Showing posts with label Christmas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Christmas. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Christmas Blessings...

Wishing you all a very Blessed Christmas.

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.". Jeremiah 29:11

Monday, December 23, 2013


Believe it or not, I am almost done showing these.  Not sure why I think you need to see every single napkin I sew!  haha.


And, another Christmas apron...

I sewed a few more sets tonight...will show them tomorrow.  And, that will be it!  

We got snow today.  

I'm not sure what Tag is looking for...

It's almost Christmas.  Finally!

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.". Jeremiah 29:11

Saturday, November 23, 2013

On My List...

I have a finish!  Wasn't sure I would, as I got a very late start to my sewing today.  I am so happy to have finished something that was on my gift-giving list.  woo-hoo! 

I had started a simple project a few weeks ago and just was not happy with how it was turning out, so I stopped working on it.  I did not start anything else, though...I started having second thoughts about the projects on my list for Christmas gifts.  I pretty much decided against making most of what I had planned.  Course, then I had to come up with new ideas...which was not fun...and seemed to be a very long process for some reason. 

I got it all figured out, though.  whew.  Now I will be able to move forward.  

So.  Here it apron.  It doesn't much look like an apron, does it.  But, it is!  I got it all ironed and folded to box up and got the big bow tied the way I wanted it and now I don't want to unfold it.  ~grin~  It's a half that is gathered with a waistband and long ties.  I'll show you all the details on the next one I make.  Promise. 

I should be having finishes to show you on a regular basis over the next month.  That'll be fun, hey? 

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.". Jeremiah 29:11

Sunday, December 23, 2012

A Very White...and Handmade Christmas...

It's been over a week...I am falling down on the job, here!

My only excuse is that I have been trying to get all my Christmas gifts done and out the door to their recipients.  Almost made it...a few will be getting their gifts late.  I did my best...what's a girl to do?

Two of my grandkids have birthdays close to this time of year...Jasmine in early December and Conlan in early January.  I made separate gifts for the birthdays, too...YAY!!

Did you hear about the snow we got on Thursday?  Over 14 inches...I had two days off work...snow days.  Shoveling out my car so the plow could get the parking lot done was a challenge in and of itself.  But, with help from neighbors, it got done and all is good.  Except, I twisted my knee and have been hobbling around.  Good thing sewing doesn't take much but sitting.

The excitement is building!  Once I get another gift done and finish packaging everything to go into the mail, I will be ready to work on a few major projects!  And, I'll have a 4 day weekend next weekend, so am hoping to get a good start on at least one of them.  I will be resuming work on 'snow days'...need to make the fabric blocks, finish the stitching that extends onto those blocks and get it all put together.  Still some months to go before it's done...hoping to finish getting it all put together by spring.  The other project is the one from my dear long-distance friend, Lindy, of The Gingerbread House...a gift for my birthday last February!  The fabric collection is Curio.  I will be making this quilt...

So.  A handmade Christmas.  I had fun but would have had more fun making everything had I started earlier.  Course, I blame that on my move.  All's well that ends well, though.  Hey? are photos of most of the gifts.  I neglected to take photos of did that happen?   

I made several more of these...cannot find the photos.

I made about a thousand of these washcloths (yes, I know...many call these dishcloths, but I use them - and give them - as face or wash cloths )in various colors and patterns.  Okay.  Perhaps I only made about 2 dozen of them.  Some were with a design...birthday cake, Christmas tree ornament, football helmet and sun.  Those were fun to do and so easy...these are the best thing to work on before I leave for work and while watching tv.  Free patterns found here...

And, then.  Yesterday, sister Jill complained that 2 of the kleenex cozies she got earlier this year were plain.  Huh?  So, I made 2 more for her.  I think she will not call these plain.  What do you think?  ~grin~

And, then...just for the heck of it, I put together this little pouch for her.  Different than the ones I made for others...just something for cell phone, mp3 player...whatever she wants.  She has no idea I did this...and since she never reads my blog (shame on you, sister!) I feel safe in showing it to you, my bloggy friends.

So, a very handmade Christmas...pillowcases, zippered pouches, face/washcloths, linen napkins (no photo) and a small quilt (no photo).

Oh...and I made a little dopp bag...well, it is actually called a boxy pouch.  Oh dear...I have no idea where I found the tutorial. 

I am sure that I neglected to mention/show something.  But, you get the general idea, right?  

Have I mentioned how much I love my Naomi Janome?  She is very dependable and does whatever I ask.

And, what, pray tell, was the brown boy doing while I was doing all of this sewing and knitting?  


And this...

And more of that 'just laying around' thing.  What can one expect?  ~grin~  
I will be having a very quiet Christmas, but I am okay with that.  What are your plans?

Wishing you and yours a very Merry Christmas and a Blessed New Year!

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.". Jeremiah 29:11