Friday, January 3, 2014

New blog...

This blog has exceeded it's picture capacity so I started a new one.  I will leave this one up so everyone can see our past.  :o)  New blog is

Hope to see you there!!

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Rory's First day of Pre-School!

Today was Rory's first day of Pre-School.  She missed the cut off for Kindergarten by a month or so, so we decided she should go to pre-school this year.  She was REALLY excited about school and totally loves her teacher and class mates!

Rory's 5 year stats

Rory weighs 32 pounds and was 41 1/2 inches tall!

Monday, September 2, 2013

Happy Birthday Rory!

Rory today you are 5!  I can't believe how fast these five years have gone.  Not so long ago you were a tiny little baby, with floppy ears, and the cutest dimpled chin.  Now you are a big girl who likes to keep us all on our toes.  

Right now I love how much you care about your brother and sisters.  I love that you copy everything Cadence does, much to her irritation.  I love that you let Beckah beat you when you play games so she won't cry.  I love that you are always trying to help Owen do things he probably shouldn't be doing.  

I love that you make up silly songs all the time and love to dance to any and all music.  I love that you are loving gymnastics.  That you are good at it.  That it is your "thing."  I love that you want to be a polar bear veterinarian AND a pop star when you grow up.  If anyone can do it all you can babe!  

I love your little voice and your little pixie face.  You still have those floppy ears and that adorable chin.  I love your beautiful brown eyes that are shaped just like your Daddy's eyes.  I love your crazy long hair.  

I love that you are excited to go to school and be a big girl.  I love that you aren't afraid to do new things.  

I just love you.  Everything about you.  

Happy Birthday Rory!

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Rory's Birthday Party!

Rory had an awesome Birthday!  She always asks for the craziest stuff for her party.  This year it was a polar bear cake.  Polar bears are her favorite thing right now.  I'm glad that she told me a month before her party that she wanted the polar bear because finding something to copy wasn't easy.  Not that many polar bear cakes out there that were cute.  But I finally found one!  I thought it would be harder than it was.  Pretty much I cooked the cake in a Pyrex bowl to make the head and used a few cupcakes to make the nose and paws.  Then all I had to do was dirty ice it and put on the fondant.  I did build up parts of it with frosting to be just the right shape I wanted.  Rory was super happy with how it turned out!

We had lots of snack type foods, our sprinklers set up in the yard since it was hot out, and of course a pinata.  Rory loves a pinata. LOL

We had such a great time with everyone who came to celebrate with us!  

Friday, August 23, 2013

He walks!

He has been walking for a week or so now, but the last few days he has ONLY walked.  No crawling anymore.  I'm sad because it means the baby days are over.  I'm happy because, well, HE'S WALKING! And it's so freaking cute!

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

First Day of 2nd Grade!

Where is the time going??  I have a 2nd grader!!  What??????

I totally forgot to take these in front of our house (our grass is actually green lol) but I remembered to take them before she got to school!  

After we started to walk back home Beckah started to cry saying we had to go back and get Cadence because she missed her to much.  I have a feeling it's going to be tough when Rory goes to preschool in a couple weeks.  

I'm so proud of Cadence!  She is growing up to be such a wonderful young woman and I am so thankful that the Lord sent her to our home.  I look forward to seeing how she will learn and grow this year!