Showing posts with label Brewskie Butt. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Brewskie Butt. Show all posts

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Hoedown Pawpawty on Twitter today!

From Brewskie Butt, official spokescat of Art Adventures Studios...

Yo Brew's Posse! We are havin' a hoedown pawpawty today (Saturday September 26--Sunday September 27, 2009) on Twitter! Time to get yer farm on and get into all the fun! You can find all the info about the pawpawty here on @FrugalDougal's blog and you can follow all the action here on Tweetgrid. It isn't on the schedule, but sometime today, I will hold a contest for a free print by @BZTAT during the pawpawty! The answer to the contest question will be somewhere in a post on this blog, so be sure to review the most recent posts. Be sure to follow me, @BrewskieButt so that you can send me Direct Messages for the contest.

The pawpawty raises money for a different animal charity each month. Be sure to contribute to Soi Dog Rescue, this month's designated charity.

Hope to see ya at the pawpawty!!!!

Have a BREW-tiful day!

The Brew

Life is an Adventure!

Follow works in progress by BZTAT on Twitter by searching #bztatptg.

Art Adventures Studios
Buy Artwork and Gifts by BZTAT
Art Adventures Studios, located in downtown Canton, OH near Second April Galerie and the historic Joseph Saxton Gallery of Photography.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

"Downtown Cats" mural in Downtown Canton

Illustration of "Downtown Cats" mural to be placed on
a building in Downtown Canton, OH

I am very excited to announce my largest commission ever: The "Downtown Cats" mural that will be placed on the building currently occupied by HEAP in Downtown Canton, OH. The building at 201 5th St. NW is in the heart of the Canton Arts District next to the historic Joseph Saxton Gallery of Photography.

The mural depicts 4 cats sitting in windows shaped like those on surrounding buildings looking out onto a cityscape. Who are the 4 cats? The most famous downtown cats around, of course! Brewskie Butt, Art Adventures Studios official spokescat, and his housemates Noah, Slick and Who, will each be featured in one of the windows.

The mural will be painted in the studio on wood and then will be attached to the building. Each "window" will be approximately 4 ft. X 8 ft. Although I intend to blog about each step in the process, the formal unveiling of the mural is planned for July 2010.

I am very grateful to Tim Belden and the Timothy S. Belden Charitable Fund for commissioning the mural and for being such a solid supporter of the Canton Arts District. Tim is the genius behind the Joseph Saxton Gallery of Photography, which has brought world class photography to Canton. I am also very grateful to Robb Hankins of ArtsInStark, the County Arts Council, for his support in developing this project, and to the Canton Development Partnership for their support.

There are so many amazing things going on in the Canton Arts District, and I am thrilled to be a part of all the excitement! Canton's downtown is being reinvented by the arts, and despite the economic difficulties facing the entire country of late, Downtown Canton continues to grow. As I post about the development of this project, I will also report on other great projects going on in the district.

Don't you wish you were in Canton?

Life is an Adventure!

Follow works in progress by BZTAT on Twitter by searching #bztatptg.

Art Adventures Studios
Buy Artwork and Gifts by BZTAT
Art Adventures Studios, located in downtown Canton, OHnear Second April Galerie and the historic Joseph Saxton Gallery of Photography.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

It's a Mom Monday Meme!

From Brewskie Butt, official spokescat of Art Adventures Studios...

My dear friend Henry, known as @Quadpawd on Twitter, has really kept me busy this past weekend. First, he had this fabulous birthday pawty to celebrate his first birthday, and I just HAD to help him celebrate. Then he goes and tags me in a meme in his Cats Who Twitter blog!

What's a meme you say? A meme apparently is an internet phenomenon that includes an image, video, phrase or simply an idea, that spreads from one person to another seemingly for no logical reason at all. When you are tagged, you are expected to write a blog that follows the meme and then pass it on to someone else. You don't hafta do it, but this meme seems a little fun. It's a mommy meme, which means that we critters get to dig up some dirt on our human moms.

Here's the rules that our mom's hafta follow:

(1) post 7 facts about yourself AND photos, OR

(2) post 10 facts about yourself with no photos, OR

(3) post a childhood picture of yourself.

BZTAT agreed to let me post some photos and some facts for her. This has not been an easy task, as I had to sit patiently as she dug through boxes of photos and as I had to comfort her as she walked down memory lane. But I was purrsistent.

Here's the first photo from when BZTAT was a baby. It's just what I thought--I always suspected that she really was a funny looking cat--all ears and eyes. She doesn't look like she wanted her picture taken. Just meowin'...

Here's another pic from her childhood with her brother and sister. She's the one in the middle. Folks used to say that she and her sister looked like twins, but her sister is actually 14 months older. Her brother is quite a photographer--guess artistic instincts are a family thing. You can see his photos here. Her sister is a teacher and is quite artistic in her own right.

