There are so many things that I don't want to forget about this time in our lives. I am the busiest I have ever been in my life. Things seem to snowball into crazy so fast with four young kids, one day bleeding into another until you forget what day it is entirely. Case in point? My baby is a month old already and I am just now putting up his newborn pictures.
It was a struggle just to find quiet moments just to take these pictures. I remember it being so much easier with the girls to find moments of peace to take pictures. I remember there actually being moments of peace to find.
Owen is pretty easy. He eats, sleeps, and poops. He poops a lot.
I want to remember that though. That he pooped a lot. That he has the saddest little high pitched girlie cry. His cry makes me smile, though I probably shouldn't find it amusing that my only son has a girlie squeal of a cry. But I do.
I want remember his crazy long feet and toes. His wicked long fingers.
I really hope he grows into these suckers.
I love the faces he makes.
And how he looks like the girls...but still like a boy.
I want to remember how noisy he is when he eats. And sleeps.
And how much he loves to cuddle with me at night.
I want to remember how much my girls love him. How they have adapted better than Brady and I to having him around all the time. Like he has been here all along.
I want to remember how much he reminds me of his sister Rory. She too was little and long. She still is and probably always will be.
I want to remember how good Cadence is with her siblings.
How ready she is to help me when I need it. And how she is way to grown up.
I want to remember how silly Rory is. How much she loves us all.
How excited she is to have a little brother.
I want to remember how fun 16 month olds are. How sweet and crazy Beckah is.
How she has accepted her little brother with no jealousy, only love. How quickly she learned to say his name. Almost as quickly as she learned to say cookie. How curious she is about everything. How she loves to be rocked to sleep.
These are Beckah's huge feet next to a three week old Owen...
Owen you have changed us. When I first found out you were coming to our home I was overwhelmed. Scared. With your arrival you have brought chaos, yes, but you have also given our home a sense of completeness that we didn't know we wanted. That we didn't know we needed. I feel a wholeness to our home now that wasn't here before. I am so grateful. For you. I love you. We all do.
We can't wait to watch you grow up.