Showing posts with label family. Show all posts
Showing posts with label family. Show all posts


Dreaming of a White Christmas

Merry (almost) Christmas everyone!

I am just stopping in today to wish you all the coziest and merriest of holidays. I'll be curling up on the couch with my little family and reading Christmas books, drinking hot chocolate with candy canes, and watching Charlie Brown Christmas.

So what if we live in California and won't be seeing one speck of snow?

Merry Christmas!


Buying and Storing Kids' Clothes

I am in a weird place. Knowing that we're moving, that our house is on the market, but we have no buyer yet, so we have no idea when this move might take place. We therefore can't commit to any house in California, enroll Nina in preschool, or even decide, in some cases, which furniture to keep and which to sell.

It's like the nesting phase before having a baby, but not. My garage sale pile grows ever-larger:

I've also been trying to get organized. I figure if I'm not packing and selling a house, I might as well be doing something constructive! Here's my system:

It's earth-shattering, I know. I get a plastic bin for my kids' clothes, one for each age/stage. I tend to buy clothes ahead of time if I see them on sale. Henry's ready for the next year:

Nina's ready too!
But here's my question: Do you have any other tips for buying and/or storing kids' clothes? What has worked well for you? The only problem is that sometimes I duplicate items when I buy ahead, because I forget what I've already got.

Share any thoughts you've got! I'm a desperate girl, in need of projects while I wait for my house to sell!


Gone Fishin'

Except I don't fish. And I am not a dude with a cowboy hat.

So really, just replace "fishin'" with something like "sleeping," "zoning out," or "lazin' around." Point being, I am taking a little blogging break! We have some big potential changes coming up in our family's life, which I will be excited to share with you when I get back. :)

In the meantime, I'm taking a summer vacation. I'll be back in a week or two. Happy Summer to you and yours!


Henry Update

Once again I want to thank all of you for praying for my friend Kara's son, Henry. He is continuing to take baby steps of improvement, and today I got to see a photo on Facebook of his older brother, William, visiting him in the hospital. You could see William reaching out a finger to touch Henry's little hand...brought tears to my eyes.

Here's an update directly from Kara's blog, Three Little Kings. I have passed along all your prayers and wishes to her, and I know they are so encouraging. Seriously, you guys are amazing! And I'll be back with a subway sign tutorial tomorrow! :)
Yesterday was a bigger day than usual. After I posted the "Day 12" blog, the doctors came for rounds and decided to switch Henry back to the ventilator after all. We were surprised, but have gained such a confidence in the Attending Physician that we felt fine about the decision. And it was a good one! Henry was switched back to the vent yesterday morning and was able to come off the paralytic medication at the same time. We hadn't realized we would see him wake up from his medical "slumber" yesterday, so it was really exciting when he began to open his eyes and realize we were there. He focused on each of us and even started to try to cry when he made eye contact (it was SO heartbreaking . . . especially as he struggled with the ventilator while crying . . . because we can't pick him up to comfort him).

He has been alert for long intervals since then, and it has been a joy to catch a glimpse of our Henry behind all the wires, tubes and swelling. He is losing some of the swelling, especially in his face, but his body has a long way to go. He weighs an extra 3 kilos right now, which is over 30% of his body weight. The lasix is helping him lose the edema, but it's not a quick process.

We were on a bit of a high yesterday as such a BIG step was taken, and I have to admit I've hit a low today. It felt like the pace was picking up and giving us hope yesterday, which all came to a screeching halt as not much has changed today, but I do remind myself that no news is still good news at this stage. We're back to baby steps today, but we are so thankful that they are in the right direction.


An Update on Baby Henry

I just wanted to say thank you again to all of you who are praying for my friend Kara's son, Henry. I am so honored that you would take time from your life to pray for people you don't know, because you believe it will make a difference. You all are an amazing group of people. I wish I could say more to express that better!

Henry is holding his own, but still has a scary road ahead. Below is the latest from Kara, originally posted on her family blog, Three Little Kings. Feel free to stop by there for more detailed updates or to drop her a comment of encouragement. And I promise I will be back tomorrow with some house-related stuff!
A clear picture of Henry is that he is on an oscillator, which has taken over the job of breathing for him so that his body can rest while it fights off the numerous infections which are threatening his life. He is heavily sedated and often needs additional medicine to be paralyzed because sometimes he starts to move around a bit and they have noticed changes in his vitals when this happens. We really need for him to just rest peacefully as the many treatments (antibiotics, blood transfusions, platelets, etc) do their work.