BZTAT says that, as far as she can remember, there have always been two loves in her life--art and cats. Here she is in her college art studio at Marshall University. Didja know that she has 2 degrees in art from Marshall?

Bein' an artist, BZTAT has always had to haul things around. Here she is with her first pick-up truck. She's on her 4th truck now.

Here BZTAT is in a picture that was in the newspaper when she did a mural at a Women's History Luncheon last year.

Didja learn some new things about BZTAT? This meme thing is kinda fun. Oh yeah! I hafta tag some other critters. Hmmm. I think that I will pass this onto to my good friends Monkey Cat, Caplin Rous, and my twin from a different mother, Mr. Scrubby. They don't hafta do it, but it would be cool to hear what they have to say about their peeps!

(Oh, and you can tweak it a bit if you want to. If you follow the chain back a few links, you will see that everybody has kind of made this their own.)

Have a BREW-tiful day!

The Brew

Life is an Adventure!

Art Adventures Studios
Buy Artwork and Gifts by BZTAT
Art Adventures Studios, located in downtown Canton, OH near Second April Galerie and the historic Joseph Saxton Gallery of Photography.

The Brew Celebrates Canton First Friday Houndcats of Summer!

From Brewskie Butt, official spokescat of Art Adventures Studios...

Hello all my furrends! It's the Brew! Yeah, I am rockin' as the King for the next Canton First Friday that has an Elvis theme! Check out all the cool stuff going on in the Canton Arts District for the next First Friday arts event on August 7, 2009 here!

Oh yeah, and since everyone luvs me as Elvis, BZTAT posted some merch at her CafePress shop with me on it! Check it out here!

I will be postin' more about Canton First Friday Stay tuned!

The Brew

Life is an Adventure!

Art Adventures Studios
Buy Artwork and Gifts by BZTAT
Art Adventures Studios, located in downtown Canton, OH near Second April Galerie and the historic Joseph Saxton Gallery of Photography.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Surfin Safari July #PawPawty

From Brewskie Butt, official spokescat of Art Adventures Studios...

Brewskie the Surfer Dude
Artwork by BZTAT

Catabunga Dudes!!!! It's Paw Pawty time again! Every month thousands of animals that are on Twitter get together and have a 24 hour pawty to celebrate friendship, frolic and have fun, and raise money for an animal charity. Each pawty has a theme and this month's is Surfin' Safari, connecting with a contest hosted by Baby Patches of Supplies Just 4 Pets. Our animal charity this month is D'Arcy's A.R.C., a registered charity providing animal rescue in Manitoba, Canada.

You can read all about the details here from Frugal Dougal, the Paw Pawty organizer extraordinaire: Paws around the world: Surfin Safari July #PawPawty.

So get your surf board and suit and head out to Baby Patches' Island for the best time ever on Twitter!!! Oh yeah, and while you're at it, please vote for me in the contest here!

Have a BREW-tiful day!

The Brew

Life is an Adventure!

Art Adventures Studios
Buy Artwork and Gifts by BZTAT
Art Adventures Studios, located in downtown Canton, OH near Second April Galerie and the historic Joseph Saxton Gallery of Photography.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Sidewalk Sidelines--Canton First Friday

Join BZTAT and other downtown artists for "Sidewalk Sidelines" in support of Canton First Friday's "Chalk the Walk"!

First Friday
July 3, 2009
6:00 PM
- 10: PM
In the Canton Arts District

"Brewskie Butt"
Oil Pastel by BZTAT

The drawing illustrated above is for sale for $50. Send email for purchase information to:

Follow works in progress by BZTAT on Twitter by searching #bztatptg.

Art Adventures Studios
Buy Artwork and Gifts by BZTAT
Art Adventures Studios, located in downtown Canton, OHnear Second April Galerie and the historic Joseph Saxton Gallery of Photography.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Every cat has a story...Let me tell you Slick's

Original acrylic painting by BZTAT

If you follow Brewskie Butt on Twitter (Art Adventures Studios official spokescat and my most incorrigible feline), you will often hear him grumbling about Slick. Slick is the oldest cat in my home, and she is also Brewskie's nemesis. The two have been jealous of each other since the day the Brew first joined us.

Brewskie gets jealous because he knows that there is something very special between Slick and me. I have a special relationship with each of my cats, truthfully, but Slick and I go way back, and Brewskie knows it. He doesn't like it much.

Slick came into my life in the summer of 1995. A small oil spill caused by a pipeline rupture had filled the Tuscarawas River near my home with black oily goo. I volunteered with the wildlife rescue for the spill, as many ducks and geese were harmed by the oil that invaded their habitat. Along with the wildlife, the rangers also brought in a calico kitten who had been romping along the riverbed.

