
I'm Still Here!

I think about blogging just about every day, really I do!  But between feedings and catching naps when I can, I can barely find my way to the shower, let alone the computer!  But I miss chatting with all of you, and wanted to check in to let you know I am still alive!

I forgot how all-encompassing having a newborn is.  But today I got out of the house for a few hours all by myself, and went shopping for a few things for Henry's room.  Girls, I stood in the middle of the store and felt completely lost!  What has happened to my decorating mojo?  

So in a few days I hope to be able to post a few photos of Henry's nursery to get some help from all of you...maybe you can help me get my mojo back!  In the meantime, here's one photo to show you what we've been doing the past few weeks.  Isn't my husband the cutest dad in the world?

More to come soon...really!


Marci @All Things Wonderful said...

Hang in there! You are tired...your home is beautiful. It will all come back. :)

Ms. Tee said...

Awww, yes, he's the cutest dad! And little Henry's so tiny and precious! And don't worry, your mojo's not gone, it's just hibernating. ;) I'm so glad you're getting to enjoy that sweet little boy!

Betsy said...

I remember those first weeks...so, so tired. Hang in there...it only lasts a little while and then he'll be running the house.

Sit A Spell said...

How extremely precious your boyS are!!! Please take time to be the mama of a newborn. This season will pass before you know it. Shower definately comes before blogging! Take care of yourself and enjoy...

AndreaLeigh said...

henry is so tiny! i can't get over it!

take your time - i am sure everyone understands and we will still be here when you are up to blogging again!

Christina said...

Glad things are going well. I was just thinking of you yesterday.

Your mojo will come back. plenty of naps and time with you new little one will help. You will be back with mojo before you know it.

Amber B. said...

Henry is tiny and precious and adorable! You are too tired to have any decorating mojo right now--I find it amazing that you did a blog post. Get some rest, and we'll see you soon!

Free Art Printables said...

Take your time! What cuties!

Heidi Boos said...

It's OK...take ALL the time you need! We'll be hear waiting to see what you have in store for the future. Can't wait to see what you're thinking for Henry's nursery.

Bryan, Jen, Noah and Kiki too! said...

Hi! I came across your site from another and wanted to say congratulations! :) Your lil' man is adorable ~ enjoy these moments :) Your decorating ideas are great as well, nurseries are so fun to do! Good luck! :)

Julie said...

Enjoy your kiddos and sleep! That is most important, we will still be here :)

Shell in your Pocket said...

Oh..he is so little! The first weeks after a baby..is just COMPLETE "FOG"! Get some sleep and enjoy these precious moments!
-sandy toe

April said...

Oh, I remember the days! You feel like you're walking around in a fog half the time! Cherish every moment!

Yes, little Henry and his daddy make the cutest pair...very sweet!

Half Gaelic, Half Garlic! said...

I am sure his room looks great.....can't wait to see it and that picture......is ADORABLE!!

Have thought of you often and hope that you are all doing well...miss you my friend:)


duchess said...

So sweet. Glad y'all are enjoying those two kiddos. Relax, we're not going anywhere & you'll get your groove back soon.

Jodee said...

Hang in there! Those first few months are soooo busy! Don't worry -- you will get your groove back soon!

Love the daddy/son picture!

Stacey said...

Your mojo is all wrapped up in that sweetness. He's so sweet and tiny. :)

We miss you but take your time with him.

Megan {The Brick Bungalow} said...

That is adorable! Good luck getting your mojo back!

Davene said...

Aw, take your time. It's great to read a new post from you, but never fear, we'll be here when you get back. What you're doing now is so much more important--and totally irreplaceable!

Vanessa said...

Just sit back and enjoy the new baby smell. He's adorable!

Ruby Red Slippers said...

That picture is so sweet!
I KNOW your decor mojo will be back! Wishing you and your family a bunch of love...with a few naps thrown in for good measure!

Laurel @ Ducks in a Row said...

Take your time .. . but, I do miss you.

Stacey @ The Blessed Nest said...

Henry is such a cutie!! :) Girl, get yourself some rest and take care of your sweetie-pies :)! We'll still be here whenever you get to post, so take your time and don't worry!

