Showing posts with label apron. Show all posts
Showing posts with label apron. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Just More of the Same...

No potholders.

Still finding the need for more napkins.

same fabric...folded opposite ways.

Did make another apron, though.
With a coordinating set of napkins.

And, more Kleenex cozies.

 I really should be done with napkins.  I really need to work on a few other things.  

Hope you're having as much fun as I am making Christmas gifts!!!

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.". Jeremiah 29:11

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

A Good Day of Sewing...

If you follow me on Facebook, you'll know that yesterday was a good day of sewing for me.  I cut fabric to make 9 items - Christmas gifts - and finished all 9!  I am sure that is a first for me..finishing all that I have on my list.  ~grin~

I used 3 fabrics, and made an apron, more Kleenex cozies, and more napkins.  None of them are difficult or awfully time-consuming.  In fact, I was trying to figure out how much time it actually took me to make them.  I'm guessing an hour for the 4 napkins, about half an hour for the 4 Kleenex cozies and no more than two and one-half hours for the apron.  

Here they all are together...

And, separately.

More Kleenex cozies for sister Joyce.  I am now half done with the dozen I plan to make for her.  

More's interesting how these two fabrics looked kind of blah until I was finished...and now I think they are perfect fabrics for napkins!  ~grin~

There are several ways to make napkins, and believe me, I've tried them all.  What works best for me is a single layer of cotton or linen with mitered corners.  

The apron.  Since I did not show any photos of the one I made on Sunday, I made sure I had photos of this one for your perusal.  The very first thing I made when I took sewing classes in high school was an apron.  The lessons I learned from Miss Roach have stayed with me all these years.  The old it right.  I may not be the best sewist in the world, but I do my best.  
apron tie detail
hem detail

Thus far today, I have done nothing...except look at fabric and cut for 4 more napkins.   But, that's okay.  I think today is a knitting day. 

I need to get to Hobby Lobby one day soon.  

Hope you are having a great day!

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.". Jeremiah 29:11

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Working It...(the list)

Spoiler Alert!  If you are a relative of mine and you rarely read my blog (you know who you are)...this is not the time to begin reading on a regular basis!   

So yeah...I am working away on the gifts.  

I told you yesterday that I had come up with a new list...well, I am enjoying myself far more, so I think I decided upon some winners!  

I love cloth napkins.  For two reasons.

1.)  Christmas with my Gram was always special.  A wonderful day for many, gifts, relatives, food...and because Gram brought out her good china, along with the linen tablecloths and napkins to dress the tables.  She made everything look so special.  I now have - and use - those tablecloths and napkins. 

2.)  When my sons were very young (well over 30 years ago), I decided that they needed to know there was more to the world than boys and men and rough and tough.  So, every Saturday, we had candlelight dinner...what we ate - spaghetti or steaks on the grill - wasn't the issue.  The issue was to learn how to sit at the table with grace and manners.  I made some cloth napkins to go with my fall-themed Corelle dinnerware.  It was time for the boys to learn to use something other than their shirt sleeves.  Okay, they never actually did that.  I just wanted them to know there was more than...well, whatever they thought there was.
Since that time, I've always had cloth napkins.  Didn't know I was being 'green' back then.  Just knew that it made sense to me to use something reusable.  

So.  Yesterday an apron.  Today cloth napkins.  Are you sensing a theme here?  ~grin~

And,  keeping with my vow to not purchase fabric, I am using fabric I have if there is only one napkin...that's because it's for one person and I had enough for one napkin.  Two napkins...2 people.  Well, there may occasionally be a set of 4 napkins.  We shall see what I come up with...and see what I put with these to complete the gifts.

And, honestly?  It takes me longer to decide on which fabric to use than it does to make these napkins!
one is the loneliest number...

two can be as bad as one...
And, then...a few of these.  Sister Joyce has once again requested some Kleenex tissue cozies.  I'll probably make her a dozen.  That will put the total number I have made of these over 100...using this tutorial...

I never seem to have my camera when Tag is doing something - anything - other than laying around.  So, I took my camera out when pottying him, and got a shot of him.  Course, this is the one time he wasn't looking at me. least I've proven to you that he can walk. ~grin~

 Many more gifts to sew...but probably not tonight. 