I already had two cats at the time, Beezie (read about Beezie here) and Bub. I had no intentions of taking in any more cats. But there was something about this little kitten...The rangers thought that she had oil on her because of the black patches in her fur, but that turned out to be her natural markings. She did have an injured paw, though. I was concerned that she would not be saved if they took her to the Humane Society. The local HS was a fine organization, but was overwhelmed, and not likely to treat an injured animal.

I made the mistake of putting my hand in the cage that held the kitten. She purred and loved on me so sweetly, there was no way this cat was going to the Humane Society. The rangers gladly allowed me to adopt her. She was named Slick after the oil spill, and she has been with me ever since.

A minor surgery fixed her paw, and Slick quickly took over my home. She and Bub became friends quickly, and they were best buds until Bub went to the Rainbow Bridge in 2004. Beezie never quite warmed up to her, but she tolerated her, much the same way that Slick tolerates Brewskie today.

Slick and her best pal Bub

Slick tormenting Beezie

Slick became an indoor-only cat at my home. She was pretty wild at first, and obviously missed climbing trees. She loved to climb up on high things like the refrigerator, kitchen cabinets and curtain rods. She has always been a silly character, doing kooky things. She settled down somewhat after a couple of years, but she continues to enjoy high places. She still gets the zoomies now and then, and she is still kooky. She loves the nip and gets drunk as a skunk whenever she partakes.

Slick pretending the cabinets are a tree

Slick has always been a great cuddler, and her short tortoise shell colored fur is very soft. Brewskie gets very jealous when she and I cuddle.

I always considered Slick to be my baby. She was younger than Beezie and Bub, and she always just acted younger. Things changed, however, when Beezie went to the Rainbow Bridge in 2003 and Bub in 2004. She and I were both lost without our other pals. She especially missed Bub, with whom she was particularly close.

I knew that Slick would need another companion, as I was often gone for most of the day. A friend directed me to a family that had newly born kittens, and I brought home Noah. Noah proved to be a bit too aggressive for Slick, so I brought home Brewskie to redirect him a bit. Now Brewskie is best buds with Noah in much the same way that Slick and Bub had been. My mother's cat named "Who" joined us in March 2008 when Mom had to go into a nursing home.

Slick and Brewskie

Although I got the others to keep her company, Slick has never really forgiven me for bringing these monsters into her home! She has always treated them with disdain. Brewskie, knowing that I always protect Slick when he or one of the others picks on her, gets especially jealous when I cuddle with her. He seems to think that I favor her.

I love all my cats dearly. But the Brew maybe right. I do sometimes show Slick special attention, because of our history and because she is so much older than the others. Can you blame me?

And that is the story of Slick.

Life is an Adventure!

The painting illustrated above is for sale for $100. Send email for purchase information to:

Follow works in progress by BZTAT on Twitter by searching #bztatptg.

Art Adventures Studios
Buy Artwork and Gifts by BZTAT
Art Adventures Studios, located in downtown Canton, OHnear Second April Galerie and the historic Joseph Saxton Gallery of Photography.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Thought for the Day

"The cat is the only animal which accepts the comforts but rejects the bondage of domesticity."
--Georges Louis Leclerc de Buffon.

Life is an Adventure!

Want a print of the artwork pictured in this post? Send email to: bztat@artadventuresstudios with "Artwork Sale Request" in the subject line.

Follow works in progress by BZTAT on Twitter by searching #bztatptg.

Art Adventures Studios, located in downtown Canton, OH near Second April Galerie and the historic Onesto Hotel.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Pussycat Island Excursion for Twitter Critters

"Pussy Cat Island" by BZTAT

From Brewskie Butt, official spokescat of Art Adventures Studios...
Ahoy maties! The Brew is ready to set sail for Pussycat Island with all his Twitter Critter pals! Here are some new details. See previous post for all the scoop!

Fundraising on the island: @SylvieDog is running a fundraiser for one of the largest animal shelter’s in the country. Please donate to Orphans of the Storm help her reach her goal! Sylivie and I thank you!

Many thanks to: @Petiethecat and @just4pets (who happens to be Baby Patches momma) who has offered to donate some prizes, and @BZTAT (BrewskieButt’s momma) for donating a print of her artwork, @Brewskiebutt and @BabyPatches for getting the word out via bloggy goodness, @PerrytheBirman for just being a cool cat in his island hat! And thank you to @SylvieDog who has volunteered to serve drinks at the pawty!

