Showing posts with label Saints Philip and James. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Saints Philip and James. Show all posts

Thursday, July 9, 2020

Parish schools sudden closure 7.9.2020

Link to article in The Riverdale Press HERE.

St. John's, Kingsbridge Avenue
Our Lady of the Assumption, Pelham Bay.
Sts. Philip and James, East 213th St. and Boston Road.
Nativity of Our Lady, Dyre Avenue
St. Luke, East 139th Street
St. Thomas Aquinas, West Farms

The press release from the archdiocese is linked HERE.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Church within a school

As I tour The Bronx, I sometimes encounter parish schools that have a church enclosed within the school, as at St. Ann (Bainbridge Ave.), Sts. Philip and James (Boston Road), Our Savior (Washington Avenue), St. Gabriel, Christ the King, and Blessed Sacrament.  I hope to learn more about the architects that designed these buildings, which tend to have construction dates between 1900 and 1940, although there are examples newer and older.
I will label these Church Inside School.

Sts. Philip and James, Boston Road

Update, July 13, 2020 -- The church is open, the school is closed. The pastor  is Father Steven Masinde, A.J.  A relevant article from 2017 is HERE.
See pages 488 and 489 for the 1949 establishment of the parish of Saints Philip and James on Boston Road at East 213 Street. The parish address is 1160 East 213 Street, Bronx NY 10469, telephone 718-547-2203.  I neglected to take a photo of the church entrance on East 213th Street, which just around the right corner of this view from Boston Road.  The property is bounded by Boston Road, East 212 Street (to the left of this photo), Msgr. Cahill Place, and East 213 Street.
The parish and school website, offering much information,  is linked here.  The school address is also 1160 East 213 Street, Bronx NY 10469.  The school telephone is 718-882-4576.
For many years the Dominican Sisters of Blauvelt staffed the parish school. The Sisters also have a blog here.

The patrons face northwest on the school wall.  Since St. James wrote an Epistle, I presume he holds a scroll.  The parish website has biographies of each.