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Showing posts with label Playing 1.d4 The Queen's Gambit. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Playing 1.d4 The Queen's Gambit. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Playing 1.d4 The Queen's Gambit 2012-Verifying Schandorff

Repertoire Against the Semi-Slav
Schandorff proposes the Bg5 complex against the rock solid Semi-Slav in Playing 1.d4 vol2-Schandorff(Quality Chess 2012). In the analysis of

Hracek,Z (2628) - Elsness,F (2506)
18th European Teams Porto Carras GRE (1.12), 03.11.2011

Schandorff's proposes 15...Kb8 as a key defensive novelty which remains untested to TWIC 852.  I found a key improvement for black in the notes to black's 18th move.

Black to Play


Now black played 18...Bb7 but 18..Nb8 manages to hold.

Hracek,Z (2628) - Elsness,F (2506)
Semi-Slav Anti-Moscow Gambit[D43]
18th European Teams Porto Carras GRE (1.12), 03.11.2011

Position 1
After 21...ed,white has a wide choice of captures. What do you suggest for white?

White to Play


Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Noteboom(D31) Analysis-Verifying Schandorff

Here is a preliminary look at GM Schandorff's anti-Noteboom repertoire idea in Playing 1.d4 The Queen's Gambit 2nd Ed(Quality Chess 2012).

The first edition suggested the 8.Rb1 sideline but in the 2nd edition, Schandorff has presented a more positional idea in the main line-13.c5!?

I looked at Schandorff's proposed TN(21.d5!) and his other ideas. Now I'm happy I get the basics and this will have to do for now.

Lomineishvili,Maia (2401) - Melnikova,Yana (2171) [D31]
EU-ch (Women) 5th Dresden (2), 22.03.2004[Yip]
1.d4 d5 2.c4 e6 3.Nc3 c6 4.Nf3 dxc4 5.a4 Bb4 6.e3 b5 7.Bd2 a5 8.axb5 Bxc3 9.Bxc3 cxb5 10.b3 Bb7 11.bxc4 b4 12.Bb2 Nf6 13.c5 The idea is to play Bb5-a4 to blockade the queenside passed pawns (Diagram) 

Position 1
Black has just played 18...Ne4 to extend the light square blockade idea to the center.
Q1-What do think of black's idea?
Q2-How should white react?

White to Play

Monday, December 3, 2012

Playing the Queen's Gambit 2nd Ed

Playing the Queen's Gambit
The second edition is out from Quality Chess.

The big question is what's the difference? More games have been added and the analysis strengthended.

1st Ed2nd Ed

Breakdown by Chapter
10 new games have been added. The big difference is also in the line against the Noteboom(D31) where a more positional main line has been added while keeping the older 8.Rb1 recommendation.

ChYear1st Ed2nd Ed
1QGDWojtaszekFressinetWijk aan Zee2011New
2QGAAronianStevicPlovdiv 2010New
4Semi-SlavNakamuraSmeetsWijk aan Zee2011New
HracekElsnessPort Carass2011New
AnandShirovWijk aan Zee2011New
8Minor LinesShirovKaczmarekWarsaw(rapid)2008New