Prize Donation List: Please follow and thank the following sponsors!
@just4pets will be donating 6 prizes to anipals, prizes to be determined by type of animal
@Petiethecat will be donating 2 prizes to anipals, prizes to be determined by type of animal
@BZTAT will be donating a print of her artwork
@FURminator will be donating 2 furminators
@laineyspawtique will be donating 4 bags of dog cookies (flavors are Breakfast Brittle, Milk & Blueberry, Apple crisp and Chocolate cake)
@RockumSockum will be donating 3 prizes to anipals, prizes to be determined by type of animal
@CatToyscom will be donating 2 laser toys

Brewskie Butt, BZTAT and Art Adventures Studios are only responsible for the one prize of an art print of "Pussycat Island". Participants in the contest must be following @BrewskieButt before the contest starts. Please send him a tweet to ensure that he is following you back. Prize will be awarded through a question answer contest sometime between 8:00-10:00 pm EDT on Saturday April 18, 2009. All answers must come in the form of a Direct Message (DM) to @BrewskieButt who will give the clue. The item winner will be the FIRST correct response. We are not responsible for any technical issues that may interfere with the process.

Note: Unframed 8 X 10 prints of the "Pussy Cat Island" picture may be purchased for $30.00 plus shipping and handling. Please email BZTAT at if interested.

See ya at Pussy Cat Island! Have a Brew-ti-ful day!

The Brew

Life is an Adventure!

Art Adventures Studios
Buy Artwork and Gifts by BZTAT
Art Adventures Studios, located in downtown Canton, OH
Second April Galerie and the historic Onesto Hotel.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Twitter Critters Set Sail for Pussy Cat Island

"Pussy Cat Island" by BZTAT

UPDATE: Please see updated hashtag (#) info for
Twitter search of #pussycatisland.

From Brewskie Butt, official spokescat of Art Adventures Studios...

Hello All. It's the Brew! My Twitter Critter friends and I are getting ready to pawty again! This time we are setting sail for Pussy Cat Island with my friend Rumblepurr at the helm of the ship. Here are some meows from Rumblepurr about the planned excursion:

Thanks Brew!

The origion of #pussycat-island : My beloved brother @inigoflufflebum was trying to ship me off the other day 'cause I was chasing his tail. @BabyPatches was having the same problems with her brofur and sisfur... so we decided to take action and go to the amazaing pussycat-island!

Details are: Our lovely ship departs from it's Twitter dock Sunday at 10am New Zealand time (so that will be Saturday for most of you 3pm PST, 5pm CST, 6pm EST) We’ll hang out on the island and frolic in the sun till 8am (1pm PST, 3pm CST, 4pm EST) the next day so that everyone will have a chance to pawty! The amazing Hunkerbell (@Wildboutbirds) is also going to be running a ship as are the fantasic pups known as @Scruffypebbles.

What's on the island: There will be lots of nip-based drinks, sun puddles, tuna fishies (but no eating @copious_tuna - he's off limits) dancing and fun! For the doggies, there is a special Doggie Sandbar that will have steaks, rubber balls, frisbees and dancing fun! For the bears, we have honey and for the bunnies we have carrots! Everyone is welcome!

What to wear: Island wear! @BabyPatches has a lovely look at the moment (as she always does... hubba hubba!) You can get Island bling here.

What we need: Bartenders and DJ's! If you're interested in doing a shift, DM @rumblepurr and any other help is totally welcome! This will be a fun day for all!

Many thanks to: @Petiethecat who has offered to donate some prizes, @Brewskibutt and @BabyPatches for getting the word out via bloggy goodness, @PerrytheBirman for just being a cool cat in his island hat!

Follow all the Pussy Cat Island action here and make sure that you have #pussycatisland in your tweets so everyone can follow you!

Special note: BZTAT and the Brew will be offering an art print of the drawing "Pussy Cat Island" pictured above to one lucky critter during the island adventure!

See ya at Pussy Cat Island! Have a Brew-ti-ful day!

The Brew

Life is an Adventure!

Art Adventures Studios
Buy Artwork and Gifts by BZTAT
Art Adventures Studios, located in downtown Canton, OH
Second April Galerie and the historic Onesto Hotel.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Go Orange for the ASPCA!

Brewskie Butt, the Official Spokescat for Art Adventures Studios, is going orange for the month of April! Why? Because orange is the signature color for the The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA), and April is Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Month.

The Brew is a big advocate of animal protection causes, and he hopes that his fans will keep the critters especially close in their hearts this month. As many people have been forced out of their homes recently due to economic hardship, many animals are losing their families and finding themselves homeless. Other animals are becoming the innocent victims of human hardship, with animal abuse being on the rise. Please consider supporting animal causes in your community to protect them and keep them safe. Thank you!

Life is an Adventure!

The Brew and BZTAT
Art Adventures Studios, located in downtown Canton, OHnear Second April Galerie and the historic Onesto Hotel.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Special Thanks from the Brew and BZTAT

Beginning on April 5 and ending on April 6, an amazing event occurred that reminded me of how special animals and their people truly were. The event was my cat Brewskie's birthday "paw pawty" that was celebrated around the world as the "#pawpawty" on Twitter.