Our sweet boy does not look like himself right now. His whole body is swollen from the medications, and while they can give him (and have given) some lasix for this, it's a delicate balance and they have to watch his blood pressure, heart rate, oxygen saturation, ventilation, etc. One affects the other, which affects the other and so on. Sort of like "If You Give a Pig a Pancake," but not nearly as much fun.

The diagnosis of what caused all this (a virus is suspected but not confirmed) is still a mystery and may always be. Last week, diagnosis seemed important. Now, as I watch my baby fight for his life, I don't care what the initial cause may have been. I'm sure I'll care again later, but for now I just want my Henry back.

Scott and I feel so loved and truly appreciate all of the prayers and concern from our dear friends and family and what feels like thousands of others who are lifting us up.

Prayer Requests:
* Continued improvement. We are taking baby steps, but they are in the right direction.
* Our older boys, who haven't seen us much and are also very worried about the brother they adore.
* Strength and endurance for us and for my mom who is watching the kids so much of the time while she is dealing with the emotional toll as well.


Please Pray for Henry

**Updated to add: Here is a link to Kara's family blog, Three Little Kings. She just updated with a post about Henry, who is still fighting this awful infection. Please keep praying! I know it means so much to Kara to read your sweet comments. You all brought tears to my eyes with how quickly you responded. Thank you so much!

This is Henry Aaron, the son of my college roommate, Kara. (Kara has a home decorating blog, called home (ec)lectic, which I know is the last thing she is thinking about now.) I am interrupting my usual house-y stuff to ask for prayers for sweet baby Henry, who is in the hospital fighting for his life. This photo was taken the day before he got sick.

Baby Henry is nine months old, and is currently facing pneumonia, a horrific secondary lung infection, blood transfusions, oscillators, you name it. He is a very sick little man. Henry and the doctors are fighting hard, and I'm asking if you would just take a minute and pray for him.

I'll be back next week with some projects I've been working on, and any updates about little Henry. I can tell you one thing for sure: this makes me want to hug my baby Henry and sweet girl Nina extra hard, and thank God for their well-being today.

Thank you everyone!


Un-Edited Decorating

Sometimes blogging can give people an unrealistic sense of my life. The photos look pretty, everything is clean, and anything I don't want to show can just be cropped out of the photo.

Here's an example: remember this ceramic pot? I wrote about it here. I've always thought it was fabulous!

My almost-one-year-old baby Henry didn't think it was so fabulous.

Little troublemaker decided that Mama's pot looked better on the floor. And that the dirt looked better in his ear. (Don't worry, he wasn't hurt...just entertained by the big crash he made!)

So, I did a little redecorating.

No cropping. No editing. Just lots of dirt in my boy's ear and a nice, non-breakable pot.


Still Recovering

It's Monday morning and I am still working out the kinks from Halloween weekend. How many of you spent most of trick-or-treat night trying to get just one photo where the kids are actually looking at the camera and smiling?

As you can see, my efforts were only partially successful. And yes, those were spots on Henry's little face. However, by the end of the night he looked more like a dirty hobo than a cute dalmatian puppy. And it was all we could do to convince Nina that elephants don't have whiskers. (Do they?)

This makes me very afraid for the Christmas card photo. Very afraid.



That about sums up my week. My little Henry has some kind of flu bug, and he's been sick for the past 48 hours. Then the dog decided he didn't want to be left out, so he's been leaving us little "presents" too. (Remind me to get the carpets cleaned before we ever think about selling this house.)

So, needless to say, I have not had much time to do all the fun projects that are dancing around in my head! I'm just going to give up and hope for better luck next week!

I hope you have a great weekend! (We're expecting snow in Colorado. Great pumpkin patch weather, don't you think?) See you next week!


Buh-Bye Seventies!

*Update: The paint I used on the legs of my new table below is Behr's "Country Dairy" in an eggshell finish. The wood color for the top is Minwax's "Dark Walnut" stain. I used three coats of Minwax polyurethane in satin to seal the top.

It's been quite a week! First of all, thank you for your sweet messages for Nina's birthday, and your compliments on our new family room! I have loved reading each and every one of them as I sit on my new couch and try to catch my breath. We had a blast this weekend with the parties and all the celebrating. But now I need a nap. For, like, two weeks.

Instead, I am going to show you one final project that I worked on last week for the new family room, and then...well, I am serious about that nap!

A few of you mentioned the new coffee table in my photos. Here is what it used to look like. Hello, 1970s! (Hey, nothing against the seventies. I was born there. But I don't want to live there now!)

