Apologies for not posting for a while but I was being a tourist myself and visiting family in the US.
Monday, June 9, 2014
The Things Tourists Do!
Apologies for not posting for a while but I was being a tourist myself and visiting family in the US.
Tuesday, March 5, 2013
Pyramids Make People Silly
The panoramic point at Giza always has bizarre photo opportunities. Maybe a Japanese tourist jumping high into the air from a wall. I don't know why.

Friday, January 18, 2013
Thursday, November 1, 2012
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Saturday, March 17, 2012
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Black Pyramid on a Winter Day
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Blending In
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
A Seriously Amazing Pyramid Photo
We drove out near Kerdasa today to buy some heavy woven vine mats to roof my sitting area by the bird cage. On the way home we suddenly saw this view of the Great Pyramid and Catherine got the sot. The most amazing thing about it, other than its lovely composition, is the fact that the road is empty.
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Local Tourists
It was heartening to see Egyptians visiting Giza in the absence of foreign tourists. There were school trips and simply friends wandering around enjoying a chance to see the pyramids without the crowds. Many of them took the chance to ride camels and horses as well, which helps the economy here. I loved the flag cape.
Monday, March 21, 2011
The Neverending Problem
When the Ring Road around Cairo was first built, action by UNESCO and other groups stopped the construction of the portion that was to go around the back of the Giza plateau. The dirt road base of the proposed route that can be glimpsed running over the hill in front of the jeep has since become a well-used thoroughfare despite the fact that it was never paved, and trucks and cars use it to make a short cut to the Fayoum road. The other use of the paved portion of the road has lately been as a place to dump garbage. A newspaper article a while back shamed the authorities into cleaning up the sides of the road, but within a week or so, the trucks were back at it. These photos were shot today when I was on my way back home from town. What a bloody shame!
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Business Is Slow
A young woman gazes at her tourist trinkets at the Great Pyramid. We were visiting and didn't see much more than half a dozen tourists. It's tough but to be very honest I didn't see anyone at death's door despite one little boy who was selling postcards telling me how tough things were. "No money, no Pepsi" "Just as well no Pepsi. That stuff will kill you, kid".
Monday, November 22, 2010
One Of The World's Great Balconies
We went to collect a friend of mine who was visiting from the US so that she could come have a late lunch. While she picked up her stuff, we went to admire the view and were totally blown away. I've gotten used to seeing the Giza pyramids as I drive in and out of town, but just sitting there being gorgeous on the horizon...well!
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Well, Of Course!
This house has been sitting there unfinished, unfurnished, and unlived in for at least fifteen years. I thought that it was an unfinished museum being built by the antiquities service, but in fact it was planned to be a rather unusual home.
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Hiding Place
Suppose you wanted to hide a very long wooden boat on a stone plateau. Where would you hide it? If you were an ancient Egyptian, you'd dig a large hole in the rock and put it inside, naturally. The Solar Boat museum near the Great Pyramid holds a reconstructed cedar boat that was found in a pit like this on the other side of the pyramid. They were willing to work for a good hiding place.
Saturday, April 24, 2010
The Pyramid Photo
Not much needs to be said. Most people associate Egypt with three enormous pyramids standing in the desert. There are photos taken of them from the panoramic point which show the pyramids with desert in front of them. In reality, they stand on a plateau just above the extended city of Giza, not at all how they are pictured. However, this shot from the Ring Road near the Mansureya Road shows the pyramids of Giza at the edge of the farmland. It is a bit misleading since the palms are hiding a major apartment complex for the military and part of Nazlit Semman. Still, it is a wonderful view.
Monday, December 21, 2009
On The Way Home
Yesterday was a bit of a mad rush finishing things with a friend who has been staying here for a month. We hoped to be home early but the sun was setting as we crossed the Nile to Giza. The north wind had blown all the pollution away and the clouds glowed crisply in the sky outlined in silver, pink and gold. On an evening such as this it's hard to imagine that all this beauty is just there to enjoy.
Monday, November 9, 2009
Tea Break at Dahshur
Some of the tourist police and their camels take a break in the afternoon in the shadow of the Bent Pyramid at Dahshur. This pyramid is interesting for its sort of squashed shape (the builders used too steep an angle initially and then had to lower it) and for the fact that it is one of the only pyramids that still has its facing stones.
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Cruisin' Giza
This picturesque old man works the crowds at the Great Pyramid accepting "donations" from tourists who want a photograph of him. The pockets of his galabeya are full of trinkets to sell as well. Thank heaven for a decent telephoto lense.
Saturday, August 22, 2009
View From The End of The Highway
I was coming home from Maadi the other day and we took the last exit off the Ring Road for a change. I stopped to take this shot of the Pyramids of Giza. There is something amazing about having these massive rock piles practically in your backyard.