Showing posts with label play. Show all posts
Showing posts with label play. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Simple Pleasures

One of the things I love about living in the villages is the sense of familiarity I get watching the kids play. They don't have electronic toys. They play with marbles, sticks, wheels, or, in this case, by pasting stickers to their faces. They found it very amusing. My horse found it quite odd. 

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Everybody's Bruce Lee

The perfect playground for some twelve year old boys...a plain white plastic drop cloth for a stage and someone with a camera! One of Jan Nikolai's photos of the Abu Sir children.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Wet Pleasure

On a sunny holiday afternoon we were riding along a trail in the countryside when we ran into a group of boys who were playing in the canal. I wouldn't voluntarily go swimming there, but then I'm not a roughly nine year old boy....a group not notoriously picky when it comes to fun. If I were their mother they'd all be taking a nice dose of parasite medicine pretty regularly too. But it was a perfect child moment.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Fussball At The Harley Shop

Harley Davidson and Cairo don't usually roll off the tongue together. After all, with our traffic roaring down the highway isn't usually an option. Be that as it may, there is a Harley Davidson shop in Zamalek and another in Mohendessin. And the one in Zamalek has a nice fussball game to play with.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Childhood Memories

A sunny day at the end of summer and a group of kids from one of the farming villages are playing in the dirt road in front of their houses. They are all wearing plastic sandals, not much different from those I remember kids wearing during the summers in California many, many years ago. Though mothers are keeping an ear out for the kids and checking on them, they have much less supervision than many children are used to these days. A few feet away another pair of children is pushing a baby in a wheelbarrow. I remember taking younger brothers and sisters for similar rides. Some things in childhood never change, I guess.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Boys Will Be Boys

Football, aka soccer, is a national insanity in Egypt. There is hardly a boy here that doesn't play or hasn't played football. Today I was quietly reading in my garden enjoying an unseasonably warm afternoon when I heard shouts and laughter from the driveway at the farm. My grooms had finished feeding the horses and the gardeners were done transplanting lettuce plants to new spots in the kitchen garden. My driver/personal assistant (the Photography Elf) had joined them all in an impromptu football match.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Doing His Own Thing

Having spent a great deal of time traveling with kids in a past life, I find children's reactions to historical and educational sites quite entertaining. I recall being at the Toronto Zoo looking at the otter exhibit when a family with a four year old strolled up. The parents were laughing at the otters' antics but the four year old was utterly fascinated by the ants that had taken up residence in the corner of the enclosure and whose burrows could be seen through the glass. This little boy probably thought that the big pile of rocks that was the Great Pyramid was nice enough, but some sand under a chunk of stone was much more fun.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Chillin' On A Summer Day

A Friday afternoon in late June can be pretty uncomfortable when the temperatures are hitting the high 30's. We decided that there was grocery shopping to be done and headed for Carrefour in Maadi. Once there, we decided we might as well enjoy a nice lunch and some ice tea which gave time to shoot some of the other shoppers who were passing by. This young man was pulling his little sister along on the slick marble floor.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Who? Me?

The epilogue of the boating adventures was, as is so often the case, a situation of avoiding maternal wrath. As a sound indicating the arrival of mother wafted on the breeze, our young sailor scampered ashore and pretended to know absolutely nothing of how his mother's dish ended up in the canal.. Of course!

Friday, May 23, 2008

Rub A Dub Dub

I was out riding with friends and as I came around a corner I saw this young boy who had taken one of his mother's aluminum washing dishes and was sailing on the canal in it. Even as my own well-trained mother's heart was stopping in fear that he might tip over into the fairly deep water, I was reaching for my camera and snapping off a series of photos. It's every child's dream, of course!

Thursday, March 6, 2008

I Can Fly!

What is it about the pyramids that inspires such lunacy in people? I really don't know but I like it. I recall visiting Stonehenge eons ago before it was all put behind walls and explanations, when it was just a bunch of rocks in a field, and my brother posing for a photo on the edge of one of the horizontal stones in a traditional surfer's stance, hanging five. What will we do for dreams when everything has been made safe?

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