Showing posts with label Saint Pius V. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Saint Pius V. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

St. Pius V, East 145 St., Mott Haven

As of August 1, 2015, the Archbishop has merged this parish with that of St. Rita of Cascia at 448 College Avenue. This church no longer has regular weekly services.  

The address of St. Pius V parish was 420 East 145 St., Bronx NY 10454.  The church remains on the south side of East 145 Street, just east of Willis Avenue. According to the notice from the archdiocese, it may be used for special occasions. The above photo is from 2012. The symmetrical design is evident: a church with two towers, the rectory to the left, the convent to the right.
See page 476 for the 1906 establishment of the parish of St. Pius V. The church, according to the A.I.A. Guide designed by Anthony F. A. Schmidt (more likely Schmitt), dates from 1908. Pages 584 and 586 describe the parish and other neighborhoods half-consumed by flames in the late 1960's and 1970's. However, in 2012, the Mott Haven is busy with residents and many small stores.  Buildings have been renovated or replaced.
Michele Ghislieri was born in 1504 and served as Pope Pius V from 1566 until his death in 1572.

In January, 2012, this banner hung on the former convent.

Also, please see my post about the merged parish. The archbishop's decree of merger is linked here.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

St Rita of Cascia & St Pius V, Mott Haven

As of August 1, 2015, the parish of St. Rita of Cascia parish has absorbed the parish of St. Pius V. The parish website is linked here. The two photos below are from 2009.

See page 231 for the foundation of the parish of St Rita of Cascia in 1900. The present church was built in 1904 at College Avenue and East 145 Street. The rectory address is 448 College Ave., Bronx NY 10451, telephone 718-585-5900.
On May 24, 1900, Leo XIII canonized two saints: Rita of Cascia and Jean Baptiste de la Salle. Archbishop Michael Corrigan immediately named a new parish for each: Rita here in The Bronx, and John Baptiste de la Salle on Staten Island.

Clicking on any photo will enlarge it.

The parish website shows parishioners painting the church exterior. They did  a masterful job.

The Missionaries of Charity live, work, and pray in this parish. 
The pastor or administrator is now the pastor or administrator of the merged parish of St. Rita and St. Pius V.  However, in neither location could I find a sign acknowledging the merger.  The 2016 Official Catholic Directory lists Fr. Pablo Gonzales Maestre as administrator (or pastor?).  In turn, he is listed as a priest of the Archdiocese of Madrid as a missionary in The Bronx.  His service appears to be with the O.M.P., Obras Misionales Pontificias.
Please see my post for the parish of St. Pius V, which has no regular religious services.
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Immaculate Conception elementary school is a half-mile away at East 151st Street and Melrose Ave.