For those of you who aren't on Twitter, I know that this whole business is probably a mystery to you. To those who are on Twitter, but have not experienced the animal kingdom within, it probably sounds crazy, too. Please bear with me as I try to explain, and as I try to share how this whole thing moved me in ways that I would have never imagined.

I knew that my cat (@Brewskiebutt) "tweeted" on Twitter when I left him at home all day. I knew that he was incredibly popular among his "anipals" (other critters on Twitter with whom he communicates about various animal concerns). I knew that throwing him a party on Twitter would be a success, and I knew that we could raise some money for animal rescue efforts in the process.

What I didn't expect was the overwhelmingly joyful, kind-spirited and innocent fun that led to a very deep connection between hundreds, maybe thousands of "critters" around the entire world. In the so-called "real world" these "critters" are complete strangers. In a "virtual world", however, they frolic and play and are the best of friends.

The one thing that brings them together is a love for animals and the unexplainable way that animals bring out the best in humanity.

The paw pawty lasted for a full 24 hours, and it was a top trend on Twitter for almost the entire time. For several hours, it was the number one trend on Twitter, meaning that, throughout the globe, it was the most talked-about topic on Twitter. It wasn't Brewskie that they were talking about. It was the joy and fun of cutting loose and sharing with others who love animals.

There was silly nonsense, like dogs lining up to use the porta-hydrants and cats passing around the "nip". There were DJ's "blip-ing" music and critters dancing the night away. There were animals partying throughout the paw pawty's "virtual location" of the Canton Arts District, taking in the amazing art scene and entertainment zone that has become Canton's new claim to fame. And there were contests and prizes galore.

Yeah, I know it sounds crazy.

This imaginary world, though, somehow brought out the "realness" of innocent fun and hopeful cheer that is often forgotten in a world of difficult challenges and conflict. For a day, the paw pawty participants got back in touch with their tender and innocent selves by sharing a special time with others around the world.

Oh, and by the way, Anipals raised $1,101.00 for @Romeothecat's FurPower Challenge during the paw pawty which will go to Kitten Rescue in Los Angeles, CA.

The Brew and I would like to thank his Paw Pawty organizing committee for all of their efforts in coordinating contests and prizes and many other details. Led by organizer extraordinaire
@frugaldougal the committee included @Emmythecat, @Romeothecat, @Duke Richard II and @oscarthecat. Thanks to their pre-pawty planning and activities during the paw pawty, the event went off without a hitch.

We would also like to thank each and every one of The Brew's followers, fondly referred to as "Brew's Posse" (1919 strong at the time of this writing), for touching our lives with your individual character and charisma every day on Twitter. We love all of you!

And now, we have work to do! The Brew's cherished anipal @Perrythebirman has commissioned a custom portrait...

Life is an Adventure!

Art Adventures Studios, located in downtown Canton, OHnear Second April Galerie and the historic Onesto Hotel.

@EmmytheCat tweeting during the#pawpawty

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Happy Birthday Brewskie Butt, Official Spokescat for Art Adventures Studios!

Brewskie Butt, the Official Spokescat for Art Adventures Studios, is hosting a 24 hour online Paw Pawty for his Twitter Critter pals and anyone else who would like to celebrate his birthday! A Paw Pawty is a way for all of theBrew's Posse on Twitter to have some fun and games and to help raise money for animal charities at the same time. There will be contests and games throughout a 24-hour period with prizes from a variety of great sponsors. Attendees will be encouraged to donate to @RomeoTheCat, who raises money for animal charities across the United States.

Special art from Art Adventuures Studios will be given out to members of Brew's Posse of Twitter followers during Brewskie's Paw Pawty!

Start Time:
Sunday, April 5, 2009 at 2:00pm

End Time:
Monday, April 6, 2009 at 2:00pm

What's a Twitter Critter? It is an animal that "tweets" or blogs on the microblog site Twitter. There is a whole subculture of animals who Tweet on Twitter, as well as people who love animals. It is a very positive and supportive group that chronicles the lives of pets and other animals and is dedicated to making the world a better place for critters.You do not have to be on Twitter to enjoy the Paw Pawty. Simply go to and watch the critters live stream of Paw Pawty posts! Of course, to win prizes, you have to have a Twitter account and follow the following critters:




@Duke Richard II



Information about the Paw Pawty will be updated here and at frugaldougal blog.

Please join the Brew, the ultimate PAWTY ANIMAL for this very special event!

Note: Times listed are EDT (New York, NY). Check to see conversions for different time zones.

Life is an Adventure!

Art Adventures Studios, located in downtown Canton, OHnear Second April Galerie and the historic Onesto Hotel.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Brewskie's Great Adventure

Every picture tells a story. This one, entitled "Brewskie's Great Adventure" certainly does. With Brewskie's rising popularity on Twitter and Facebook, I thought I would share this picture's story here.

