Showing posts with label growing up. Show all posts
Showing posts with label growing up. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

What I've been doing

Hi efurryone, it's me, Chilli! Did you miss me?
The last posts were all about Siena and celebrating her Gotcha Day. Strangely, mom has two days with NO pictures of little Siena, so I thought I'd take advantage and tell you what I've been up to in those past days and weeks.
With my upcoming graduation as a Gardening Cat (on my first birthday in a few days) I have been gardening whenever the weather was permitting it.And sometimes - even if the weather seemed okay - it's mom who doesn't permit it. Not fair! I need to check on things!
These lavender bushes are looking good!
Everything must be in prime condition. Here I'm checking the Hosta leaves from the downside for pests. Hard work, but I aspire to graduate summa cum laude.
I've even been gardening for hours in the other world behind our wall. Need as much practice as pawsible! Can you see me? Mom giggled when she spotted me.On my way back home I felt a creepy feeling when wanting to pass this open window.I felt like glowing eyes were watching me, a shiver ran all the way down my spine to the tip of my tail and I froze on the spot.
Brrr, I still shiver when I think of it. How strange - there isn't really anything in that window, is there? Biggify if you dare to look.
The other day I got some quality playtime with the neighbour's visiting girls. There were three of them and they absolutely adore me. And I adore feathers! A good combination. However, the neighbour managed to lose my feathers when he teased our neighbour cat Frida with it. And you shouldn't mess with Frida.The toy was a bit broken anyways and mended over and over again, but I was really sad as I loved it very much. It made me chatter! Here are some memory pictures of me and my beloved toy.

Our neighbour gave me a peacock feather as a making-up-present! Those are pawsome too!
Mom says I'm her little peachick and that the colour of my eyes reminds her of the colour of these feathers. Moms, sometimes they say really weird stuff!I'm having fun with this feather for sure. If I promise to be good 'til the 15th of August, I might get a new old feather toy.Okay then, I'll keep a low profile for a while. But for now, two new entries to the popular series 'What is wrong in this picture?'Check in tomorrow, I have loads to tell you!
Purrs, Chilli

Sunday, March 29, 2009

The tube

I mastered the tube!

Well, sort of.
The other day we showed the tube I liked to play with. I used to get inside of it and roll around. At the very beginning when I just had arrived here, Siena gave me biteys in the butt when I was in there. Ahh, fun! Then I stopped playing with it, mostly because the dangling acorn inside allways fell off and mom got tired of fixing it again and again and again.
Now we got a new and improved version with a button on an elastic string fixed to the tube's inside! Yay, the 21st century has arrived to our appartement!!! Wohooo!!!
Here you see the tube and me together. It looks as if I don't fit in there anymore, doesn't it? Here's a short video to show that I nonetheless tried:

The tube is by the way a left-over piece from the making of our cat-tree. It's the inside of it to be exact. Mom got it for free from a store that sells carpets. The carpets are measured by length and are rolled around the tube. There were several sizes of tubes to be thrown away and mom picked the longest one of 4 meters. She then happily transported her treasure home - on her bike! I think mom is crazy too!
Purrs, Chilli

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Still cute?

Technically I'm still a kitten - I'm not even a year old. But recently I lost a bit of the cute kitten-y factor and I'm more... well, what? Mom say I look "impressive". Must be all the floof. However, if you could see me, you would all agree that I'm also a funny cat. Here I'm doing the big fuss in our little garden. Mom laughs when I gallop all around, up the trees and down again. Remember the nickname Zirkuspferdchen = circus pony?Here I'm complaining in front of a closed window. Long term furriends might remember that it's one of my missions in life to escape through windows. Must have forgotten that I'm already outside.
Mom is an only-child so she has a question for you: Did the "naughty" one of your siblings end up with most of the attention? Because mom just realised that that's what has happened here. With Chilli being a bit of a "character" and her alpha attitude, I have moved into the background for a while. Recently I have thawed up again and mom is happy - she told me that she was worried about me.
Now, look who's still momma's little baby!
Don't worry mom, I know how to have my revenge ON Chilli. Har. Har. Har.
Without me things would be mad around here - I'm the impawtant balancing factor.
All wand toys are Chilli's domain and I procure not to be in her way. Still she manages to crash down on me! Hrmpf! But lately we mastered to actually play together a few times. This shoelace made a cool Toy for Two.I'm a very weatherproof cat and don't mind rain. That's what my toesies look like after such an outing. Cute, wouldn't you say?So, here's what I want to know: Am I still cute?
Purrs, Siena