One night I couldn't sleep, and this idea came to me. I just took off the "wings" of this table and patched the resulting holes.

Then I sanded down the top of the table and re-stained it. The previous color was a bit too orange for me. I added a few coats of polyurethane in a satin finish.

I painted the legs a creamy white and then sanded the edges to make it look a little antiqued.

No more 1970s!

And now, about that two-week nap I mentioned. :) I really am going to take a bit of a bloggy break. But I want to very sincerely apologize to all of you. I try to get around to visit each person who comes here, and with all the goings-on lately, I just have not been able to do that. I think if you take the time out of your busy life to leave a nice comment for me, I want to return the favor on your blog, and get to "know" you as well. And that has really fallen through the cracks in the past week.

I am not leaving for good or anything, but just need a week or two to gather my life together, spend some non-crazy time with my family, and get into the groove of having a little girl in pre-school and a baby and a new family room to enjoy! :) All good things. I will be back with more projects in a few weeks. Take care and I will miss you all!


In Praise of Craig's List

So, I have been stressing out about the rug for my new family room for weeks. It's ridiculous because I know there are people with way worse problems than this. But some of you may identify with my need to make everything "perfect," and it is this need that stresses me out when I re-do a room.

I wanted a rug that would "warm up" the room, color-wise, but not overpower it. I also wanted one that would be comfortable for my family to roll around on, and that would hide some of the inevitable kid and doggie stains. I fell in love with a sisal one at Pottery Barn, but the rough texture of the sisal meant that there would be no cozying up on that rug, and the lack of pattern mean that there was nothing to hide the inevitable stains.

Enter Craig's List.

I have been randomly searching "brown rug" on Craig's List for weeks. The other day, this one popped up. It's the Graham rug from Pottery Barn, now discontinued but still gorgeous! And the best part was that it was in great shape, was a mere 15 miles up the highway from me, and cost only $275. That's compared to the original price of $700 or more.

It's gotten a hefty steam cleaning, and it fits perfectly with the new colors in the room.

Henry likes it too!

I will take a moment now to apologize that I have not been around much this week to visit all of you in blogland. My little girl, above, started pre-school yesterday, and this mama's heart has been breaking a little bit all week. Toss in the fact that today is her 3rd birthday, and that we have planned not one, but two parties (one for family and one for all her little friends) this weekend, and I am barely functioning.

I hope to catch my breath early next week and be back around. In the meantime, let's all celebrate the wonders of Craig's List.

And wish my sweet little Nina Elizabeth a Happy 3rd Birthday!


The Weekend

Hi everyone! How was your weekend?

Thank you all SO much for your anniversary well wishes! You were all so sweet and genuine in your still amazes me that we haven't met in person, because I feel like I "know" so many of you, and I really appreciate the community we have here.

I will say this about my anniversary weekend: it was not what I expected! On Friday night the babysitter arrived, and in the chaos of letting her in the house and going over all the details, I let the dog out. This dog:

...who then proceeded to wander the neighborhood, eventually getting picked up by someone and dropped at a local dog shelter, where we didn't find him until the next morning. So our anniversary dinner at the fancy new restaurant was spent staring across the table at each other, imagining our dog dead in a ditch. Romantic, huh?

In other weekend events, Henry had his first taste of rice cereal. I love the photo above. He looks like he's saying "Mama, what IS this crap?" But he eventually came around!

Lastly, I snagged a few minutes for this little project below. I have a strange thing about topiaries. Other people gravitate towards shoes, or purses, or chocolate. Me? Topiaries. Weird. I picked this one up last weekend at Goodwill:

I liked the height, but didn't like the greenery. In person it looked really fake. And the pot wasn't doing much for me either. So I clipped all the old greenery and bought some new (fake) stuff at Michael's. Using some floral wire and my glue gun, I attached the new greenery to the top. Then just popped it into a new terra cotta pot.

Much better, don't you think? The best part was when I went to Lowe's to buy the pot. I brought the new topiary with me so I could test it out, and someone asked me "Is that plant hard to maintain?" To which I replied, "Well, it's fake, so...No." Love it!

More projects to come...everything's half-finished! Motivation, where art thou?


It's My Anniversary!

Five years ago today...

...and still going strong (though a little less mobile!)

I am off to celebrate my anniversary today! Thought I would have a few more projects done to show you, but time seems to have gotten away from me. I promise I'll show you what I've been up to next week!

Have a great weekend!


Back from Vacation!

Hi everyone!

