Showing posts with label maps. Show all posts
Showing posts with label maps. Show all posts

Tuesday, 24 February 2015

How well do you know your 30K lore?

Click to embiggen!

This is an identification chart I created for everyone's amusement, it concerns the origins of the first Terran recruits to the original founding Space Marine Legions.

Monday, 12 December 2011

Wotan’s Night Campaign – Draft First Report

We had our first night on campaign, fighting battles of Tier 1 from the campaign aid. This was to be the preliminary engagement over the Frost Plains of the world of Wotan’s Night, where our mutual forces would jockey for an early advantage and test out the Veteran Abilities rules from the BRB.

Wednesday, 7 December 2011

Wednesday Night Gaming: 3-Player Campaign

Here at Wednesday Night Gaming, we’re big fans of the Broken Alliance 3-player battle setup, as there are 3 of us in the group, this being me (Imperial Guard, Grey Knights), Dougie (Orks, Chaos Space Marines) and Laur (Space Marines, Tau, Tyranids). 

While in most of our games 2 of us face off, with the odd one out invigilating, setting up the terrain and/or doing some painting on the sidelines and resolving rules queries, but all in all we do enjoy the anarchy and fun factor when it comes to the brilliant 3-player battles, especially the randomised game turn which is prone to abuse, with hilarious results.

Lately we’ve been noticing something missing in our games. We’ve been busy playing each other, adapting, list tailoring, but we’ve noticed a stagnation, a lack of development if you will.

Tuesday, 15 November 2011

Wednesday Night Gaming: The Ghostwing’s Introduction

Mordrak: I see... Dead people!
Ghosts: Lay off dem pills ya daft junkie

This is an expansion upon my previous article, a more detailed battle report giving interested readers a more play-by-play account of what happened in my Mordrak ‘Ghostwing*’ outing.

My reason for dictating this battle report is that while I’m a keen fan of the fluff and playability of Ghostwing, I am saddened by the lack of detailed battle reports showing how a Ghostwing army is to be applied in games, so I thought I’d give it a go for others to read!

Sunday, 10 January 2010

Artwork: Soul Reapers - Maps

Ghoul Stars Map Overview

Over at Galaxy in Flames, Big Jim's Minidex is being put through its paces by massive, and enthusiastic playtesting. While this is occuring, I've been working with Jim's ideas in finalising the cover to his ambitious Minidex. However, in the run-up to this, I've been feeding fluff character artwork, watermarks, playtest covers, and the like in order to tease out the heart and soul of the fluff of the project.

A part of the fluff we 40K fanatics like when we read the shiny codices and rulesbooks are the maps! The stellar geography, campaign maps, planetary data sheets, references to warp storms, lost legions, and battles in the stars really stoke the fires of our imagination. All this really pimps up the appeal of 40K, in my opinion, and the well-produced artwork form part of a 'living canon' of 40K which set the tone, scene, details, who, where, when & why of the game.

This epic tapestry of stellar geography is something (I'd like to think) us 40K players like to be a part of. In fact, there are some excellent examples of what I'm talking about at the Bell of Lost Souls downloads section, namely the campaign booklets & minidexes. If you've not seen them yet, I urge you to check them out. Well-painted models, beautifully photographed, and painstakingly crafted maps, with real passion.

When I got involved in the Soul Reapers minidex, it eventually came to my mind that I'd try to produce a few fan-made maps for Big Jim's fluff, just to really spice things up and bring out the real quality of what he's trying to do. One thing is needed when it comes to 40K map-making. Research.

Research, research, research.

Look up the 40K rulebook. 40K codices. Check the Internet. This excellent starmap by Ikkaan is a fantastic source of up-to-date information to place the locations of 40K. Re-check the rulebooks and codices. Sometimes the canon reboots and/or retcons itself, e.g. locations move about or have their histories rewritten (e.g. the position of the Valhalla & Baal systems seem to have moved around over the years), so be as thorough as possible.

It was a real blast producing the Ghoul Stars map overview above, with respect to GW's IP and in homage to the star maps in the fluff section of the current rulebook. I took Big Jim's thoughts and sketch starmap from his website, superimposed it with a current 40K starmap and Ikkaan's, added some new flavourful systems (Nosferatum, Alucard, etc) bearing in mind the relationship between the Cythor Fiends (black templar) fluff, and the new rulebook Thexian fluff, the Death Spectres patrols from Occludus, made some new systems up, hit the blend switch and voila! Instant Star Map which plugs right into the existing 40K canon.

I leave you with 2 preview maps from the Minidex; namely a map of Ehdan (Lair of the Soul Reapers) and the Karpathian Campaign battle map. I had tremedous fun producing these (totally unofficial fan-made illustrations), and you can find the finished products, when posted, at Big Jim's website, and/or the completed Minidex.

Preview: Ehdan, Lair of the Soul Reapers

Preview: The Karpathian Campaign

Note: All Illustration work depicted here is fan art which is completely unofficial and in no way endorsed by Games Workshop Ltd.