In late October of 2006, I was having one of those trying times that we all experience at some point in our lives. I had recently been laid off from my job and was financially and emotionally at a low ebb. What did my dear cat Brewskie decide to do to cheer me up? He slipped out the front door when I had my hands full, and disappeared under the deck of my house! Needless to say, it did not cheer me up.

Brewskie is a paradoxical cat. Although he can be quite curious and adventurous, he can also be very anxious and fearful. Inside the door, he had been curious and adventurous; outside the door, he became fearful and nothing short of "freaked out". His fear led him to bolt up the hillside and into the woods that surrounded our home in Dellroy, OH. I followed him, careful not to make sudden movements to further intimidate him, but he kept going. I soon lost sight of him.

Muttering and cursing to myself, I trudged through the woods looking for my Brewskie Butt. I called his name incessantly. Soon, I began to panic. Was I ever going to find him? It was cold and drizzly, and he was not accustomed to being outside. There were coyotes in those woods. I had to find him! I could not be without my Brew!!!! I spent hours looking for him to no avail.

When it became dark outside, I was beside myself, knowing that I could not go out in the woods again until daylight. I thought I heard a meow, though... Quickly, I grabbed a flashlight and went outside. Shining the light up the hillside, I saw a set of green glowing eyes. There he was! Although his eyes are actually a beautiful amber color, the reflection in the night was a haunting greenish glow. As I approached him, he ran up the hillside again, and I could no longer see the green eyes.

I did not sleep well that night. Neither did Slick, my tortoise shell calico cat who never has cared much for Brewskie. She was very uptight, and was focused on certain spots on the floor, leading me to wonder if the Brew was under the house. Noah, my Maine coon cat, was also unsettled. This went on for two more nights, with none of us sleeping much. There were day sightings of the Brew, and night sightings of the green glowing eyes, but each time, he became frightened and ran off.

By the third night, I was completely distraught, worrying about my little boy. Not only that, I had slipped into a "woe is me" pity party, lamenting all the things that were wrong in my life. Losing a job is one thing. Losing a cat is a whole different thing. Again, I saw the green glowing eyes when I shone the flashlight up the hill, and I begged the Brew to come home. I knew that he wanted to come in, but he was just too scared. Seeing my neighbors tool shed, I decided to leave some food inside to see if he might come inside and eat during the night.

At about 4:00 A.M., I was awakened from a very light sleep by a loud yowl from the direction of the tool shed. I ran outside in my pajamas with the flashlight, and peered inside the shed. There he was! I closed the door so he could not escape again, and I sat down on the floor. For a few minutes he eyed me and yowled as loud as his little body could muster. Eventually, he came towards me, and allowed me to pet him, then he crawled in my lap. He alternated between licking me and yowling, but was obviously relieved to be safe with his human mama.

Slick and Noah greeted Brewskie with much cheer and relief. After some time of joyous reuniting, we all snuggled into bed for the best rest that we had enjoyed for days.

It wasn't long after that that we moved to the city. I started a new job and we all had new adventures ahead of us, living in the heart of the Canton, OH Arts District. Two doors now stand between Brewskie and the Great Outdoors, but he truly does not try to slip out anymore. We also have another cat living with us now named Who.

I painted the painting above to express the feelings that went through me during those three days that Brewskie was on the run. Those were three of the worst days of my life. During that time I realized what was important to me and how my love for my cats connects me to everything else in my life. Some may say that makes me crazy. I say it connects me to a kind of love and life connection that breaks down all other complications of daily living. I knew I could get another job, but I couldn't get another Brewskie.

As upset as I was that I could not hold my little guy and ensure his safety during those three days, I did know that he was nearby because of his green glowing eyes. In the painting, his eyes are depicted with green glitter to show that luminous and mysterious quality that left such an impression on my soul. The painting is large, 4' X 3', which is fitting. Brewskie himself is larger than life to me, as are all of my cats.

("Brewskie's Great Adventure" is on sale at Art Adventures Studios in Canton, OH. Contact the BZTAT at for purchasing information.)

Life is an Adventure!


Art Adventures Studios

Buy Artwork and Gifts by BZTAT
Art Adventures Studios, located in downtown Canton, OH
Second April Galerie and the historic Onesto Hotel.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Thought for the Day

From Brewskie Butt, official spokescat of Art Adventures Studios...

"There are two means of refuge from the miserie
s of life: music and cats." - Albert Schweitzer

Hope you have a Brew-ti-ful day! --The Brew

Life is an Adventure!

Art Adventures Studios
Buy Artwork and Gifts by BZTAT
Art Adventures Studios, located in downtown Canton, OH
Second April Galerie and the historic Onesto Hotel.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

"Lou Mama's Boy" First of the Twitter Critter Series

From Brewskie Butt, official spokescat of Art Adventures Studios...

Hi Everybody! It's the Brew! I thought I would share a picture that my person, BZTAT, has been working on. It's a picture of Lou, who is one of my favorite Twitter Critter friends.