This post is of course an insinuating campain for tomorrow's voting in Misha's Kitty Fight Club. Sunday is my turn, so vote for me if you think I'm cuter than my opponent in tomorrow's picture. Cheers!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Chilli's big day

Dear furriends,
I am very proud to announce my winning of a very special award:

The Golden Bunnies Awardy

It was created and given to me by Little Bunny from the Whippy Curly Tails for doing the hidey real good. To prove my righteous claim of that honour I provide fresh hidey pictures as of yesterday morning.
Secondly, I wanted to talk about something very close to my heart.
I feel a bit lost at the moment. It is hard to see...Siena has her gang of floofy Norwegian Forest Cat SIFs. Fin has kindly taken me in as LSIHF (Little Sisfur In Honourary Floof) and Siena is the best sisfur I could possibly ask for...but still, I feel like I need my own crew. Maybe that's what growing up is all about.
I decided to have a look around and find cool cats to hang out with. So, it's a good coincidence that I talked about Little Bunny already, as she's one of the two cats I secretly admire - not only look-wise.
She has stunning green eyes... is an expert with the hidey...... and has such a noble Russian-Blue-like air about her.
Then there's Tama-Chan. As you might know she's a pure bred Abyssian and I love her slender looks and frootbattage. Just look at those dark pawpads!
Needless to say that they both have a great catitude and are very loving sisfurs! Tama-Chan and Little Bunny, would you like to be my furriends in the Silky & Slender Crew?
I would love to hang out with you! And maybe you can teach me some of your poise. ; )
Last but not least, I want to pass on the Golden Bunnies Awardy for doing the hidey to my sisfur Siena. Who, by the way, soon was discovered after the making of this picture, hehehehehe. I love you sisfur!
Purrs, Chilli

Monday, February 9, 2009

Living large

Hi efurryone!
Ultimately some of our furriends commented how grown-up I already look. My estimated birthday is mid-August - so, this 15th February I'll be a whole five months! That is pretty grown-up indeed, I think. Impawtant notice: Calculation by our good furriends, The Poupounette, have shown that I'll be six months this February! Woooohoo! Thank you Tama-Chan and Tom, I know I can count on you! ; )
Mom aswell says that I look surprisingly grown-up in some pictures. Then she gets this dreamy look on her face and talks baby-language with me. Here I look grown-up. Maybe a bit pretty, too.
Or this one - I'd say I even look pensative. Pensative! Me! Hahahahaha...Or here, where I' m saying to mom that no, it's not flashy box time.

Plus, I'm winning most of the wrestling duells with Siena. Har. Har. Har. I'm fearsome and grown-up!
On the other hand I do kitten stuff like getting so tired after all the action that my face just falls down and I'm fast asleep. I sleep very, very, deeply.

Then, I'm very "unreasonable". My mom hopes, that's a kitten-trait and will wear off come age and wisdom. Hahahaha! In this video I'm going mad at my cat-collar. I've been wearing it for a while already but still flip a few times a day.
You think I'm going to jump from down the door on the writing desk? Yep, you're right! Crazy jump from high up in 3...
I bathe in the freshly filled litterbox. I lay down in it and roll over and over for a while. Hahahahaha!
And then there are these pictures where I look utterly kitten-esque and tiny. Note the huge mom hand?
Or here: This foot is as big as I am!I need loads of snuggling with Siena.
But there is another sign I'm growing up fast: My new permanent fang is well established! Isn't it fearsome? And others keep falling out.Do you know where mom fond this one? It was clinging to Siena's neckfurs!!! Hahaha! Honestly!
Another furriend said that one day mom will miss these crazy kitten times and she is so right! So, while I'm living it large, mom is going to enjoy my antics...
Purrs, Chilli
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