29 janeiro 2009
Mind Mapping
Force associations and connections
Pick a random word from a dictionary, a magazine, a website or wherever, and try to force connections between the word and the problem you’re solving. This could and should be combined with mind mapping and sketching.
E por falar em mind mapping... certamente já por variadas vezes vos aconteceu, começarem a pesquisar um determinado tópico, e deixarem-se ir por aí adiante até não ter mais fim... mais ou menos o que eu estou a fazer neste momento, perdida em paginas e mais paginas, umas levam a outras..
Bem, já há softwares feitos a pensar em nós - os Mind Mapping Software!
Eis alguns exemplos: Mindomo | Freemind
Chapéus há muuitos, seu... pensador! (Edward de Bono)
The de Bono Hats system (also known as "Six Hats" or "Six Thinking Hats") is a thinking tool for group discussions. The tool, combined with the idea of parallel thinking which is associated with it, provides a means for groups to think together more effectively, and a means to plan thinking processes in a detailed and cohesive way. The method is attributed to Dr. Edward de Bono
Six distinct states are identified
- Neutrality (white) - considering purely what information is available, what are the facts?
- Feeling (Red) - instinctive gut reaction or statements of emotional feeling (but not any justification)
- Negative judgement (Black) - logic applied to identifying flaws or barriers, seeking mismatch
- Positive Judgement (Yellow) - logic applied to identifying benefits, seeking harmony
- Creative thinking (Green) - statements of provocation and investigation, seeing where a thought goes
- Process control (Blue) - thinking about thinking
How to use the hats.
Everyone will put on e.g. the white hat together, then they will all put on the next hat together. in this way all present think in the same way at the same time. The only exception being the facilitator who will tend to keep the blue hat on all the time to make sure things progress effectively. The blue hat tends to be the outward-looking, leader/trail blazing hat that attracts the leaders of all groups.
Typically in use a project will begin with an extended white hat action, as everyone gets "on the same page" creating a shared vision of the issue being addressed. Thereafter each hat is used for a few minutes at a time only, except the red hat which is limited to a very short 30 seconds or so to ensure that it is an instinctive gut reaction, rather than a form of judgement. This pace is believed to have a positive impact on the thinking process, in accordance with Malcolm Gladwell's theories on "blink" thinking.
This ensures that groups think together in a focussed manner, staying on task, it also ensures that they focus their efforts on the most important elements of any issue being discussed. However, it also has the potential to create conflict if not well facilitated, since people can feel "railroaded". (...)
Example So the meeting may start with everyone assuming the Blue hat to discuss how the meeting will be conducted and to develop the goals and objectives. The discussion may then move to Red hat thinking in order to collect opinions and reactions to the problem. This phase may also be used to develop constraints for the actual solution such as who will be affected by the problem and/or solutions. Next the discussion may move to the (Yellow then) Green hat in order to generate ideas and possible solutions. Next the discussion may move between White hat thinking as part of developing information and Black hat thinking to develop criticisms of the solution set.
Because everyone is focused on a particular approach at any one time, the group tends to be more collaborative than if one person is reacting emotionally (Red hat) while another person is trying to be objective (White hat) and still another person is being critical of the points which emerge from the discussion (Black hat).
retirado de wikipedia* e por falar em risco e mudança...
Clarice Lispector
Mas comece devagar, porque a direção
é mais importante que a velocidade.
Mude de caminho, ande por outras ruas,
observando os lugares por onde você passa.
Veja o mundo de outras perspectivas.
Descubra novos horizontes.
Não faça do hábito um estilo de vida.
Ame a novidade.
Tente o novo todo dia.
O novo lado, o novo método, o novo sabor,
o novo jeito, o novo prazer, o novo amor.
Busque novos amigos, tente novos amores.
Faça novas relações.
Experimente a gostosura da surpresa.
Troque esse monte de medo por um pouco de vida.
Ame muito, cada vez mais, e de modos diferentes.
Troque de bolsa, de carteira, de malas, de atitude.
Dê uma chance ao inesperado.
Abrace a gostosura da Surpresa.
Sonhe só o sonho certo e realize-o todo dia.
Lembre-se de que a Vida é uma só,
e decida-se por arrumar um outro emprego,
uma nova ocupação, um trabalho mais prazeroso,
mais digno, mais humano.
Abra seu coração de dentro para fora.
Se você não encontrar razões para ser livre, invente-as.
Exagere na criatividade.
E aproveite para fazer uma viagem longa,
se possível sem destino.
Experimente coisas diferentes, troque novamente.
Mude, de novo.
Experimente outra vez.
Você conhecerá coisas melhores e coisas piores,
mas não é isso o que importa.
O mais importante é a mudança,
o movimento, a energia, o entusiasmo.