"Lou, Mama's Boy" digital photo

Lou is the most smiling guy I have ever met! He has taught me that I don't have to be afraid of dogs, at least not when I talk to them through Twitter and Facebook. Lou lives with his adopted sister Pebble in Arizona. He has his own blog Lou Mama's Boy and he is very active on Facebook and Twitter.

My person, BZTAT is working on a whole series of photos, drawings and paintings of different critters who blog on Twitter. For those who don't know, Twitter is a micro-blogging site where you can converse with others around the world in short meaningful statements. Did you know that there were hundreds and thousands of animals who post on Twitter? There are cats, dogs, horses, hamsters, chinchillas, parrots--even a hermit crab! Each one puts up a small photo called an avatar on their Twitter page, and BZTAT finds these avatars to be very inspiring. Some of the critters have given her permission to use their avatars as points of departure for artwork. Lou's is the first one that she has completed. She is also in the process of making a painting of one of my sweethearts, Madamoiselle Chloe. Purrrrrrr.....She is a very fine kitty!

Next up in the Twitter Critter series include: Monkey Cat (another fine and purrrrty girl kitty!); Pebbles, Lou's sister; India, a real Bengal Tiger; and many others.

Hope you have a Brew-ti-ful day!

The Brew

Art Adventures Studios
Buy Artwork and Gifts by BZTAT
Art Adventures Studios, located in downtown Canton, OH
Second April Galerie and the historic Onesto Hotel.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

"The Adventures of Brewskie!"--Brewskie Butt's First Blog

From Brewskie Butt, official spokescat of Art Adventures Studios...

Finally! BZTAT (my person) is letting me blog on the Buzz From BZTAT!!! It's my very first official blog that can be more than 140 characters (Twitter limit). I am so excited!!!!!

For my first blog, I thought I would tell you about my best pals, Noah and Who--the coolest cats around! OK, I'll tell ya about Slick, too, but I don't get along with her as well.

Here's Noah:

Noah and I have been pals for a long time. He was at my house when I first arrived. Noah is a HUGE cat! We think he is a Maine Coon cat. He's lots of fun to wrestle with, and he likes to snuggle too. He got his name from an early life experience he had. When he was born, he was kept in a plastic tub in a basement with his cat mom and kitten siblings. The basement flooded, and all the others got up to higher ground. Noah, though, as the story goes, was left in the tub, and was found floating around in his little Rubbermaid ark. Luckily, he was rescued, and he, too, got to higher ground. He came to live with my human mom, BZTAT, not too long after that.

This is Who:

Who is Noah's brother. He was in the flood too, but he got out of the ark before Noah was stranded. He came to live with Noah and BZTAT for a couple of weeks when he was little, then he went to live with BZTAT's mom in a retirement center. He was the king of that place, let me tell ya! Who is a large cat, too, although not as big as Noah. He is probably a Maine Coon cat, as well. Everyone says he is a strikingly beautiful cat, as he has a very unique face and swirly patterns in his fur. I just know he's lots of fun to play with! He came to live with us in February 2008 when BZTAT's mom went into a nursing home.

Who got his name from the "Cat Who..." book series by Lillian Jackson Braun. I never read the books, but I guess they are about cats that solve murder mysteries. BZTAT likes to sing the CSI theme song to him, "Who are you? Who? Who?" She sometimes calls him "Who-dini" cuz he can be a trickster. She calls out "Yoo Who...." when she can't find him, and calls him a "Ya-Who" when he's being silly.

This is Slick:

Slick is older than the rest of us. She's 13-1/2 years old (We're all 4-1/2). She's still pretty active, though. She is a calico, and half of her face is a different color than the other half. I confess, I get very jealous of her, cuz she and BZTAT have such a special relationship. I have a special relationship with mom too, but Slick was around during the legendary Beezie-tat's era (story for another blog), which gives her special status. Slick gets growly and hissy when I chase her or try to bump her off the cat tower, and mom always protects her. That's why she's my nemesis.

Slick was rescued from an oil spill on the Tuscarawas River in Navarre, OH. That's how she got her name. She didn't get any oil on her, but was brought in with a bunch of ducks and geese that did. She had an injured paw, but was fixed up by Dr. Jeff just like new. To this day, Slick gets nostalgic when she hears geese fly overhead.

My person, BZTAT, as you know, is an artist. She made all of the pictures of us here. She says that, if it weren't for us cats, she would have nothing to draw or paint. I think she would find something, because she does paint other things, but we sure do enjoy being her models. The picture at the top of this blog is my favorite picture that she has made of me. Make sure that you check out her website, her Cafe Press Shop, and her Zazzle store for all kinds of cool art and other stuff. Had to put that plug in, ya know, cuz I am her spokescat and all.

Thanks, mom, for letting me blog! Look out for more "Adventures of Brewskie!" in the future!