We are back from vacation and trying to climb out from under a mountain of laundry! Why is it that a week at home will produce a normal amount of things to be washed, but a vacation of the same length seems to create a small village of dirty socks, sweatshirts and baby onesies? Just wondering.

I am working on Part I (yep, this is gonna be a series!) of my tutorial about Furniture Refinishing. Should have it up later today. In the meantime, here's one of the few photos we managed to get of the four of us in Grand Teton. Brent had just taken Nina out canoeing, and Henry and I had...well...slept in and then had some coffee. (Me, not him.) That's what I call a vacation for mama!

I'll be back later today with more!


Snow Day!

Yesterday at my house, it started to do this:

So I decided to make a big pot of this (recipe follows...oh my gosh, YUM!):

I hung out with my most favorite people in the world (who had just come in from a little romp in the snow!):

And watched as this little guy turned on the charm:

I just love snow days!  

Another reason it was so great to be in my house were the yummy smells coming from my kitchen!  I found a recipe for Cincinnati-style chili in Cooking Light magazine, and since I am a displaced person who misses Cincinnati's Skyline Chili greatly, I had to make it.  I am so glad I did!  Even if you have a regular chili recipe that you love, the spices in this one make it a unique addition to your repertoire, something totally different than the traditional chili flavors.  I highly recommend it!

Cincinnati Chili

cooking spray
1/2 teaspoon salt, divided
1 1/2 pounds ground sirloin (although I used ground turkey and it was great)
1 1/2 cups diced onions
2 teaspoons minced garlic
1 tablespoon canola oil
2 teaspoons garam masala (an Indian spice I found in my local grocery store spice aisle)
1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1/4 teaspoon ground red pepper
1/8 teaspoon ground nutmeg
2 tablespoons tomato paste
1 cup water
2 tablespoons red wine vinegar
1 (28-ounce) can diced tomatoes, undrained (I used Muir Glen fire roasted)
2 (15.5 ounce) cans dark red kidney beans, drained
1 (15.5 ounce) can light red kidney beans, drained

Heat a large pot or Dutch oven over medium-high heat.  Coat with cooking spray.  Add ground beef or turkey to pan with 1/4 teaspoon salt and cook until meat is browned, stirring to crumble.  Transfer beef to a small bowl.

Reduce heat to medium and recoat pan with more cooking spray.  Add onions and cook for 4 minutes or until softened.  Add garlic and cook for one more minute, stirring constantly.  Add remaining 1/4 teaspoon salt, canola oil, and the next 4 ingredients (through nutmeg).  Cook one minute or until fragrant, stirring constantly.  Add tomato paste and cook one minute.  Add 1 cup water, red wine vinegar, and tomatoes and bring to a boil.  Then add ground beef and the drained kidney beans.  Cover and simmer for at least 30 minutes.  (We always find that if you can let the dish sit overnight the flavors are even better the next day!)

To serve, top with more chopped onions, drained kidney beans, or shredded cheese.  For this Cincinnati girl, it tasted almost like a Skyline Chili 3-Way, oh yeah!

And because some of us (!) are battling the post-baby weight, I am going to include some nutritional information, in case anyone else wants to see how this dish stacks up.  Serving size is 1 1/4 cup per person, and each serving is 276 calories, 6 grams of fat and 9.1 grams of fiber.  Not bad!

Have a great weekend!


Pee-Pee Teepee, Anyone?

Hi everyone!

I think that JoAnn Fabrics, Hobby Lobby and Michael's must certainly be hurting financially because of my 6 week absence.  Hopefully you all are picking up my slack out there!

Thankfully, Jamie at Right at Home has tagged me, and I will take it on since my home projects are all half-finished at the moment.  :)  Thanks, Jamie!  

Eight Random Things About Me:

1. The nuances of having two males in my house are abundant!  Who knew that a 6-week-old boy would rival his father in terms of his, ah, nocturnal noises?  Toots, burps, and grunts are the norm in my life these days!  

2. I am a sucker for my DVR.  Since we are house-bound, we have gotten into Friday Night Lights, How I Met Your Mother, The Office, and, of course, Lost.  Can anyone relate?

3. I love being an auntie!  Baby Caroline is such a joy, even in the two short weeks she has been here.  I can't wait for all the girlie-girl times to come!  Here's a recent photo of me, my daughter Nina, and sweet niece Caroline:

4. My latest obsession: Cookies and cream ice cream.  I figure that the baby needs the calories to grow big and strong, right? 

