Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Blessing Day

We had Azlyn blessed this past Sunday, May 2nd. It turned out to be such a nice day. The sun was out but it was still a little chilly but at least it didn't rain like it was supposed to. We got to church just as the sacrament meeting started. I tried so hard to get there early but just couldn't seem to get it all together fast enough. Luckily Dev's family saved us some seats up front. There were four baby blessing that day including us! It was crazy. We were the third ones. Luckily that gave me some time to feed her and make sure she was happy for the blessing. Dev gave her such a nice blessing. He was so emotional that you could hardly hear him, but I love that. It seems so much stronger to me when you can not only feel the emotion but hear it as well. She was awake for the blessing and just laid there staring at everyone. After the meeting we had some family and friends over to Kelly's (Devin's sister) house for a little get together with some refreshments. I can't thank Kelly enough for letting us use her place and for all of her help. Also a huge thanks to my mom and Devin's parents for getting the food for the get together. It is seriously appreciated. Also thanks to everyone that came and supported us. We love you all!

I wanted to get so many pictures. I wanted my family and Dev's family as well as four generations on both sides. I wanted to get one of all the guys that were in the circle and ones of just the kids together and yet the only ones I got were of some of my family. Even then they aren't the best because we are right in the sun so you can't see the detail on Azlyn's dress . Azlyn was also getting hungry during then so she was getting kinda fussy. Lastly Mathias really wanted NOTHING to do with pictures, it seriously took us ten minutes to get him to even look at the camera. So these are pretty much the only ones I have. I do plan on getting some more this week of Azlyn in her dress and hopefully get a few with Mathias in them.

The best we could get of our little Family.

I am so sad this is the only one I have of us together on her blessing day. I think I will try for another one this week. Sadly I didn't even get one with just her and Dev so that will be on the agenda as well.

Four generations on my side. My Grandma, me and Azlyn and my mom. I had to hold Azlyns hand down because she was trying to shove her whole fist in her mouth, she was starving by this point.

Me and my mom and Azlyn. I love how Azlyn is totally rooting in this picture.

I just thought that this was such a cute picture. This is Mathias and his little girl friend Liz playing the piano at Kelly's house during the get together.
Check back later for more pictures .

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