The Brew

Follow me on Twitter @BrewskieButt and on Facebook!

Art Adventures Studios
Buy Artwork and Gifts by BZTAT
Art Adventures Studios, located in downtown Canton, OH
Second April Galerie and the historic Onesto Hotel.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

"Marley and Me"...Beezie and Me...Brewskie and Me

I went to see the movie "Marley and Me" today. Yes, it was as billed-- a tear-jerker in that genre of movies that pulls at the heart strings of pet lovers. The tears flowed uncontrollably from my eyes, but not just because it had a moving ending to which every pet lover can relate. This was not just a love story between a human being and a pet. This was a story about a man discovering hidden potential in himself that would never have come to be, were it not for the relationship that developed between him and his dog.

If you are not a pet person, then you have no idea what I am talking about. But if you are a pet person, you know exactly what I am talking about.

Pets have an effect on us that is indescribable and beyond our verbal capacities to capture. Tears are all we have, sometimes, to express that effect. You see, animals have a way of getting into that place in our hearts that is totally unguarded and unfettered. We have pure love with no conditions. Through that kind of love, you discover the parts of yourself that are your best, and you realize how truly blessed you are.

In "Marley and Me", the main character John Grogan is a journalist who is sure of what he wants, yet distracted by the adventures of life. The adventures include marriage, family, career, and all the personal sacrifices that come along with the choices he has to make along the way. Enter Marley, a boisterous and undisciplined Labrador Retriever. Forced into writing a newspaper column for which he is lost for inspiration, John draws on his experiences with Marley for material. The column is a hit, and John discovers himself as a writer, as a husband and as a father through his relationship with Marley.

I am writing about this because the story very closely parallels my own life. I have had pets my entire life, and as a shy and awkward child, they were my closest companions. As a young adult, a small black and white tabby cat entered my life and stayed with me for 19 years. Now, I have four other cats who are the very joy of my life. But like John and Marley, the beauty of the story is not just in the love I have for animals.

Like John Grogan, I have drawn upon my experiences with my pets for "material". That black and white tabby was named Rembrandt (Shortened to R.B. by a friend, then later to R.Beezie, then to Beezie-tat), and she quickly became my model and artistic inspiration. I cannot tell you how many paintings I have painted of her or how many I have sold. Painting Beezie and having her as my soulmate companion for 19 years, I discovered my best as an artist and as a person. She helped me discover the best I could offer as an artist, and personally, she helped me develop an identity that was true and unique. Over time, I started using her name to sign my artwork--BZTAT.

Today, my mainstay of artistic production is bright, colorful and fun pet portraits. Not only do I enjoy painting them, I enjoy sharing them with other pet lovers. Even if no one buys the paintings, I love sharing them with other animal lovers. I love sharing stories about their pets and sharing tears about that special quality that we feel but cannot describe.

One of my current feline children has recently helped me develop a new line of communication with pet lovers on a global scale.

Enter @BrewskieButt, a slightly undisciplined yellow and white cat who is fast becoming a star on the microblog Twitter. My incorrigible cat Brewskie, you see, has taken to blogging on Twitter, and he communicates with other "cats" and "dogs"; "hamsters" and "chinchillas"; "horses and donkeys"--you name it, there are "Tweeters" of every pet breed. Through Brewskie, I have shared the joys and the sorrows and the day to day humor of pet life with others who share that unique love of animals. By chronicling Brewskie's little ways--his love of TUNA and catnip, his penchant for chasing the "Slick cat", his disgust for hairball "goop", etc.--I have found a new vehicle for artistic and social communication with people around the world.

Like Beezie, Brewskie is helping me overcome barriers within myself to become the best that I have to offer--artistically and personally.

Truthfully I started exploring Twitter because I had read that it was a good marketing tool for artists. It is that. But the best marketing happens when it is genuine, and Brewskie's play with his Twitter Critters is very much that. Some of Brewskie's pals have given me permission to use their photos for artistic inspiration, so look for the "Twitter Critters" series to be coming soon.

What would we be without our pets? I do not want to know.

And with that, I must stop writing, as I have a furry face *nosetapping* me, wanting some very well-deserved love.

Life is an Adventure!


Art Adventures Studios
Buy Artwork and Gifts by BZTAT
Art Adventures Studios, located in downtown Canton, OH
Second April Galerie and the historic Onesto Hotel.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Kimono as Art: Cat style

Ok, I am starting to give in to my entrepreneurial cat Brewskie's desire to be the official spokescat for Art Adventures Studios. He is getting ready for the big Kimono show at the Canton Museum of Art by wearing his feline styled "Ki-meow-no".

Life is an Adventure!

Monday, December 29, 2008

Why you should always password-protect your computer

Now I know why there is white hair on my keyboard all the time...What has my little guy been up to when I am away???