**captions under cloth napkin photos are lyrics from "One" by Three Dog Night.

 "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.". Jeremiah 29:11

Saturday, November 23, 2013

On My List...

I have a finish!  Wasn't sure I would, as I got a very late start to my sewing today.  I am so happy to have finished something that was on my gift-giving list.  woo-hoo! 

I had started a simple project a few weeks ago and just was not happy with how it was turning out, so I stopped working on it.  I did not start anything else, though...I started having second thoughts about the projects on my list for Christmas gifts.  I pretty much decided against making most of what I had planned.  Course, then I had to come up with new ideas...which was not fun...and seemed to be a very long process for some reason. 

I got it all figured out, though.  whew.  Now I will be able to move forward.  

So.  Here it apron.  It doesn't much look like an apron, does it.  But, it is!  I got it all ironed and folded to box up and got the big bow tied the way I wanted it and now I don't want to unfold it.  ~grin~  It's a half that is gathered with a waistband and long ties.  I'll show you all the details on the next one I make.  Promise. 

I should be having finishes to show you on a regular basis over the next month.  That'll be fun, hey? 

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.". Jeremiah 29:11

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Still Working....

on a few Christmas gifts.  

Jody received her box yesterday.  In it was the apron she asked me to make, modeled here by none other than herself...

The bench pad she asked me to make...

And, the quilt I made for her!  It was a surprise for her...I showed this before (here), but never told you who it was for.  Here is my niece/God-daughter, Jody Lynn, with her new quilt!

Remember this fabric that I showed way back here.  I used it for a baby quilt for Carole's new grandson.  Remember Carole?  She's the one who received this quilt.  When I heard that her daughter was expecting a baby at the end of December...and that Carole made her first goal to be here for that baby's birth, I decided to make a quilt for the baby.

Just so ya know, not everything comes easy to me.  I know there are a few of you who think so.  Not true.  This is the 4th design that I tried out for this quilt.  Not kidding!  Had the first one all done...complete quilt top done...and hated it.  Really bright!  And, just ugly.  Tried using different fabric...too boring.  Found a design that I thought would work, one that would make the best use of my fabric...made mistakes with trimming.  Had I kept going, the quilt would have been about 12" square!  haha!

It was maddening...someone did not want me to make this quilt...but I prayed and asked Kim to pray...and this is what I made.  And, by the way, I love it. 

I followed the 'zigzag quilt without piecing triangles' tutorial by AmandaJean of crazy mom quilts.  Thank you saved my life (or, at least my sanity)! 
 Measures about 35 x 41 inches.

That's all I have to show for today.  Stay tuned for the never-ending list of Christmas gifts yet to be finished!  {grin}

pssst...did I mention that one of my goals for this year is to finish sewing Christmas gifts before Christmas?  yeah.  It is a goal.  Pray for me.

Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with all thy might. - Ecclesiastes 9:10

Saturday, September 18, 2010

FNSI Results.

 My goal for last night was to make this apron.

It's a simple over the head, tie in back apron.

Have a great weekend!

Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with all thy might. - Ecclesiastes 9:10

Friday, September 17, 2010

Tonight Is...


I have one yard of fabric
from my godchild/niece, Jody.
She wants a simple apron.
That's what I'll be making tonight!
How about you?
Are you ready to sew tonight?
What will you be working on?
Click here to sign up.

Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with all thy might. - Ecclesiastes 9:10

Sunday, April 25, 2010


It doesn't quite matter what one starts, does it?  Isn't it all about what one finishes?

I don't really know the answer to that, but gosh, it sure seemed like a good lead-in to this post, which is all about what I finished this weekend.

Ready?  Here you go...

1.  Started & finished.  A reversible apron for Jesika (DIL)...she bought the fabric in January and has been waiting patiently.
2.  Started & finished.  Apron for Jasmine (granddaughter)...just because.

3.  Started & finished.  A kleenex cozy for a friend who loves dots.  I also made one for Sylvie in placemat quilt swap partner.  (yeah, I travel-size kleenex package in it.  Don't worry, there will be when I send them out.)