Jboo said...

Cutest dad and cutest baby -ever!! Have missed you, but know that you are busy with the kidlets! How's little Miss Nina doing? Take care -- you'll never lose your decorating mojo!


CMB said...

What a sweet little baby! Just enjoy this time away from blogging and don't worry your decorating mojo will find it's way back! In a year you will look back and wonder how time passed so quickly!

Unknown said...

So good to hear your "voice" again. I'm glad you're focusing on your rest and the kids, you've got your priorities straight, girl!
Thanks for sharing the picture, looking forward to more!

Anonymous said...


OH MY #6 said...

Glad to hear you are well. Take your time and enjoy that baby. Personally, I can't wait till you get your "mojo" back! But that is pretty selfish!


Kelli said...

I'm glad to see you're resting and enjoying that sweet boy. But, we've also gotta get your mojo back...I'm sure that won't be a problem. Sleep tight!

Sandy said...

Love the pix! Missin' ya, Carrie!

Sweet Simplicity said...

What a sweet picture! I love you ceiling fan, btw.

Darlene said...

What a beautiful picture! You just need to rest and enjoy that baby. There will be plenty of time for your decorating mojo to return!

Wendy said...

What a darling baby! He's so tiny! It's amazine how quickly we forget the newborn stage. Enjoy it...we'll all be here when you get back! Oh, and I'm sure your decorating mojo will reappear as your sleep deprivation decreases

Joanna said...

Awww...What a sweet picture!

Your mojo will be back...Maybe it's due to being so busy...I have not a clue. But once a great decorator always one!

Shannon said...

So good to hear from you! Can't wait to see Henry's room. Your house is so beautiful....just look around your home and you will get it back! :)

jennykate77 said...

I was super excited to see a post from you this morning!! Litte Henry is precious...what a great pic of him and your hubby! Love that! Don't worry about the decorating or your mojo! It'll be there when you get to it and the mojo will come back!

Can't wait to see more pics!

Happy Tuesday!

Lana said...

What a sweet picture! Enjoy those moments!

Emily said...

Good for you for taking a break. Enjoy this time you can't get it back!

frillsfluffandtrucks said...

Who cares about blogging when you have a sweet little baby boy to dote on!! Oh how I miss snuggling a newborn--enjoy these moments to the max!

~ Sarah

Anonymous said...

That is the cutest picture!

Jodi said...

Two years ago when I had my baby girl, I didn't know what blogging was or even if it existed. I seriously cannot imagine having the time or energy to blog, but it's great if you can. It's a nice tool to help you put the memories down in black and white! :)

Tammy said...

Enjoy your little guy. I'm sure your mojo isn't gone. It's just resting and enjoying your little guy too!

Great picture! I love "Daddy & his baby" pictures!

Melissa said...

What a darling picture~I love it. Girl, you've got to give yourself TIME. Your divine decor sense will come back in full force~with more sleep and when he settles into more of a schedule. You know when things have been coming to me? When I'm sitting in a room feeding the baby and have time to look around and think. Just give it time and enjoy his sweetness and tininess while it lasts...easier said than done, I know. :)

angie {the arthur clan} said...

You'll have time to find your creative mojo later...right now focus on important things like Naps! :) Your baby sure is a cutie!

Tasha said...

He is just such a darling baby! Keep hanging in there. I am finding I have hit the fatigue stage. I am just plain tired all the time. We can do this though!!

Inspired Kara said...

Oh my word this picture is PRECIOUS!

Mimi Sue said...

Precious picture. You'll especially love it when he's about 17 and bigger than his dad and eating you out of house and home. Don't worry about us. We'll still be here but that baby will get big too soon. Mimi

Lisa & Gerald said...

Sweet Photo Enjoy the time with your little family!

Desiree said...

I think it's just a case of NEW MOMMY SYNDROME because you are a wonderful decorator and you still are!!! Henry's nursery will be perfect :-)


Tara said...

look at how tiny and adorable he is!!! Oh my gosh!!!

SoBella Creations said...

Henry is beautiful! Hang in there. Being a new Mom can be tiring. But, oh so enjoyable.

Harbor Hon said...

