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This morning, I was dressed and ready for my day by 10am.  This is a huge thing for me if I am staying home...not only is it impossible for me to wake up quickly, but I love to live in my pjs all morning, wander around aimlessly, and read random bits of country newspapers.    But today, I was ambitious.  I had baking to do (postponed from my actual baking day which incidentally was also POWER OUTAGE DAY this week) and plenty of work around the house.  Namely, a coat-tree to spray paint.

But alas, the universe (at barometric pressure) had other plans.




(ZOINKS!!! Damn that barometric pressure)

And baked I did.
Two batches of cookies and one batch of amazing muffins (my bff made me while at her house recently).

It's been raining BUCKETS here and after a quick dinner of chicken parm, the saint and I are off to join some friends for drinks in SEATTLE.  Oh thank the gods,

Happy Weekend, cozy birds.

P.S.  My woodshed: