I was planning on doing a post yesterday...a big long post...baring my soul and all of that. I got so busy getting things done, though, that I never did sit down and write it. Now, this a.m., it seems totally inappropriate. But, I do have a lot to say, so sit back and relax and enjoy the ride (read).
Today is a special day for celebrating motherhood...
Happy Mother's Day to all!
I had my 3rd injection of synvisc on Friday morning and am so pleased with the results. No pain! Well, an occasional twitch here and there, but nothing like I have had for so long.
Friday was kind of an off day for me. Will spare you the details. Suffice it to say that I was feeling sorry for myself. So, on my way home, I was having a good talk with myself...so what if I don't have this or that or so what if my life is different than what I thought (30 years ag0) that it would be. Were it not for what has gone by, I would not have what I have now. And, I did have the next 4 days off work, after all! That's gotta make one feel better, yes?
God has such a way of showing me what a doofus I am. Ya know? And, He apparently thought that I needed a BIG message. There were 3 fun things waiting for me when I got home. 2 packages and a wonderful friendship card. It was like being slapped upside the head..."are you paying attention, now?"
The card, sent just because...from Kelley of With Hook & Needle. I wish we lived closer. Thank you so much, Kelley. It sure warmed my heart.
A package from my sister, Joyce, in Alaska. Had no clue what she sent. Not my birthday and not any other celebration. WOW! It's a calendar...she buys me an Iditarod calendar every year...but for Christmas...not this early in the year. BUT, what's this? A 2011 Alaska Quilts Calendar. Ohboy...this is such an awesome calendar...a collaboration of quilters for a special project to commemorate the 50th anniversary of Alaska statehood. Here's a photo of the back of the calendar...if someone reminds me, I'll post a photo at the beginning of each month. These are so awesome and I LOVE this! Be sure to click on the image to enlarge it. Thank you, Joyce!
The 3rd fun thing...a package from Cathy of Quilting On Turtle Hill. Now, I've mentioned Cathy before...I won a giveaway...a box of scraps. Well, not really scraps, as there are some large pieces in there! I made the 'love is in the air' quilt and a pinwheel quilt and a fabric basket and now, the doll quilt (more on that in a bit). A few weeks ago, Cathy started making dolls and they are just the cutest things I've seen! Each one having different hair style & color and eye colors...different clothes...they are too adorable for words! Please be sure to click on the link above and see these too-cute-for-words dolls! Well, I've been very vocal in my comments on Cathy's blog. About how much I liked them. Last week, Cathy asked for my address. When I sent it to her, I asked if I was getting another box of 'scraps'. She said that I was not...that maybe her dog, Brodie, had bought a new toy for Tag! So, I really had no clue what was in that box. The box wasn't very heavy, and when I picked it up, something inside kinda flopped...so I was thinking that she really did send a new toy for Tag! Well, I opened the box and about fell over on the spot! She sent me this...
A 14" doll of my very own! Isn't that just the most adorable doll ever! I mean, really! EVER!!!! She is posing here with a little quilt my gram made for my chatty cathy doll a bazillion years ago. She definitely needed her own quilt. So, I made one for her! Here it is...all washed and dried and crinkly soft...measures just over 13" square.
The squares finished at 1"...itty-bitty squares. I did no pinning on this one...and was happy that the points all lined up so nicely.
We had a photo-shoot this morning...
...and Tag helped (?).
She tired out quickly...
That's all I have on that. Except that she needs a name.
edited to add: she now has a name...Aubrey Lynn. Thanks, Janer!
Ya know...I don't have a lot...but what I do have is precious to me. That very definitely includes all of the very nice, wonderful, creative & talented, and generous friends in my life. Those I've met in person and those I've met online. I thank you all.