A little guy and his Dad. They're probably already telling each other secrets that only men share ... football, baseball, etc. You really got some handsome guys there. Cherish them. xxoo

julie & joe said...

I was just thinking about you! I love baby & daddy photos. I love to catch my guys taking a nap together.

The Country Experience said...

Yes, he is a cutie, as is Henry. Enjoy these moments with your family! We'll still be here, and newborns don't stay that way forever. :)

Screaming Meme said...

You "all" are precious...Im so happy for you ...And "really" I have thought you all often...I look forward to your return to blog land...meme

Jules from "The Roost" said...

He is SO very precious! We do miss you but know you are busy! Can't wait to see pictures of the room and more of Henry! ;)

Gordostyle said...

Caaaaauuuuuuttttteee picture!


Anonymous said...

hope you guys are having the time of your life:) he is such a handsome little guy. can't wait to see more photos...
take care,

Jen @ tatertotsandjello.com said...

Awwwww, congratulations! I just found your blog. It is very cute. Henry is so precious!


Mandi @ Sweetly Home said...

Oh gosh, Henry is so tiny! Take care Queen Bee. Enjoy this time. We sure do miss you though!

Kim said...

Glad to see that you are still around! However, I don't think anyone will blame you (miss you, yes) if you take some time "off". It is one of the crazy, precious times in your life. Thanks for keeping us posted!

Raquel said...

that picutre is great! i love pictures of daddies and babies. it always takes me a few weeks to get back into the swing of things with a new baby take your time enjoy it!

Lazy Mom Leslie said...

Newborn love! It does fly by so quickly! You'll get your mojo back, but maybe not your memory. I am still searching for mine, I forgot where I left it!

Angie said...

They are both so cute! Try to get some time for yourself every once in a while in order to keep your sanity!

Jo said...

What handsome men you have!

Relax and enjoy, it will return when you're ready.


Sara's Sweet Surprise said...

What a perfect picture of daddy and son's joy!

This is probably the only time in our lives we don't care if we've showered or slept. Especially when your holding your precious baby. The world couldn't smell any sweeter or be any brighter.

Sweet Wishes,

Journey on! by Kelleye said...

Oh how precious!

Happy Valentines Day to ya!

Connie said...

What a sweet picture! You are doing the right thing to take time with your beautiful family. We miss you! Connie

Unknown said...

I remember how different and busy life is with a newborn. It takes a while to get in back in the groove of things. What a cute picture of your hubby and beautiful baby!

Tanielle said...

What a beautiful little guy. I love your blog...I will be back!

Rue said...

Congratulations Carrie!! I've been out of the loop with the move and had no idea you'd given birth.

Welcome to the world Henry :)


Jen - Balancing Beauty and Bedlam said...

That is such a precious picture. We all totally understand, and impressed you've even popped on here at all. :)

Em said...

He's adorable (Henry... don't think you or MY man would appreciate me saying your hubby is adorable) I'm having fun hanging out with my new little guy too... and I also need a shower ;)


hang in there rest when you can, thinking about you all today!

Eloise said...

Henry is such a precious baby!

You are spending your energy exactly where you should be right now. The blog world will be here waiting for you. The newborn stage is fleeting.

Hugs to you. Get some rest!

Stephanie said...

I am missing your posts so much! You were the first place I went after I turned on my computer! I know that the first couple of months with a new baby are a daze so I understand! I had my first trip to Denver this month...I loved it! I have a cousin that lives in Thornton and she and her husband met us for dinner at Maggianos downtown...yummy!! Have a wonderful weekend!

southerninspiration said...

Hormones kill decorating mojo, and render you useless in making decisions......just give yourself a little time!


Cute daddy/baby pic!

the undomesticated wife said...

Hope you are still doing well friend!

TheFiveDays said...

Oh my goodness, look at that beautiful baby boy!!

Desiree said...

How are things going?


Nicole said...

Your baby is so beautiful. I remember feeling weird going anywhere after I had my baby, They've been right there with you for so long, you just feel empty, it's good to get out and keep your sanity though. Congratulations, he's defintely a keeper!

Unknown said...

Oh yes. Your husband is the cutest Dad in all the world : ).