Thursday, May 29, 2008

"Playing Thomas Train"

We set up Mathias' train set while he was taking a nap. He was so excited to see it when he got up. He seriously played with it for hours, which for him and any normal two year old boy is a big thing in itself.

Izzie was not too sure about it. She stared at it while it went around at first then kinda started chasing it. It was pretty funny to watch.

Memorial Day

The weather was not too good on Monday so we got a sitter and went to the movies with my mom. We saw Indiana Jones. It was getting mixed reviews so we went to check it for ourselves. I thought it really was not that bad until the end, then it got a little too out there for me. Dev did not like it at all and said it was cheesy and that the stunts were pretty bad. I thought the stunts in all the movies are kinda cheesy so I guess I did not notice that as much. All in all it was good to get out but I would not see the movie again. (Dev's note: it sucked bad. Avoid it at all costs!)
After the movie we went to eat at TGI Friday's. It was very good. Thanks for hanging out with us mom, we had a great time.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Long over due get-together

After Thomas we went over to mom's house for dinner with Dylan and Emily, Kelsey and Murray, their mom Cheryl, and Dev's best friend Brian . We were going to go up the canyon but it was not the best weather for it.

It was SO nice to see these guys again. We do not hang out very often and really need to get better at it. I had such a good time talking to these girls.

Everyone was just hanging out, eating a great dinner and relaxing. Isn't that what holiday weekends are for?

Mathias absolutely loved Murray. He warmed up to him right away and they hung out for a good part of the evening.

Thanks to Brian for taking these last two picture for us. I absolutely loved getting to spend some time with you guys and we really do need to do it more often, I know we say it a lot but we really need to do it.

Of course you have to do a silly one

" Thomas Train"

** Warning, long post with a TON of pictures**

My mom took Mathias and I to Thomas the Train on Saturday. We got the earliest ride which was scheduled at 9:45. You are supposed to show up an hour early but when we got there we learned that they would not open the gates till about a half hour before. Good thing the weather held out.

Mathias was so excited. I got him up and told him that we were gonna go see Thomas the Train and so he repeated nonstop "see Thomas Train?" We got his bag packed and waited for Mema to come and get us.

When they finally opened the gates, we went straight into the train station to get warm. Mathias found lots of trains in there to keep him entertained. They finally told us that they were lining up outside.

So outside to stand in line we went . Luckily we got out pretty early and were not in the back of the line. We did not have to wait too long.

However, it was to long to wait for Mathias. The train was just on the other side of the little white chain fence and Mathias was determined to get underneath it to the train. He was growing inpatient.

Mathias Gave the guy our tickets to get on the train but was not too sure about him. I love the look on his face in this picture.

Mr. Conductor Man looking at Mathias. He loved seeing Thomas up close.

I love this picture and I totally got lucky with it. Thomas the Train was leaving and there were a ton of kids around so I hurried and tipped the camera so I just got Mathias in the picture and luckily I got it before Thomas was completely out of site.

And off goes Thomas.

There were quit a few trains around, so we ended up taking pictures with a few of them. Mathias was not too sure about sitting on these steps. I think he thought the train was gonna take off with him there.

Waving to the conductor. They had this train started but it did not go anywhere. It is the same one that he is sitting on the steps.

This is a really old train that I think just sits there. I put Mathias down by it and he was pretty surprised that he could go right up to it and touch it and such.

They had an ambulance there in case of emergencies. Mathias went right up to it as if it were no big deal. I love how he is sitting in the chair with both hands in the cup holders just chillin'.

Getting introduced to trains. The only thing Mathias knew of Thomas the Train were the books that we have. He has never been around the toys. I love the look in his face in this picture, you can just see the wheels spinning in his head.

Just a cute random picture.

The first thing we did when we got off the train was get a balloon animal. He was not too sure about this. We decided on a monkey holding a banana.

The final product.

They also had a little petting zoo part that was just mini horses and their babies. They were pretty cute. I love the expression in Mathias' face. "Look how close he is to me!"

Petting the mini horse.

We then got a Thomas tattoo. When the lady first started to put it on, he was not too sure. He started grabbing at the sponge to get her to stop. I then held down his hands and he tried to go after the sponge with his mouth. Too funny.

Checking it out for the first time. He thought it was pretty cool.

It did not last too long though. He keep checking to see if it was still there and then started picking at it.

Checking out his new toy. I got Mathias his first train track and Mema got some extra trains to put on it. He was SO excited. He kept saying "take out box"and we had to repeatedly explain to him that we have to wait till we get home.

Waiting in line for the picture.

We then got our picture taken with Sir Topham Hat. He was not to sure about him. All he would say is "hat" and point to his hat.

One last picture on our way out. It was kinda Mathias' idea. We told him that we were leaving and he said "no, train" and sat down by it.

We thought we would keep with the train theme for lunch and go to Dairy Keen. Apparently everyone else did the same thing, it was packed.

Sitting at the train table for lunch. Man, am I glad the weather turned out pretty nice for us.

All tuckered out after his long day of fun with the trains.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

rosey red cheeks

Just too cute not to post!

Sunday bike ride

We decided to go on another bike ride last Sunday. However, when we went to get our bikes out, Dev's had a flat. Mathias and I went to the park while Dev fixed it. So of course we had to swing.

We found some side walk chalk and decided to draw a few pictures. I love this picture. I wish I had the Nikon with me though, I have been a little spoiled with it. I just had the point and shoot because I don't think I can carry the Nikon and ride a bike. I can barely ride a bike with nothing to distract me.

Mathias decided he needed to help Dev check his tire and fill it with air. He feels the need to "help" a lot lately even though it probably does the opposite.

Figuring out how it works.

My mom was out of town so we rode our bikes over to her house to feed her cat, Sunshine.

On the way back to our place, we took a little detour to were they are building the office buildings across the street from our place to go and look at the tractors. Mathias loves tractors!

He also loves rocks so we had to take some time out to play in the dirt and rocks. I love this picture, it is just so classic boy.

Wait a minute, I can play in here! Mathias was not too sure what to think about this though.

He had a little toy car with him that he was playing with in the wheel. He thought it was pretty cool.

He looks so small compared to this thing! He loved being able to see it up close and inspect the whole thing.

Another picture of him playing in the dirt. I know I say it all the time but I can not believe how big he is getting!

Car show

Last Saturday we went to a car show at thanksgiving point with our friend Brian. It was a perfect day, maybe even a little too warm. There were a ton of cool cars there.

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There were a lot of old cars, some newer ones and some that people had made themselves that were very unique. These are the few pictures I got of random cars.

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Jeeps, Jeeps and more Jeeps!

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(Sorry for all of the picture grids, I just had so many pictures that I wanted to post)

These were the highlight for Mathias. First we saw the jeeps then we went right over to the old fire truck and then to the monster trucks. He was in pure heaven!

During this picture Mathias actually told me "no pictures mom". I was stunned. This was the first time he has told me not to take pictures of him.

Ok, we are the worst parents ever! Since this was the first nice weekend in over half a year we did not even think to bring sun block. His poor little knees were so red, as were the tops of his feet. We are so lucky, however, that we have the rare red heads in our family that can actually tan. His sunburn was gone and turned into a tan within three days. We sure learned our lesson though. For a day or so, he'd bump his sunburn and say "hurt" in a sad little voice.

We all actually got some sun. Dev and Mathias got matching sandal burns and my arms and nose got a bit burned. Oh well, we still had fun and are looking forward to the summer were we can do more things outside.