5. My dad and his wife are visiting this week from Ohio to meet the two new grandbabies!  He just celebrated his 60th birthday, and my sister and I are flying them out as a birthday gift.  I can't wait!

6. Just had my six-week checkup at my "lady doctor."  Things are all good...and I got the approval to start working out again.  Oh goodie!  (Sense the sarcasm.)  I wonder what this will do to my ice cream habits?

7. Two words: Pee-Pee Teepee.  Am I the only one who hadn't heard of this?

8. Baby Henry is cuter every day and is now weighing over 8 pounds!  Not bad for a little 5lb. 13 oz. peanut!  Check out his little chubby cheeks!


My Latest Buzzings

Hi, I'm Carrie.  Remember me?

We've been busy around my house lately!  First of all, my husband would be offended if I didn't mention that the Pittsburgh Steelers won the Super Bowl.  You may remember that I am a lifelong Cleveland Browns fan, and that these two teams are rivals.  So Brent got a one-day reprieve from my ban on Steelers paraphernalia, and here is the result:

In other news, Henry James got his first bath.  He is not a fan!

We've also been sleeping a lot.  Not as much as we'd like (at least for Mama and Dada!), but still.

Next, you may remember that my sister and her husband live about a mile from us.  They were expecting their first baby, and last weekend the little bundle arrived!  Here is a photo of my brother-in-law right after he came into the hospital waiting room to tell us the baby was here!

It's a girl!  We ALL thought it was a boy, so WOW, were we shocked!  Welcome to baby Caroline!  Isn't she precious?

And just to prove that Caroline and Henry are indeed related, here's a photo snapped of Henry tonight, asleep on his daddy's lap.  Gotta love that pacifier!

Yep, those are two different babies.  They look so similar with those pacifiers, don't they?  I love how they both bring their hands up to their faces like that.

I completely admit that I have done very little on Henry's nursery.  I have a few things to share with you next week, but I have just been relishing in having a new baby, trying to keep up with the laundry, and actively restraining myself from eating ice cream for three meals a day! 

I appreciate all of you who have said such sweet things about me taking time off.  These days are just too precious to miss!  But I do have a decorating-related post all ready to go for next week.  Stay tuned!  And have a great weekend!


I'm Still Here!

I think about blogging just about every day, really I do!  But between feedings and catching naps when I can, I can barely find my way to the shower, let alone the computer!  But I miss chatting with all of you, and wanted to check in to let you know I am still alive!

I forgot how all-encompassing having a newborn is.  But today I got out of the house for a few hours all by myself, and went shopping for a few things for Henry's room.  Girls, I stood in the middle of the store and felt completely lost!  What has happened to my decorating mojo?  

So in a few days I hope to be able to post a few photos of Henry's nursery to get some help from all of you...maybe you can help me get my mojo back!  In the meantime, here's one photo to show you what we've been doing the past few weeks.  Isn't my husband the cutest dad in the world?

More to come soon...really!


Henry's First Five Days

We are home!  

Slowly, we are adjusting to life with two kids.  Henry is such a sleepy baby, and generally mellow when he is awake.  He is such a joy!  It does seem like everything, from nursing to the overnight wake-ups, is easier this time around. Plus, who could get frustrated with this little face?

Big sister Nina is proving to be sweet with Henry, though she is undoubtedly more work than her baby brother.  I find myself saying what everyone says, "Why didn't I realize how easy I had it when I just had one kid?"

I am giving myself the grace to be away from blogging for awhile, though I doubt you'll get rid of me completely.  Henry's labor and delivery went really fast and I have some healing to do, but as soon as I am back on my feet I want to get his nursery into shape.  I can't wait to show it to you!

Thank you so much for all your well wishes!  I have read every single comment.  I am trying to take your advice and get lots of rest, and enjoy every minute while Henry is so little.  I know from experience that the day will come when he won't let me hold him on my lap as often, or cuddle and kiss him as much as I want.  I just want to soak up his "littleness" as much as I can.  And I forgot how perfect that new baby smell is!



It's a Boy!

Introducing Henry James!

Henry was born last night at 12:38 a.m.  He weighs 5 lb. 13 oz. and is 20 inches long.  He is perfectly healthy and just precious!

Here he is meeting his big sister, Nina.  She gave him lots of kisses and sang "Rockabye Baby" to him!
Today has been so much fun getting to know this little guy and sleeping a lot (thankfully Henry has been as sleepy as his mama!).

Thank you so much for your well-wishes and prayers!  I am so blessed to have so many friends in the blogging world.  And now I am off to have some more sleep!