Showing posts with label campaign. Show all posts
Showing posts with label campaign. Show all posts

Monday, 16 April 2012


Boom! Shake the room.

In the latest Tier of the Wotan’s Night campaign, I have found myself at the bottom of the rankings. Do not fear, as I have also received a compensatory bonus of a useful Strategic Asset: Minefields!
In order to give our campaign battles a modicum of flavour and to balance the books a little given that different players are given different bonuses to mix things up (a sentiment that our current ‘Winning’ player, Laur, has vocally disagreed to time and time again. Next campaign will no doubt be managed by him!), these Strategic Assets from the Apocalypse rulebook has been injected into our weekly games of 40K, plenty of which we will now be using in the impending 4th tier.
Having received the Minefields asset, I found myself wondering how to represent this on the board?

Monday, 5 March 2012

Wotan’s Night Campaign – Second Tier Report

The second Tier of our campaign has commenced, and the 3 of us have progressed on nicely playing the mission and deployment type: Seize Ground & Dawn of War, at 800 point each, and took along our Veterans from the previous tier in the ongoing battle of Wotan’s Night.

Monday, 19 December 2011

Wotan’s Night Campaign – First Tier Report

We finally finished off the last game of the first tier, Grey Knights vs. Space Marines.

Monday, 12 December 2011

Wotan’s Night Campaign – Draft First Report

We had our first night on campaign, fighting battles of Tier 1 from the campaign aid. This was to be the preliminary engagement over the Frost Plains of the world of Wotan’s Night, where our mutual forces would jockey for an early advantage and test out the Veteran Abilities rules from the BRB.