From TWIC 941
Iotov is in the lead with 5/6. IM Calugar,A(CAN) has 1/6 in a tough field.
1 Iotov,V 2570 -1 -1 +1 -½ +½ -1 5.0/6
2 Chirila,I 2506 -1 +½ -1 +½ -1 -½ 4.5/6
3 Sadorra,J 2546 -1 +0 -1 +1 -½ +½ 4.0/6
4 Pavlovic,MilosM 2477 +1 -½ +½ -1 +½ -½ 4.0/6
5 Onischuk,Al 2676 -½ +½ -½ +½ -½ +1 3.5/6
6 Bercys,S 2418 +0 -½ +1 -½ +½ +½ 3.0/6
7 Holt,C 2496 +½ -½ +0 +½ -½ +1 3.0/6
8 Getz,A 2316 +0 -1 +0 -½ +½ -0 2.0/6
9 Calugar,A 2312 +0 +½ -0 +0 -½ +0 1.0/6
10 Hughes,T 2289 -0 +0 -0 -0 +0 -0 0.0/6
The Dallas Chess Team
Photo UofT Dallas Chess-team
Here is one of his games.
Bercys,S (2418) - Calugar,A (2312)
Closed 6.Qb3[D95]
UT Dallas Fall GM Inv 2012 Dallas USA (3), 17.11.2012
Black has given a pawn with ..c5 to break up the pawn center in typical Grunfeld fashion. How do you assess the position?
-Black has counterplay and will safely regain the pawn
-Black is better and will regain the pawn with interest
-White has a nice hidden tactic
-White is equal but must play precisely
-White is better and will show this with concrete play
White to Play