Showing posts with label childhood photos. Show all posts
Showing posts with label childhood photos. Show all posts

Sunday, July 26, 2009

It's a Mom Monday Meme!

From Brewskie Butt, official spokescat of Art Adventures Studios...

My dear friend Henry, known as @Quadpawd on Twitter, has really kept me busy this past weekend. First, he had this fabulous birthday pawty to celebrate his first birthday, and I just HAD to help him celebrate. Then he goes and tags me in a meme in his Cats Who Twitter blog!

What's a meme you say? A meme apparently is an internet phenomenon that includes an image, video, phrase or simply an idea, that spreads from one person to another seemingly for no logical reason at all. When you are tagged, you are expected to write a blog that follows the meme and then pass it on to someone else. You don't hafta do it, but this meme seems a little fun. It's a mommy meme, which means that we critters get to dig up some dirt on our human moms.

Here's the rules that our mom's hafta follow:

(1) post 7 facts about yourself AND photos, OR

(2) post 10 facts about yourself with no photos, OR

(3) post a childhood picture of yourself.

BZTAT agreed to let me post some photos and some facts for her. This has not been an easy task, as I had to sit patiently as she dug through boxes of photos and as I had to comfort her as she walked down memory lane. But I was purrsistent.

Here's the first photo from when BZTAT was a baby. It's just what I thought--I always suspected that she really was a funny looking cat--all ears and eyes. She doesn't look like she wanted her picture taken. Just meowin'...

Here's another pic from her childhood with her brother and sister. She's the one in the middle. Folks used to say that she and her sister looked like twins, but her sister is actually 14 months older. Her brother is quite a photographer--guess artistic instincts are a family thing. You can see his photos here. Her sister is a teacher and is quite artistic in her own right.

BZTAT says that, as far as she can remember, there have always been two loves in her life--art and cats. Here she is in her college art studio at Marshall University. Didja know that she has 2 degrees in art from Marshall?

Bein' an artist, BZTAT has always had to haul things around. Here she is with her first pick-up truck. She's on her 4th truck now.

Here BZTAT is in a picture that was in the newspaper when she did a mural at a Women's History Luncheon last year.

Didja learn some new things about BZTAT? This meme thing is kinda fun. Oh yeah! I hafta tag some other critters. Hmmm. I think that I will pass this onto to my good friends Monkey Cat, Caplin Rous, and my twin from a different mother, Mr. Scrubby. They don't hafta do it, but it would be cool to hear what they have to say about their peeps!

(Oh, and you can tweak it a bit if you want to. If you follow the chain back a few links, you will see that everybody has kind of made this their own.)

Have a BREW-tiful day!

The Brew

Life is an Adventure!

Art Adventures Studios
Buy Artwork and Gifts by BZTAT
Art Adventures Studios, located in downtown Canton, OH near Second April Galerie and the historic Joseph Saxton Gallery of Photography.