McKay's costume from Halloween last year! He looked soooo cute. The puppy dog outfit fit him perfectly!!

I tag Marci, Sunni, Hariella, Stasha

Friday, December 5, 2008


We had a GREAT Thanksgiving this year! Good food, good company....what more could a person ask for! We went up north for the big day. We ate dinner at noon at Lori's. I tried not to eat to much because I knew we were going to Payson later to eat...but I couldn't help myself, just to many yummy things!! We were able to do our gingerbread houses before we headed to Payson...and Mac loved that. He ate more than he put on his little house, but oh well, it is the holidays!! My grandma even made Ella a little house, so we decorated it her!! We headed up to Payson later and had some more yummy food!! It was a really fun night. We played scrabble, ate food, talked, lounged, ate more was great! I didn't take one picture there though!! I hate when I do that!!

On the way to Payson, my husband did something so heroic....He saved a goat!!haha Okay, the goat wasn't dying or anything, but the goat's poor head was stuck in the fence!! Carl stopped the car, got out, and pushed the goat's head through the fence. I was kind of getting nervous because I thought the goat was going to bite him or something, but it didn't! It was quite the thing to see! Good job Carl!

While we were up north we got to go to a Jazz game with Phil, Jenny, Kieth and Hariella! We LOVE the Jazz, so Carl and I were so excited!! We took tracks from Sandy to the Energy Solutions Center, which made us a half an hour late to the game, but we still had a good time!Gotta love the Jazz!!

This year in Nephi there was a light parade and lights in the park so we took the kids down to it. It was a nice was cold, but it could have been A LOT colder! The kids had fun, and McKay was so excited to see SANTA! It was such a fun weekend!! I can't wait until Christmas!!!

Six month update!!

It is hard to believe that Ella is almost SEVEN months old!! I can't believe how fast time goes by! I took her to her six month check up before Thanksgiving and she is growing like a weed! She weighed 15lbs 14oz!! She still seems so tiny though. I guess it is because at that age, McKay was 21LBS!!! She is starting to do so many things! She is starting to scoot!! She tries to get everything McKay has...and she LOVES her brother and her daddy! It is so cute when she sees Mac, she gets so excited and tries to jump to him! My little girl does NOT like baby food at all! She will eat sweet potatoes, but that is it. She gags, or spits out everything else! I really don't know what to do about that!! She is so cute, and has such a sweet personality. We love our little Ella Bella!

We LOVE Christmas!!

This year we decided to put up our tree before we left for Thanksgiving!! I love this time of year! We put up the tree and McKay kept saying, "lights, lights"! Every morning when he wakes up he has to look at the tree! I had to get a few pictures of the kids by the tree!

We couldn't really get him to participate in decorating....BECAUSE.. he is to obsessed with his new best friend...the TV!!! Really...the kid could watch Toy Story all day long if I let him! Don't get me wrong, sometimes it is really nice, but I can't let him do it all day....right???

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Fun Day at the Park

It has been such great weather here....not too hot, not too cold, just perfect, so we have been taking advantage of it!! Yesterday, the kids and I went to the park and had a good time. McKay was getting pretty daring on the slide, which I am not sure if I am to fond of. He is just getting so big!! Ella is also growing up so fast. I put her in the swing and she LOVED it!! She just kept smiling and laughing. She is such a sweet little girl!! I just love these kids!!!

Monday, November 10, 2008

What About The Bear?? this has to be the funniest thing McKay has done in his little life so far. McKay and Ella were in the living room, and I was in the kitchen ( I seem to always be in the kitchen!!) and McKay was saying, "Diaper, diaper, diaper". I looked in and saw this....

I was laughing so hard at him! I tried to get a couple pictures of him, so I said, "Put the diaper on the bear so he doesn't go pee pee on the floor", just then he jumped up and said, "Toilet", so I opened the bathroom door for him...and this is what he did with the bear.....

Then he said, "Poop, poop", and did this....

I had to call Carl and tell him, because it was just so funny! When I was on the phone with him, McKay came in with his bear, but the bears shirt was missing....So I asked where the bears shirt was and he said, "Shoer, shoer" this word can be interpeted as shirt or shower....and I thought he was saying shirt until McKay lead me to the bathroom...he was saying shower!! He made me open the bathroom door again and he wanted to get his bear in the shower! I told him that we could get the bear in the shower later tonight, and then I told McKay to get the bears shirt so we could put it back on him. He walked right over to the hamper and grabbed the shirt out of it!! I wasn't able to get pictures of him doing all of just happened to quick!

I know that all kids do stuff like this, but when it is your own is just amazing to see how observant they really are! What a funny little boy!

Friday, November 7, 2008

Sock AND Shoe Obsession

Okay...So I know I have posted before about McKay's obsession with shoes....but now he is obsessed with socks AND shoes! The kid cracks me up! He insists every morning to help Carl put on his shoes and socks. After that is done, he will find socks...any socks...Ella's socks, socks out of the laundry hamper, socks out of the drawers...anything he can find and put them on! Then he will put Carl's shoes on. It really is an every day ritual! He puts my shoes on sometimes, and he even tries to squeeze his size 8 foot in Ella's size 1 shoe! I Love these kiddos!