4.  Finished both placemats for my placemat quilt swap...I'll show them once I know they've arrived in France.  

5.  Finished reading the novel Blood Vines by Erica Spindler. 

6.  Started & finished.  Hemmed a pair of scrub pants for a coworker, but I didn't take a photo.  Cuz, you know...scrub pants.  If you've seen one pair, you've seen them all!  {grin}

7.  Started & finished.  Bathed Tag E. Butt. 
I think that's everything!  Well, besides the normal, everyday sort of things like fixing meals and taking showers and talking on the phone and doing dishes/laundry, etc., know.

And, for those of you who are wondering if the synvisc injection had any effect...I think that it did!  My knee doesn't hurt nearly as much as it has been.  I was told to not expect much until after the second injection, but it really does feel better.  So.  We shall see, hey?  

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Baking with Kaylynn...and other photos.

Yes, she is actually rolling out that cookie dough.

Yes, that is a collie...and dog bones.

Yes, she is actually frosting those cookies and
putting the sprinkles on them.

Yes, I actually let her lick the frosting off the spatula.

No, Tag did not actually help...though he wanted to.

Kaylynn enjoyed eating the fruits of her labor.

Kaylynn gathered a leafy bouquet for me.
(the sun is in her eyes...hence the scowl)

Tag & Kaylynn sitting in a pile of leaves.
A wonderful day!

Monday, October 26, 2009

Au. Then. Tic.

Ohmygosh...look what came in the mail today!!!

It's a 'just because I love you' gift from Brenis! She's such a good friend! I have lusted over this fabric since the first time I saw a photo of it in June. Saw some at the LQS when my sisters and I were there...resisted (ohman, it was difficult!) buying any. Now I have some...YAY! Thank you so much, Bren! I love you, too!! There's about a yard total...what shall I make with it??? My brain is coming up with many possibilities!
You all never saw the apron I made for myself.
This is my 'sisters weekend' gift to myself.
(actually, I don't know why I didn't take photos of the other 3 like this!)
Allegra is doing well. Had a neuro exam today and Dr. Petersen was very pleased with how she is doing. Seems to have a gag reflex...or more of one (that was like nonexistent), anyway. Said she looks good. So.
But. Took urine in to be checked for bacteria. None showed. So, no UTI? However, it showed bilirubin and glucose. Glucose??? As in Diabetes??? Weird. I'll have some bloodwork done to see what that shows. 6 weeks ago, everything was completely normal.
So, prayers are still needed for my baby girl.
Today she is very happy and yappy. YAY!!
No way am I going to tell her to be quiet. Ya know?

Sunday, May 17, 2009


Another project completed.
This is a reversible apron that Joyce (sister)
asked me to make for her DIL, Minerva.
Am loving those brightly colored peppers.

Friday, May 1, 2009

It's Friday!

Just gotta say this...although I try to live each day to the fullest and not wait for the weekends to come, I do so enjoy Fridays. No matter how much I have on my list to complete on the weekends, I just love not going to work.
(edited on 5/2 to add: okay, that 'live each day to the fullest' sounded kinda hokey. What I meant to say was this. I try to take each day as it comes and do what I am able to with it. I try not to wish the weekdays away and live only for the weekends. Though I don't often get much done on Mondays and Tuesdays, I do try to be productive the other weekday evenings. There. That sounds much better, don't you think? And, as for just always seems to be a more carefree day. Knowing that the stress and pressures are going to be absent for a few days.)


Here's what I picked up at the LQS yesterday...

Don't they look like they're sort of meant to work with each other? Well, they're actually not. These 4 pieces are for 3 (or more) different projects. Course, there will be leftovers that will be added to my that was the original plan, ya know? ha! These mottled green and red pieces are awesome! LOVE them! Nope, not thinking about anything Christmas-related at all.

And...Lookie! I do actually do something with the fabric I buy. Here's some fabric that I showed last Friday...the chocolate brown and blue pieces. I made Kim a reversible apron...finished it late last night. Course, I didn't start it until last night...ever the procrastinator. This is a rotten hoping that Kim will have her honey take a better photo that I can use. Not at all sure what that spot in the middle's not on the apron.

That's all, folks!

OH! Today is May 1! Happy May Day!

And, like you thought I'd forget??? ha!

Know what else? 4 days - count 'em - FOUR!...until the Newsboys' new album, "In The Hands of God", is in stores! onetwothreefour...FOUR days!!! Not gonna be long, now!